Now the evidence is released. ObamaCare passed due to illegal voters voting in 2008.

Obamacare/ACA is a bill, passed by Congress and signed into law by the POTUS.

This is known as: The Color of Law.

Illicit practices were used to pass the 'Scuttle US HealthCare" bill... known then, as today as 'obamaScare.
Add to that the indisputable facts, wherein the Executive Branch planned and executed the abuse of their official government powers, through the illicit use of the IRS, specifically and intentionally to obstruct the means of private US Citizens to organize, raise funds and mount an effective opposition against obama and cult... and without question, obama and cult are guilty of election fraud on a scale never witnessed in the United States. This is subversion of the freedom of the people of the United States and should already have resulted in the trials and imprisonment of dozens of Federal employees and appointees of the Peasentpimp of the United States.
Obama could have lost any one of those states and he still would have won the election. Look, I'm not saying this isn't a problem. It's a problem which can be easily fixed if election registrars would do their job.

I'm not arguing that Obama's election would have turned, the evidence here shows that ObamaCare passed ONLY because of the voting of non-citizens who put Franken into office. His was the crucial 60th vote. It's Franken who shouldn't be in office.

So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?
Just to point out- the article quotes is not proof of anything- and the authors says as much in the article.

The authors have done some statistical analysis which they think suggests there was more voter fraud than reported.

No evidence. No evidence that Obamacare was passed due to illegals voting.
I'm not arguing that Obama's election would have turned, the evidence here shows that ObamaCare passed ONLY because of the voting of non-citizens who put Franken into office. His was the crucial 60th vote. It's Franken who shouldn't be in office.

So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

You couldn't get insurance, because you were disqualified from being a suitable applicant.

Insurance is a financial instrument which offset the liabilities born from UNFORESEEN CALAMITY.

Your liabilities are CERTAIN. What you need is an assload of cash... In effect, you used illicit law to force a private company to pay for the certainty that is the massive cost relevant to your immediate medical care.

I feel for ya, I do... and I think that there is a place for the US Federal government to help you. Scuttling the US Medical Insurance industry however, is NOT a viable means of doing it.
Obamacare/ACA is a bill, passed by Congress and signed into law by the POTUS.
Pushed through illegally with no repub voting, yeah I would be proud of that.
ACA It was passed with phony numbers.
It passed by just seven (7) "YES" votes.
NO votes 212
Of the House GOP 178 NO votes and 34 Democrats voted NO

YES votes 219.
Yes votes: 0 GOP Dems 219 total YES 219 or 50.8% is how thin the margin of yes to no votes.

NOW how many of those "YES" votes would have been "NO" IF they knew there were truly ONLY 4 million people and of the phony 46 million:
1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - Census told them 10 million of the supposedly 46 million WERE NOT citizens...

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
Where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?

3) 18 million under 34 didn't need, make over $50,000 can afford but don't want employers health plan.. yet counted as "uninsured"!

Add them up and it is a phony 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?
Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY?? Didn't more people recognize this extremely PHONY number that exaggerated uninsured by nearly 1,000%!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009
Obamacare/ACA is a bill, passed by Congress and signed into law by the POTUS.
Pushed through illegally with no repub voting, yeah I would be proud of that.
ACA It was passed with phony numbers.
It passed by just seven (7) "YES" votes.
NO votes 212
Of the House GOP 178 NO votes and 34 Democrats voted NO

YES votes 219.
Yes votes: 0 GOP Dems 219 total YES 219 or 50.8% is how thin the margin of yes to no votes.

NOW how many of those "YES" votes would have been "NO" IF they knew there were truly ONLY 4 million people and of the phony 46 million:
1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - Census told them 10 million of the supposedly 46 million WERE NOT citizens...

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it!
Where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?

3) 18 million under 34 didn't need, make over $50,000 can afford but don't want employers health plan.. yet counted as "uninsured"!

