Nobel Prize Obama: WAR in the graveyard for Americans (Iraq) long term

Iraq, a war started by the GOP and backed by dems.,,Your generation? Why are you not in uniform if it's yours? It's easier to be a coward at the keyboard than a ground pounder in the Marines..
Moonbat wants to relive past history in order to avoid the sad and pathetic truth of his messiah who is nothing more than a THUG..
Iraq, a war started by the GOP and backed by dems.,,Your generation? Why are you not in uniform if it's yours? It's easier to be a coward at the keyboard than a ground pounder in the Marines..
Get a grip MoonGoon..........:cuckoo:
Iraq has become my generation's Vietnam.. Rinse and repeat.
Vietnam eh? An interesting example, a war we spent a ton on, killed lots of people fighting, and in the end lost. And what do you know, it didn't matter a fucking damn in the end...
Moonbat wants to relive past history in order to avoid the sad and pathetic truth of his messiah who is nothing more than a THUG..

I was in the Army under the thug Ronald Reagan.....You, not so much as a fart to serve your nation...


We have no business invading Iraq..NONE..
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Iraq has become my generation's Vietnam.. Rinse and repeat.
Vietnam eh? An interesting example, a war we spent a ton on, killed lots of people fighting, and in the end lost. And what do you know, it didn't matter a fucking damn in the end...

President Obama was right all along:

Transcript: Obama's Speech Against The Iraq War : NPR
What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics

Video of Obama claiming success in Iraq

The Obama-Bush Doctrine
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If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...
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What"s even better is seeing the right take down Bush in one instance, and claim he was no republican...
If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

You're truly a partisan idiot.. YOUR BOY just sent Americans back in to Iraq.. NO ONE ELSE DID THAT you stupid fuck.

Once again, note both Obama and Biden in this video saying over and over, "Not 10,000 troops, or 20k, not even 50k troops will make a difference in Iraq."

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It's a dirty mess to begin with, but you people will bitch if oil rises and oblama does nothing, now that he has committed the US to intervene you bitch about that also. I believe you'd bitch if you shat golden nuggets...
If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

You're truly a partisan idiot.. YOUR BOY just sent Americans back in to Iraq.. NO ONE ELSE DID THAT you stupid fuck.

He's not my boy, they are not presidents of our nation...And if the issue did not need troops I'd be happier, but that is not the fact of the matter...
Obama needs a bump in the polls in order to help push the 2014 elections.

That is why he is once again leading from behind.
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One of the only things Obama has done right is get us out of Iraq, and even that was just following the timeline Bush had set. Now he wants long term airstrikes? If the Iraqi government can't stand on it's own by now then there is no hope for them. Stop wasting money on this losing battle.

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