Now It's Oprah Winfrey Week.Will There Be More Fake Polls From ABC/MSNBC & CNN ?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro: Wouldn't surprise any of us if all of these networks start calling people in New York and Los Angeles and take a Trump VS Oprah poll for 2020.
Anyone wanna take a guess what the fake polls will show?
Hmm? will they sample 45% Dems and 25% GOP? like they do with Trump approval polls?
:) ;) :mad: :eek: o_O
You called it. Oprah is the Democrat's "Great White Hope" for the moment.

I also called it awhile back but missed it on one point: I predicted that the Dems would try to run some rich white guy in 2020.
You called it. Oprah is the Democrat's "Great White Hope" for the moment.

I also called it awhile back but missed it on one point: I predicted that the Dems would try to run some rich white guy in 2020.
i think the first results will be Oprah 59%,,,,Trump 29% :lalala:
yah right, and they will expect 65% of to take that poll/polls seriously?
Rosie would be much better. We could guess how many jelly beans would fit in her head.
You think racial tension is high now? Wait until Oprahloompa becomes president. She'll stoke those flames higher than even Obama did.
why not Pee-Wee for Rat...... Demrat that is ...President?:biggrin:

why not Pee-Wee fror Rat...... Demrat that is ...President?:biggrin:

Oprah President,,,,Warren VP,,,,,,Huma white house maid Pee Wee,,white house proctoligist
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You called it. Oprah is the Democrat's "Great White Hope" for the moment.

I also called it awhile back but missed it on one point: I predicted that the Dems would try to run some rich white guy in 2020.
CNN will call about 800 dead people in this poll
why not Pee-Wee fror Rat...... Demrat that is ...President?:biggrin:

................... Pee Wee,,white house proctoligist

ok now

too funny for words :lmao::lmao::lmao:

i can see Richard Simmons as a regular patient

that's right ....and Pocahontas too!
got to get all of that smoke out somehow

......................of course you do :muahaha:
:afro: Wouldn't surprise any of us if all of these networks start calling people in New York and Los Angeles and take a Trump VS Oprah poll for 2020.
Anyone wanna take a guess what the fake polls will show?
Hmm? will they sample 45% Dems and 25% GOP? like they do with Trump approval polls?
:) ;) :mad: :eek: o_O

I think the fact that they anoint their next leader without even hearing one debate or a challenger illustrates how desperate some have become. Most frightening is once again the GroupThink that some subscribe to.

Trump earned is the old fashioned way, beating the 16 establishment candidates. No way in hell there are 16 competitors against Oprah if she runs.

Wait until the skeletons come out of her closet and then let's talk. Until then, she's a pretender with no chance in hell. Officially throw your name in the hat or you are just another billionaire among many in America.

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