#NotOneMore: A father's passion plea turned into online rallying cry for gun control

Let's see. We have a largely absent father. We have a son with a mental diagnosis undergoing treatment. We have a son who is socially dysfunctional, self entitled, and resentful that he can't get laid. We have a son who then goes on a killing spree, the majority of deaths caused by something other than a gun.

And all of this is the NRA's fault??

There are already laws in place that would have prevented this. But the mental health professionals do not want to report their patients to the system that feeds data to the background check system.
The background check system would not have helped the three stabbed to death or the ones Rodger hit with his car.
The background check system would not have helped the three stabbed to death or the ones Rodger hit with his car.

for the life of me I can't understand how these people DON'T get this?
they just use every shooting like this for their own agenda
I can only imagine the anguish the father of the victim is going through.

But one of the things that makes laws work is that they are not based on emotional pleas of the victims or their families.
#we need more mentalhealth reform in the us and less guncontrol
Richard Martinez is right... "Enough is enough!"

Father's Plea Spurs Online Campaign for Gun Control

A father's passionate plea to lawmakers has turned into an online rallying cry for gun control advocates.

"How many other people are going to have to die in this situation before something is done?" Martinez asked a crowd of more than 18,000 at a rally Tuesday. "Life doesn't have to be like this. It is just intolerable.

"Later, Martinez led the crowd in a chant of "Not One More" and asked the students to begin tweeting it. He also encouraged everyone to reach out to local, state, and national officials.
"Venezuala’s gun laws are the dream of every Gun Control Activist: One gun per lifetime, mag capacity, fixed number of ammunition a year, background checks with psychological examinations, no reloading of ammunition, gun confiscation at any time without due process or *reason, etc. And I forgot, there has been no legal firearm sales for almost 2 years after the importation of firearms for civilian use was shut down and very few gun stores that existed were ordered to shut down.

Criminals are still getting their guns apparently, and one source has been cops murdered just to get their weapons. I don’t have the latest stats but by October, 69 of them had been ambushed and killed for their sidearms. *Those numbers do not include the members of the Venezuelan National Guard that act as the equivalent of State Police & Border Patrol. *To give you an idea, LEO deaths by gunfire in the US till today are tallied at 31. Venezuela’s number is more than double but the country has less than one tenth the population of the United States or the equivalent of Texas. *The Lone Star State had a rate of 4.4 murders per 100,000 people and God knows how many guns per Texan (at least one per person making it close to 30 million), four LEOs killed and “lax” gun control laws. *Now compare it with Venezuela’s 79 murders*per 100,000 people, 69 cops killed (till October) and an estimated 5 million guns in civilian hands under strict government regulation."

Venezuela: Best Gun Control Laws in the World so Violence is Down?.not really. | Gun Free Zone
And how pathetic they just don't care about the 3 STABBED to death by this mentally ill person. oh no it's all about, guns guns guns

HE should've been in a mental hospital in order not to hurt anyone.... instead he was still in Society

Put your blame where it should be and stop using this man's grief for your own agendas

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.
And how pathetic they just don't care about the 3 STABBED to death by this mentally ill person. oh no it's all about, guns guns guns

HE should've been in a mental hospital in order not to hurt anyone.... instead he was still in Society

Put your blame where it should be and stop using this man's grief for your own agendas

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.
And how pathetic they just don't care about the 3 STABBED to death by this mentally ill person. oh no it's all about, guns guns guns

HE should've been in a mental hospital in order not to hurt anyone.... instead he was still in Society

Put your blame where it should be and stop using this man's grief for your own agendas

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

It is odd that you take issue with the idea of taking away the rights of a lunatic individual, but seem to have none about taking away (or abridging) the rights of 300 million who have done no wrong.
And how pathetic they just don't care about the 3 STABBED to death by this mentally ill person. oh no it's all about, guns guns guns

HE should've been in a mental hospital in order not to hurt anyone.... instead he was still in Society

Put your blame where it should be and stop using this man's grief for your own agendas

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

It is odd that you take issue with the idea of taking away the rights of a lunatic individual, but seem to have none about taking away (or abridging) the rights of 300 million who have done no wrong.

You don't know my stance on guns now do you?
I just found it interesting what is more important to people.

Striping the 4th affects everyone in this nation as well. So using that as an argument is weak.
And how pathetic they just don't care about the 3 STABBED to death by this mentally ill person. oh no it's all about, guns guns guns

HE should've been in a mental hospital in order not to hurt anyone.... instead he was still in Society

Put your blame where it should be and stop using this man's grief for your own agendas

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.

