Now, since both: Trump/Putin agree against Genocidal Islamic Fascist head of terror snake Iran - having nukes...


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Will Putin do something about it too?

Trump, Putin on same page about Iran's nuclear weapon capabilities, White House says.
Story by Diana Stancy • March 18, 2025.
FOX News
Mike Pompeo: Trump has made it clear he will hold Iran accountable.
President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are in sync when it comes to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, according to the White House.

'Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel,' Trump, Putin agree in call
In their Ukraine-focused call on Tuesday, the two leaders also agreed to work to 'stabilize the situation in crisis areas' of the Middle East.

Author of the article: Andrew Bernard, Jewish News Syndicate
Published Mar 18, 2025.
Will Putin do something about it too?

Trump, Putin on same page about Iran's nuclear weapon capabilities, White House says.
Story by Diana Stancy • March 18, 2025.
FOX News
Mike Pompeo: Trump has made it clear he will hold Iran accountable.
President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are in sync when it comes to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, according to the White House.

'Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel,' Trump, Putin agree in call
In their Ukraine-focused call on Tuesday, the two leaders also agreed to work to 'stabilize the situation in crisis areas' of the Middle East.

Author of the article: Andrew Bernard, Jewish News Syndicate
Published Mar 18, 2025.
Pooty is helping Iran and buying drones and oil from them.

Somebody lied to you.


And you fell for it.


Doesn't that ever start to bother you?
Pooty is helping Iran and buying drones and oil from them.

Somebody lied to you.


And you fell for it.


Doesn't that ever start to bother you?
It would not be in Putin's interest for Iran to have nukes. To unstable. And Israel will reciprocate quickly. The entire middle east would go up in flames putting the world in the worse economic depression in human history if the nuclear harvest does not spread.
Pooty is helping Iran and buying drones and oil from them.

Somebody lied to you.


And you fell for it.


Doesn't that ever start to bother you?
So, Putin just gave lip service?
It would not be in Putin's interest for Iran to have nukes. To unstable. And Israel will reciprocate quickly. The entire middle east would go up in flames putting the world in the worse economic depression in human history if the nuclear harvest does not spread.
Maybe Putin allies with Iran only to.pressure US - the enemy of Iran (Ayatollah's "big satan").
Maybe Putin allies with Iran only to.pressure US - the enemy of Iran (Ayatollah's "big satan").
At some point some nation or a terrorist group is going to use nukes or detonate a radiation device or more. The nuclear nations need to police this. No matter their politics.
Putin knows that Iran has consented to being Russia's client. Russia has all the nuclear weapons needed to protect Iran, and too,, Iran already has been supplied by Russia the conventional weapons it need to eliminate the evil Zionist regime from the face of the earth.

Really the same as America's capability to destroy Iran with nuclear weapons.

Now do you maroons understand why the Zionist regime has lost its control over the ME?

Apparently Trump will remain blissfully ignorant on how power was snatched away from his Zionist proxy!
Will Putin do something about it too?

Trump, Putin on same page about Iran's nuclear weapon capabilities, White House says.
Story by Diana Stancy • March 18, 2025.
FOX News
Mike Pompeo: Trump has made it clear he will hold Iran accountable.
President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are in sync when it comes to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, according to the White House.

'Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel,' Trump, Putin agree in call
In their Ukraine-focused call on Tuesday, the two leaders also agreed to work to 'stabilize the situation in crisis areas' of the Middle East.

Author of the article: Andrew Bernard, Jewish News Syndicate
Published Mar 18, 2025.
With both presidents Putin & Trump synched it will really help in 'managing' the global problem with islam. The bonus is the incredible natural resources between Russia & our USA. Endless inexpensive crude along with more refineries would not only benefit both Russian & American folks it would also bankrupt the middle east crude extraction efforts. Islam would be transported back to the middle ages of slings, spears, bow & arrows, a perfect spot & time for the violent islamos!
It would not be in Putin's interest for Iran to have nukes. To unstable. And Israel will reciprocate quickly. The entire middle east would go up in flames putting the world in the worse economic depression in human history if the nuclear harvest does not spread.

I am very sure that were Iran to get the bomb, and make it small enough to put on a missile, the first one will be aimed at Moscow, not Tel Aviv.

They are a lot further along now than they were when Trump repudiated the Agreed Framework.
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I'll just remind.
Islamic fascist mullahrccacy of Iran is not "pro" anyone. Though they use the fakestine issue to galvanize support among the Muslim world. But ultimately, it's about global domination and islamization and being ahead of Sunni in competition of islamization.
At some point some nation or a terrorist group is going to use nukes or detonate a radiation device or more. The nuclear nations need to police this. No matter their politics.
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