News From Samuel Jackson's Asylum Country Of Choice


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
Sammy L. 'the racist' Jackson, racist actor and 'activist', loves this country over the U.S., but still hasn't fled there yet for some reason.

2nd story down on page.

Model gets death threats for backing Israel, apologizes
‘We’re called scum, rats, pigs’: S. Africa’s Jews protest soaring anti-Semitism
Community head: Anti-Israel sentiment spilling over into 'hateful slurs' against Jews: We're being warned our time is coming, and told Holocaust will be a picnic by comparison

Ultra-Orthodox growth has reversed UK Jewish population decline, study finds
What is going on in South Africa is being ignored by the left.
They can never acknowledge that blacks can be and in fact are ultra racists that despise whites and won’t hesitate to persecute and eventually destroy them.
Liberals only protest in America because it's easy. They are protected under the 1st Amendment, the country elected a black president and Trump ISN'T a racist. They're simply making false accusation for political expediency. It's disgusting actually. They never say one world about this horrible shit in other countries.
they are always called ''activists'' ....hahahahaha --when they really are racists/haters
Modern South Africa was founded by the leadership of the ANC lead by Nelson Mandela.

The ANC was a hard core radical terrorist Communist political organization that was funded and supplied with weapons by the Soviet Union.

Which is why the western Liberal's adore and worship them. .... :cool:
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Liberals only protest in America because it's easy. They are protected under the 1st Amendment, the country elected a black president and Trump ISN'T a racist. They're simply making false accusation for political expediency. It's disgusting actually. They never say one world about this horrible shit in other countries.

We should share their Special Wonderfulness with the rest of the world, and deport them to such places as South Africa. I for one would love reading their letters back to us detailing all their great victories and achievements in Diversity and Freedom around the globe.
Liberals only protest in America because it's easy. They are protected under the 1st Amendment, the country elected a black president and Trump ISN'T a racist. They're simply making false accusation for political expediency. It's disgusting actually. They never say one world about this horrible shit in other countries.

We should share their Special Wonderfulness with the rest of the world, and deport them to such places as South Africa. I for one would love reading their letters back to us detailing all their great victories and achievements in Diversity and Freedom around the globe.

I agree. They can start the countries where women aren't treated as equals.
Picaro said:
We should share their Special Wonderfulness with the rest of the world, and deport them to such places as South Africa. I for one would love reading their letters back to us detailing all their great victories and achievements in Diversity and Freedom around the globe.
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