Nothing says patriotism and family values like Republican leadership


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Nothing says patriotism and family values like Republican leadership

One must watch out for any profe$$ional politician$ that are associated with the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP). The RNC/DNC, D.istrict of C.orruption gang have been sleeping together in the same bed since @ least the Woody Woodpecker Wilson administration. One needs to evaluate the candidates standing for office on a one on one basis rather than voting by political party affiliation. Tragically it's a lot like betting @ a roulette table that one can land an elected official that is Constitutionally versed & not in it for just the $$$$$.
Your stuttering fuck had more deferments than any of them... count 'em..... 6.... for "childhood asthma", something that doesn't show up on x-rays (like bone spurs).... "childhood asthma" is on the 'honor system'.... and we all know how honorable Robert L Peters is.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: .... did I mention he had 6 deferments?

Not one of them raped their 11-year old daughter in the shower. That's a box that's rarely checked. :laughing0301:

None of them extorted $150 Million from foreign countries, none of them had 22 shell companies, none of them had 172 SARs (Suspicious Activity Reports) sent to law enforcement from the international banking community, and you're gonna love this one - none of them spawned a crackhead serial rapist that was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was cold, until he was caught molesting his dead brother's 14-year daughter.... got a "foot job" from her and that crossed some kind of line this covey of sub-human shit apparently has. Did I mention she was 14?

Yeah, we all really should be more like the bribens.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Ashley, you look freshly showered!


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