Add them up and it is a phony 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?
Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY?? Didn't more people recognize this extremely PHONY number that exaggerated uninsured by nearly 1,000%!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Ok, We get it. You don't like the idea of people being able to afford healthcare, and you really don't like the idea of a black president getting his signature bill signed into law. You can still be proud of the other things the right wing has done. You shut down the government and cost us 24 billion, You caused the first credit downgrade in the history of the country. You blocked bills to help rape victims, limit outsourcing, and still put wording in all your bills to outlaw any funding for an organization that was put out of business years ago by a falsely edited video that was a colossal lie.(Acorn). You have lots of obstructionism to be proud of, but you need to accept the fact that thanks to Obama, we now have healthcare, and it's not going away. You voted more than 50 times to end it, and it's still there. Everybody knows you don't like it, but pouting about it won't help you. Grow up and move on. Nobody likes a Pouting Polly
How do you prove citizenship? Birth certificate?
Still waiting on Obutthurt to prove his citizenship.
there is the problem, he can NOT, due to the FACT he is a Kenyan born commie, muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch :up:

did i miss any other "FACTS" about this illegal alien who stole a dead persons S.S. Number, has no proof of college grades ? the biggest FACT is he is a total FRAUD !! :up:
Wow! Racist much? Should I ask if you're a member of the Ku Klux Klan? When will you lifers actually face facts that aren't anecdotal? Barack Obama has a Kenyan name, his father was a Kenyan foreign exchange student, probably on a valid student visa. His mother was white and an American citizen. He was born in the State of Hawai'i to a white, Christian American citizen and he is also Christian. And as far as I know, American law clearly states that if one parent is a citizen, then the child is as well. If anything he's a dual citizen because his father was a Kenyan national. Yes, his long form birth certificate from the State of Hawai'i was produced and no it wasn't falsified. And if it doesn't look like yours and you don't live in Hawai'i then it's probably because we live in a Federalist country and one document from one state won't necessarily look like one from another state. But, due to the full faith and credit clause of the Federal Constitution, it must still be regarded as valid. And as far as the name, so what if his name is of Muslim origin. My cat's name is Leila and that's an Arabic name, so then is she Muslim or Arabic? And if I can add, your comments just prove the above post that Republicans really are not in touch with the fact that it's the 21st century and the world is changing.
So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

You couldn't get insurance, because you were disqualified from being a suitable applicant.

Insurance is a financial instrument which offset the liabilities born from UNFORESEEN CALAMITY.

Your liabilities are CERTAIN. What you need is an assload of cash... In effect, you used illicit law to force a private company to pay for the certainty that is the massive cost relevant to your immediate medical care.

I feel for ya, I do... and I think that there is a place for the US Federal government to help you. Scuttling the US Medical Insurance industry however, is NOT a viable means of doing it.
Yeah, he was denied Health Insurance because he was too much of a liability to the insurance company and their goal is to make money by denying necessary medical treatment as determined my a medical professional and only preferring to insure the healthy. But doesn't that defeat the purpose of health insurance? Let's face it, we're the richest nation on earth (not for long because the PRC is about to overcome us) and we provide the least for our people. Every other developed nation on earth provides basic medical care for all their citizens, not just their legislators. Oh and I might add that all those developed nations are poorer by the sheer fact that we are the richest. And you can't use the economic downturn in Europe as an example of why socialized health care is bad because the country that was bailing out the rest of Europe (Germany) also has socialized health care. And let me give you an example as well, I've been on PPO, POS, HMO private insurance and I'm now on Medicaid because I'm disabled and it's the best health insurance I've ever had. No you're not going to get a private room in an ultra rich hospital ward just because you want to, but everything that you need to be covered is covered. And no, I'm not lazily sitting on my butt collecting welfare, my state has a great program where if you're disabled, you can get Medicaid and work, you just have to pay an income based monthly premium.
No ID. No Vote.

It's that simple

The problem is that ID by itself doesn't cut it. Legal immigrants and illegal infiltrators who have drivers licenses have photo ID and they use that to vote.

They need to start bringing proof of citizenship. I would gladly bring my birth certificate if that's what it took to bring back honesty in today's elections, but with the way computer graphics are evolving, it is nothing to create phony ID's, naturalization papers, birth certificates and anything else needed.
Yeah, just like there's tons of people using their graphics prowess to counterfeit US Dollars. There are anti counterfeit measures in almost every legal government document. I can say that my birth certificate at least has an embossed state seal on it, you may be able to use Photoshop or In Design to fake the look of a seal, but not the feel.
Every other developed nation on earth provides basic medical care for all their citizens, not just their legislators. Oh and I might add that all those developed nations are poorer by the sheer fact that we are the richest.

They're also all more homogeneous, they're actual nations unlike the US which is simply an amalgam of communities coexisting together under one government.

Do you want to pay for the health care of Somalians? No? Why then do you suddenly get an urge to pay for the heath care of a Somalian who just settled in Minneapolis? Why does his physical presence in the US change your calculation? It doesn't change for most people. The Somalian in Somalia could die today and no one is the US would lose a moments sleep over his death. The Somalian in Minneapolis could die today and most people would similarly not lose a moments sleep. His mere presence in the US doesn't produce a bond to the rest of us.