Agreed....he should have been denied instantly.
And how pathetic they just don't care about the 3 STABBED to death by this mentally ill person. oh no it's all about, guns guns guns

HE should've been in a mental hospital in order not to hurt anyone.... instead he was still in Society

Put your blame where it should be and stop using this man's grief for your own agendas

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.

He was in therapy because he was a spoiled manlet with a serious entitlement attitude.

His parents did that to him.
You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

It is odd that you take issue with the idea of taking away the rights of a lunatic individual, but seem to have none about taking away (or abridging) the rights of 300 million who have done no wrong.

You don't know my stance on guns now do you?
I just found it interesting what is more important to people.

Striping the 4th affects everyone in this nation as well. So using that as an argument is weak.

No, I don't know your stance on guns. You are correct.

As for the 4th Amendment, the rights of the mentally ill are removed on a regular basis (depending on the type and scope of the mental illness). Given what the family knew about this kid, and what his therapists probably knew, removing his rights would have been logical. But there is no evidence that any steps were taken.
You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.

He was in therapy because he was a spoiled manlet with a serious entitlement attitude.

His parents did that to him.

Is that your professional opinion?

Obviously there was a LOT more wrong than that. I have known plenty of guys who have a serious entitlement attitude. None of them murdered 8 people.
According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.

He was in therapy because he was a spoiled manlet with a serious entitlement attitude.

His parents did that to him.

Is that your professional opinion?

Obviously there was a LOT more wrong than that. I have known plenty of guys who have a serious entitlement attitude. None of them murdered 8 people.

Here is an excellent and spot on analysis of the twerp:

The Psychosis Of The Effeminate Male

May 26, 2014 by CH

Elliot Rodger, a 22-year-old mixed race Millennial “here’s why that’s a problem” son of a Chinese woman and a father with a psychopath’s thousand yard stare who was an assistant director for the Hunger Game movie, went on a shooting spree that left four men and two women dead, after which he self-delivered behind the wheel of his BMW.

The rampage is newsworthy in and of itself, but what’s really catapulted it in the public imagination is the killer’s “manifesto“, and the discovery that he was a member of an internet forum called “PUAHate”, which is a homoerotic playground for shut-ins with zero experience saying “hi” to girls, who post epic rants disparaging pickup artists and game and spend inordinate mental energy analyzing the facial measurements of various men in the apparent belief that no man who doesn’t look like George Clooney could ever get laid and should therefore not bother trying to meet women.


From what I can glean, Elliot Rodger failed with women because he was a social retard. That’s pretty much all there is to it. News stories say he was on meds for asperger’s, and was in therapy. Social retardation diseases like any of the autism spectrum disorders are kryptonite to girls; no behavioral or physical defect is as debilitating to a man’s chances in the sexual market. Proof of his social awkwardness and total lack of anything remotely resembling game is right there in his long-form diary: He thought that “putting himself out there” with girls was sitting on a park bench like Aqualung. That making a serious move on a girl was quickly muttering “hi” as he stumbled past her, later delirious with rage that she didn’t reciprocate with an equally prompt blowjob. That bumping into an Asian dude talking to a cute chick, and glaring at them with his twisted angry face, was acting “cocky and arrogant”. That his effeminate passivity and lack of proactive engagement with women was evidence that they were “ignoring” him.

No, Elliot Rodger was not a failed pickup artist; he was failed human being. A sexless beta male who, stirred and shaken by a lethal cocktail of life circumstances, racial grievance, mental illness, and morbid narcissism that stunted his development into adulthood and compelled him to prefer morose martyrdom to active efforts at self-improvement, found it easier to blame the degree of his brow ridge tilt for his failure with women.

He was the opposite of a failed pickup artist, because at least you know the failed pickup artist tried with women. Rodger apparently never even bothered to try. He just whined that women weren’t sticking to the hood of his Beemer.


The title of this post is a broad indictment of this infantile Millennial generation, which daily provides evidence that their ranks are filled with effeminate males who, like women, expect the world to cater their needs, no questions asked, no demands made. Elliot Rodger couldn’t stand how unfaaaair girls were to date uglier men than himself, how unfair life was that his car and clothes weren’t a magnet for hot white sorority chicks, how unfair the cosmic laws were to require of him a little bit of effort if he wanted to put an end to his virginity.

Egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive aggressive, perpetually aggrieved, and unwilling to change when posing as a martyr feels so damn good… there’s your new American manlet, same as your new American woman.

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