Nobel Prize Obama: WAR in the graveyard for Americans (Iraq) long term

If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

Speaking of the Iraqi Army, where the fuck are there? We haven;t heard a word about them.
After we spent years and billions of dollars training and equipping them, they have yet to be seen. They are even a bigger failure than our attempt at training the South Vietnamese to fight for their own democracy.
If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

Speaking of the Iraqi Army, where the fuck are there? We haven;t heard a word about them.
After we spent years and billions of dollars training and equipping them, they have yet to be seen. They are even a bigger failure than our attempt at training the South Vietnamese to fight for their own democracy.

Absolutely right.. the insanity of the Bush-Obama doctrine is mind boggling..
LadyG, why not take more direct action and offer to serve as a human shield for ISIS? If protecting them from the evil Obama is that important to you, you should put yourself on the line.
If the Iraqi government can't stand on it's own by now then there is no hope for them. Stop wasting money on this losing battle.

I wish we would use this standard for all governments in the mid east. Any money spent over there is wasted.
Obama: Iraq Airstrikes Not Slippery Slope To Other Humanitarian Interventions
News in Brief • war • barack obama • News • ISSUE 50•31 • Aug 8, 2014

WASHINGTON—In an effort to reassure a weary American public, President Obama said Friday that his decision to authorize airstrikes to protect Iraqi Kurds and besieged Yazidi minorities was not the beginning of a slippery slope toward other humanitarian interventions. “Many are concerned that these strikes could lead to responding in a compassionate, principled manner to a host of other crises in the world, but I cannot and will not permit that to happen,” the president said at a press conference, emphasizing that the strike would not deteriorate into involvement on behalf of other oppressed peoples anywhere else on the globe. “As commander-in-chief, I can assure the American people that this is a limited-scale mission of mercy that will in no way take us down the road to stepping in on behalf of other persecuted groups. Nobody wants that.” At press time, polls suggested that the U.S. populace was divided on the airstrikes, and even supporters worried that humanitarian interventions had a way of getting out of hand.

Obama: Iraq Airstrikes Not Slippery Slope To Other Humanitarian Interventions | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

Speaking of the Iraqi Army, where the fuck are there? We haven;t heard a word about them.
After we spent years and billions of dollars training and equipping them, they have yet to be seen. They are even a bigger failure than our attempt at training the South Vietnamese to fight for their own democracy.

Iraqi army airstrike on Islamic State group kills 60 suspected militants, state TV says

Iraqi army airstrike on Islamic State group kills 60 suspected militants, state TV says | National Post
If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

Speaking of the Iraqi Army, where the fuck are there? We haven;t heard a word about them.
After we spent years and billions of dollars training and equipping them, they have yet to be seen. They are even a bigger failure than our attempt at training the South Vietnamese to fight for their own democracy.

Iraqi army airstrike on Islamic State group kills 60 suspected militants, state TV says

Iraqi army airstrike on Islamic State group kills 60 suspected militants, state TV says | National Post

Ok so where was the Iraqi-army air force been hiding the last few months while ISIS has been making major gains? Very convenient for them to come out of hiding now that the US is back, not to mention a bit too suspicious.
Speaking of the Iraqi Army, where the fuck are there? We haven;t heard a word about them.
After we spent years and billions of dollars training and equipping them, they have yet to be seen. They are even a bigger failure than our attempt at training the South Vietnamese to fight for their own democracy.

Iraqi army airstrike on Islamic State group kills 60 suspected militants, state TV says

Iraqi army airstrike on Islamic State group kills 60 suspected militants, state TV says | National Post

Ok so where was the Iraqi-army air force been hiding the last few months while ISIS has been making major gains? Very convenient for them to come out of hiding now that the US is back, not to mention a bit too suspicious.

The Iraqi army is much stronger than ISIS, but it’s also kind of a mess


But the Iraqi army is also a total mess, which explains why ISIS has had the success it's had despite being dramatically outnumbered.

Take ISIS' victory in Mosul. Thirty-thousand Iraqi troops ran from 800 ISIS fighters. Those are 40:1 odds! Yet Iraqi troops ran because they simply didn't want to fight and die for this government. There had been hundreds of desertions per month for months prior to the events of June 10th. The escalation with ISIS is, of course, making it worse.

Sectarianism also plays a role here. The Iraqi army is mixed Sunni-Shia, and "it appears that the Iraqi Army is cleaving along sectarian lines," Yale University insurgency expert Jason Lyall said. "The willingness of Sunni soldiers to fight to retake Mosul appears limited." This makes some sense out of the Mosul rout: some Sunni Muslims don't really want to fight other Sunnis in the name of a government that oppresses them.

This suggests a natural limit to ISIS' expansion. Mosul is a mostly Sunni city, but military resistance will be much stiffer in Shia areas. ISIS needs to stick to Sunni land if it doesn't want to overreach.

The Iraqi army is much stronger than ISIS, but it?s also kind of a mess - 16 things about ISIS and Iraq you need to know - Vox
If all the billions wasted on training the Iraqi Army to stand on it's own wasn't enough, you have a despotic leader in Iraq that ruined their chances at self determination and defence, but blame Oblama, it's all the right has...

yep, Bu$h II backed Malaki the entire time & all Malaki has done is divide the country. Thanks for LGS's vietraq started by chickenhawk Republicans.

ANOTHER THREAD OF LGS's that belongs in the kiddy pool.
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Obama recently got his ass soundly kicked by Putin.

So he is trying to shed that sissy image by ordering a few bombs be dropped in Iraq.

In reality it's just a PR stunt before the upcoming elections. .... :cool:
Seriously, it was only a few air assets, some just to deliver aid, and repubs are saying 44 re-ignited vietraq :rolleyes:

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