New twitter hate speech chief is a Trump hating leftist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The woman selected to help Twitter develop an algorithm which targets “hate speech” is a hardcore leftist who hates Donald Trump.

New Twitter “Hate Speech” Chief is a Trump-Hating Leftist

Oh and we should be shocked no surprise there just looking at her she looks like a typical mentally challenged leftist who would go off on someone like the ANTIFA oh yeah that's right you all act the same.
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?
Come join. If you don't like it you can always leave and they will disable your account no problem. I am there I just don't post much.
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?

No. Nothing so obviously banal and fake. The want-to-be far radical Right imitates something they never understood in all its full historical terror, which leads to local disturbance racism, when cultural and ideological social philosophies collide head on and go to war. Incompatible philosophies and cultures are the true enemies of civilization to be feared, not race. If race were the true demon of the Ages, no two men of different skin color could ever co-exist without killing each other.

What it all does make me consider as potentially attractive alternative is a democratic feudalism with elected nobility, candidate eligibility based on merit of honesty and belief rather than wealth or network, and untouchable, self-policing, citizen rights. Citizens control agriculture and industry, elected nobles manage outer defense and infrastructure maintenance of their demesnes and raise armies from the citizenry in time of strife. Citizens trade with each other, tax each other at a rate they vote for, and societal culture is based on traditional family structure. Individual communities can self-organize their economic and leadership structures--so long as they function for the common good--into hunter/gatherer agricultural ones if they so choose.
Interesting conservatives get upset about so called Twitter censoring, but are perfectly fine with the POTUS trying to suppress the free press.
Interesting conservatives get upset about so called Twitter censoring, but are perfectly fine with the POTUS trying to suppress the free press.

ROTFLMAO!!!! FREE PRESS???? Are you fucking kidding me??????

In other words...if I am going to be accused of something..I may as well be guilty of it,no? And if I am going to be attacked at the market or in front of a shop or just expressing my opinion that does not coincide with a in-yer-face liberal who wants to hit me or spit in my face or worse....shoot me or stab me while wearing a mask....why wouldn't I want to go to a place where I feel more safe in the skin I was born with?

That's my thoughts anyway. And yes..I am half assed ashamed to even say such things. But...lately...with the way the USA is now and the vids and news etc showing this hate and nastiness.....
And furthermore....y'all take usmb for granted. Try looking for a new place that lets you be you....and not get yer ass banned. You don't realize what you have until you lose it. (you as in general *you* ). I am thankful I can be here cuz at least here....I am ALLOWED to be me. To a certain extent of course. :D
The woman selected to help Twitter develop an algorithm which targets “hate speech” is a hardcore leftist who hates Donald Trump.

New Twitter “Hate Speech” Chief is a Trump-Hating Leftist

Oh and we should be shocked no surprise there just looking at her she looks like a typical mentally challenged leftist who would go off on someone like the ANTIFA oh yeah that's right you all act the same.
When it comes to Trump -- you have ZERO gag reflex
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?
Stormfront will definitely welcome you -- that is how your grow the resistance
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?
Stormfront will definitely welcome you -- that is how your grow the resistance

Who hangs out at Storm Front except closeted fags?
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?
Stormfront will definitely welcome you -- that is how your grow the resistance

Who hangs out at Storm Front except closeted fags?
I dunno. Never been there except to do a quick browse and left in a hurry. I said...maybe its time I do what blacks do. Have a gang of whites to hang out with and be all angry and shit.
I don't know if I should admit it or even state it but....the more I am accused of being a Nazi or a Russian sympathizer..the more I want to check out Stormfront. I wonder if others are battling these thoughts as well?
Stormfront will definitely welcome you -- that is how your grow the resistance

Who hangs out at Storm Front except closeted fags?
I dunno. Never been there except to do a quick browse and left in a hurry. I said...maybe its time I do what blacks do. Have a gang of whites to hang out with and be all angry and shit.

You do understand that "gangs of whites" hanging out and being all angry and shit pre-dates any perceived "black gang" you can think of right?

and didn't do a quick browse and left in a hurry -- stop dipping your toe in the pool of white supremacists and dive in already...

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