#NotOneMore: A father's passion plea turned into online rallying cry for gun control

You are disgusting...tell me how would you get a grown adult to be put in a mental ward? The cops met with him and there was nothing..the reality is you would have to strip his rights away in order to get him in.....so..I get it now...gun control> 4th amendment

Long as you get your guns you have no problem stripping someone of their other rights.

According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.

He was in therapy because he was a spoiled manlet with a serious entitlement attitude.

His parents did that to him.

What's Joe Biden's excuse?
According to the family, he had been seeing multiple therapists since he was 8 years old. The fact that this kid was this messed up and his name was never entered into the NICS database is ridiculous.

He was in therapy because he was a spoiled manlet with a serious entitlement attitude.

His parents did that to him.

What's Joe Biden's excuse?

Too many Botox injections followed by Formaldehyde chasers.
He was in therapy because he was a spoiled manlet with a serious entitlement attitude.

His parents did that to him.

What's Joe Biden's excuse?

Too many Botox injections followed by Formaldehyde chasers.

that is the whole Democrat party anymore...I've been waiting for Pelosi's face to crack off any day...

my gawd their faces are becoming scary
that should tell you they've been in congress too damn long
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As agonies as Mr Martinez is, the parents of the boys stabbed to death are just as agonized.

Nonsense. Using a knife, or a hammer, or a ball bat, or rat poison, or a Buick, or pushing someone out a window, or strangling, or intentionally drowning someone, beating someone, or just starving them to death doesn't hurt the victim's family anywhere near as much as having their loved ones killed with a gun.
I think this comes as a rallying cry to fix our broken mental health system.

OMG we agree on something. The injuries are terrible and shouldn't be trivialized, but the facts of this shooting couldn't be more telling. This guy's background could not have prevented him from buying a gun ... unless everyone buying a gun had to see a shrink, and that would be politically impossible and it'd be struck down in a heartbeat.

I'm not against background checks, but trying to argue some kind of gun control will prevent crazy white people from going on massacre mode is pretty delusional. It might make it more difficult, but unless crazy people get treatment they'll just get crazier.
As agonies as Mr Martinez is, the parents of the boys stabbed to death are just as agonized.

Nonsense. Using a knife, or a hammer, or a ball bat, or rat poison, or a Buick, or pushing someone out a window, or strangling, or intentionally drowning someone, beating someone, or just starving them to death doesn't hurt the victim's family anywhere near as much as having their loved ones killed with a gun.

I call Bullshit...How can you possibly say such Junk??
A dead child is a Dead child no matter how they are killed. You actually think parents of children killed with the gun are more agonized than the parents of the NutJobs room mates killed with machetes & hammers. Or run over by a nice BMW.
You are a Nutjob too...
As agonies as Mr Martinez is, the parents of the boys stabbed to death are just as agonized.

Nonsense. Using a knife, or a hammer, or a ball bat, or rat poison, or a Buick, or pushing someone out a window, or strangling, or intentionally drowning someone, beating someone, or just starving them to death doesn't hurt the victim's family anywhere near as much as having their loved ones killed with a gun.

I call Bullshit...How can you possibly say such Junk??
A dead child is a Dead child no matter how they are killed. You actually think parents of children killed with the gun are more agonized than the parents of the NutJobs room mates killed with machetes & hammers. Or run over by a nice BMW.
You are a Nutjob too...

It was sarcasm.
Nonsense. Using a knife, or a hammer, or a ball bat, or rat poison, or a Buick, or pushing someone out a window, or strangling, or intentionally drowning someone, beating someone, or just starving them to death doesn't hurt the victim's family anywhere near as much as having their loved ones killed with a gun.

I call Bullshit...How can you possibly say such Junk??
A dead child is a Dead child no matter how they are killed. You actually think parents of children killed with the gun are more agonized than the parents of the NutJobs room mates killed with machetes & hammers. Or run over by a nice BMW.
You are a Nutjob too...

It was sarcasm.
Oh....OK...I thought you were a real asshole...
You're just a jackass that doesn't know how to do sarcasm properly :laugh2: sorry..
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After it was mentioned here earlier that it was discovered that the spoiled brat killer had been on a website called PUAhate, I wondered why no one in the media had mentioned it (as far as I knew) and I found this in a search.
It's dated May 24 and they weren't yet certain who the killer was.....but what's said about PUAHate was interesting.

Online Forum For Sexually Frustrated Men Reacts To News That Mass Shooter May Be One Of Their Own

Read more: UCSB Shooting: Forum Associated With Elliot Rodger Reacts - Business Insider
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He stabbed his room mates. Lets discuss shoving a knife into your freinds body over and over and over.

Is anyone discussing what a sick puppy this son of a bitch was to stab his room mates to death?
He stabbed his room mates. Lets discuss shoving a knife into your freinds body over and over and over.

Is anyone discussing what a sick puppy this son of a bitch was to stab his room mates to death?

Of course not TD...but that is just different somehow with these people...it just is...

Odd the OP and the left seem not to want to discuss behavior of criminals...but just make excuses for it...attack the instrument...NOT the behavior.
Someone needs to show this father this article:

LOS ANGELES — — Law officers who visited Elliot Rodger three weeks before he killed six college students near a Santa Barbara university were aware that he had posted disturbing videos but didn't watch them, and they didn't know about his final video detailing his "Day of Retribution" until after the deadly rampage, officials said.

Police knew of but didn't view Santa Barbara shooter's videos » Naples Daily News

They had the power to ACT against the guy...but chose to ignore it.

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