Not at all surprising that Scotus turned to Jello

They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.
Why would they all be looking to dismiss? If there was ample evidence and Trump could get another 4 years then why wouldn’t they push forward?. It clearly fits their agenda better with 6-3 conservative court. Problem is when you don’t have evidence you can’t fake it in court like Trump is doing in the media. He is simply playing the suckers like yourself. I can’t believe people are actually buying into Trumps crap. It’s soooo transparent

I am a mathematician..... I watched 1x10^15 to 1 odds get beat in Pennsylvania that me this is not either false nor is it a conspiracy theory..... there is no question that an Algorithm was used to manage the vote counts. Your characterization of the court as a 6-3 conservative body is only a childish's more like a 7-2 moderate court with a few hard left justices for extra measure. Barrett is not what people think she is....i pointed that out before she was confirmed. She is a brilliant jurist no doubt but anyone who speaks of George Floyd's death as a murder is retarded. I believe the justices were terrified of something and that they veered away from what they knew to be right.

What variant of a radical did you use in your calculations?
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.
Why would they all be looking to dismiss? If there was ample evidence and Trump could get another 4 years then why wouldn’t they push forward?. It clearly fits their agenda better with 6-3 conservative court. Problem is when you don’t have evidence you can’t fake it in court like Trump is doing in the media. He is simply playing the suckers like yourself. I can’t believe people are actually buying into Trumps crap. It’s soooo transparent

I am a mathematician..... I watched 1x10^15 to 1 odds get beat in Pennsylvania that me this is not either false nor is it a conspiracy theory..... there is no question that an Algorithm was used to manage the vote counts. Your characterization of the court as a 6-3 conservative body is only a childish's more like a 7-2 moderate court with a few hard left justices for extra measure. Barrett is not what people think she is....i pointed that out before she was confirmed. She is a brilliant jurist no doubt but anyone who speaks of George Floyd's death as a murder is retarded. I believe the justices were terrified of something and that they veered away from what they knew to be right.

What variant of a radical did you use in your calculations?

It's not a root problem, and exponential problem nor an expression is a statistical outlay in standard distribution where the N value falls nearly to the 99.99 percentile in the outlier. That outlier is the highly improbable ( granted not impossible because nothing ever is actually impossible) reversal of an 800,000 vote lead from Trump to Biden in just six hours between 11pm and 5 am that night where hundreds of thousands of votes were jammed into the system at a rate of at least 16 to 1 for a span of approximately the next 1.5 million votes received. This is a direct challenge to the Empirical data averages ( 65..99..99.7) unlike anything I have ever seen in the realm of human dealings. Numbers like that are only found in astronomy. The likely hood of that actually happening and the time frame combined puts this in a scandalous 99.9999999 position on the distribution
outlay. If you have another example of such an outlay I would be very interested to see it...along with the math.
Coming soon to a message board near you...
The usual snide, out of context, remark by Moonglow.

He is either a major in math or has some kind of higher education in the subject....It was a clever question trying to discern if I was just blowing smoke. While the statistical outlay is rich with exponents....there would be no real reason to extract the roots of anything to see the improbabilities. Much of the quadrillion number mentioned by some obscure economist is no doubt based on biased assumptions to some extent.....but even if you knocked six zeroes off of this thing it still defies the empirical boundaries which to my knowledge have never featured an outlier of that magnitude in anything related to human experiences. If there is one....i would love to see it because it would be akin to a golfer hitting a hole in one three times in a row on the same day.....or some lucky Schmutz winning the Powerball three months in a row. People would take notice for sure.
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.

Or the so called evidence was so damn pathetic, they thought why should they waste the taxpayers money looking at a sore loser's frivolous lawsuits.
That's why the suits are being tossed on procedural grounds.

Fucking dope.
Why is that happening?

So in other words, the six conservative justices let themselves be bullied by the three liberal ones?

Well..... I think they all saw the possibility of mass insurrection yes. Bullied? I can't picture either Sotomayor or Kagan playing that role. But I can picture Roberts losing his shit over what he perceived to be a Christmas party invitation killer.... Who can say..... if they had taken the case and half the nation broke out in armed rioting with bodies piling up in the streets maybe we would have blamed them for that.....dunno. In the final analysis they backed away from it in fear IMO.

Gee, nobody saw it coming that you'd have to toss Trump's Supreme Court under the bus.

Oh wait...someone did back in November:

Can't wait until the OP and other Trumpers have to toss the Supreme Court under the bus.

:abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

Do your homework. First of all I thought that the lawsuit was in the wrong courtroom. SCOTUS does not do criminal law they do procedural ruling. I still think they cowed out on this one though. Unfortunately for Texas they too have had their legislature over-ridden here and there by their own state courts so the SCOTUS may have been saying that they cannot sue somebody for something they have also done. The suit was not written properly IMO.

They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.
Why would they all be looking to dismiss? If there was ample evidence and Trump could get another 4 years then why wouldn’t they push forward?. It clearly fits their agenda better with 6-3 conservative court. Problem is when you don’t have evidence you can’t fake it in court like Trump is doing in the media. He is simply playing the suckers like yourself. I can’t believe people are actually buying into Trumps crap. It’s soooo transparent

I am a mathematician..... I watched 1x10^15 to 1 odds get beat in Pennsylvania that me this is not either false nor is it a conspiracy theory..... there is no question that an Algorithm was used to manage the vote counts. Your characterization of the court as a 6-3 conservative body is only a childish's more like a 7-2 moderate court with a few hard left justices for extra measure. Barrett is not what people think she is....i pointed that out before she was confirmed. She is a brilliant jurist no doubt but anyone who speaks of George Floyd's death as a murder is retarded. I believe the justices were terrified of something and that they veered away from what they knew to be right.

Haha, nice one! there were a few points in there that literally made me laugh out loud. Please tell me though, we’re you joking or trying to be serious?

I am a mathematician..... I watched 1x10^15 to 1 odds get beat in Pennsylvania that me this is not either false nor is it a conspiracy theory..... there is no question that an Algorithm was used to manage the vote counts. Your characterization of the court as a 6-3 conservative body is only a childish's more like a 7-2 moderate court with a few hard left justices for extra measure. Barrett is not what people think she is....i pointed that out before she was confirmed. She is a brilliant jurist no doubt but anyone who speaks of George Floyd's death as a murder is retarded. I believe the justices were terrified of something and that they veered away from what they knew to be right.

I've been watching the elections with fascination for the stats and numbers since the '80s.

3 Nov was the first time that the counts were stopped at the nearly exact point that states have been traditionally called...All four eastern states were well into the 80+% reporting total, with statistically insurmountable leads for Trump, when the vote counting was suspended.

If this had happened to Hillary......
You do understand that we’re are in a pandemic. And we had historical voter turnout out... And historical mail ins coming from the Dems. It doesn’t sound like your math skills are two great, you’ve exclude three very important factors.
They're all looking for the most convenient procedural excuse to dismiss, so they don't have to look at the evidence that they couldn't deny.

Either cowards or complicit.

This has nothing to do with SCOTUS refusing to look at supposedly undeniable evidence. The idea that one state can sue another one challenging the defendant state's creation and application of its own laws turns the U.S. Constitution upside down. It cannot be done. This idea also blows out of the water any "state's rights" argument that reasonably could be made with regard to other issues.

There have been multiple opportunities to present this "evidence" to which you refer in court, but it was not.

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