Now in Finland, where 93% of the population is Finnish and 5% Swedish, the common bonds between citizens run very deep and so their willingness to share burdens is increased. They're an actual nation, a society, we're not.
I'm retired now, but in my job I had to travel quite a bit and never knew when I'd be asked to go somewhere on short notice. Hence, I voted absentee ballots a lot and always wondered whether my votes were thrown away. I'm so glad now that I can vote in person. I remember one time where I got the absentee ballot but discovered I didn't have to travel on election day. I called the registrar's office to inform them that I wanted to return the absentee ballot. They replied that since I had the absentee ballot, I might as well fill it in and mail it because since I had been issued an absentee ballot, I would not be able to vote in person and could get in a lot of trouble if I even tried to do so. Well, that's in Virginia where there are some tight requirements, but I wonder how many others have voted absentee and then shown up in person to vote again?
hmmmm, maybe this is a ''by state thing''? It was my understanding that if you were mailed an absentee ballot, but chose NOT to send it in and vote in person, it was okay.

It was OKAY to do such, because those who voted by absentee were vetted against the voter roll from their precinct, to make certain the citizen did not vote twice.
It really is a state by state thing, welcome to a Federalist Republic. I would say that the issue with them going by local voter registration is that none of the local municipal voting authorities talk to each other. I first registered in my home state of Pennsylvania, moved to Maryland and registered, then moved back to Pennsylvania. I can bet you that the county in Maryland I registered with still have me on their rolls and that when I moved to Maryland and registered, I'm sure the county in Pennsylvania I lived in still had me on their rolls. Maybe all of this should be centralized, or at least everyone needs to talk to each other. A Pandemic issue with every level of our governments.
Obamacare/ACA is a bill, passed by Congress and signed into law by the POTUS.
Obamacare care is a reengineered House bill having nothing to do with Obamacare and passed by a Senate whose majority leader, Harry Reid, refused to seat Scott Brown in time for the vote. Brown's vote would have broke the tie and killed Obamacare in its tracks.

Damn straight, most blatant example of ignoring the will of the people in decades.
Bills aren't crafted for the will of the people. The ACA is law. Get over it.

Wow what country do you live in? Representative government ring a bell? That's some socialist shit right there.
Every other developed nation on earth provides basic medical care for all their citizens, not just their legislators. Oh and I might add that all those developed nations are poorer by the sheer fact that we are the richest.

They're also all more homogeneous, they're actual nations unlike the US which is simply an amalgam of communities coexisting together under one government.

Do you want to pay for the health care of Somalians? No? Why then do you suddenly get an urge to pay for the heath care of a Somalian who just settled in Minneapolis? Why does his physical presence in the US change your calculation? It doesn't change for most people. The Somalian in Somalia could die today and no one is the US would lose a moments sleep over his death. The Somalian in Minneapolis could die today and most people would similarly not lose a moments sleep. His mere presence in the US doesn't produce a bond to the rest of us.

Now in Finland, where 93% of the population is Finnish and 5% Swedish, the common bonds between citizens run very deep and so their willingness to share burdens is increased. They're an actual nation, a society, we're not.
You're right, the term you're looking for is nation-state. The countries in Europe, for example, are true nation-states as the race/culture is synonymous with the state or government borders. Our country is not a nation-state as there is no nationality know as American, but we are a state as we have a unified government. But then you throw in the idea of cultural assimilation where immigrants adopt cultural aspects of the greater whole and the greater whole is improved by that influx of new ideas, so then I would actually say that were a pseudonation-state, as we do have a general universal culture, just not the same race. My point in saying all this is that it doesn't matter if the immigrant who settled in Minneapolis happens to have emigrated from Somalia, he is still American. And what you said above about not caring, is simply a sign of the distinct apathy for the welfare of others that has infested our culture. People have said that in the past people used to care about each other. Now we're turning into a nation of greedy, selfish, racist, bigots. Personally, it makes me sad that our nation is devolving so much. Now wonder the PRC is going to overcome us as the next superpower. We can't even take care of our own, how are we going to police the world.
Every other developed nation on earth provides basic medical care for all their citizens, not just their legislators. Oh and I might add that all those developed nations are poorer by the sheer fact that we are the richest.

They're also all more homogeneous, they're actual nations unlike the US which is simply an amalgam of communities coexisting together under one government.

Do you want to pay for the health care of Somalians? No? Why then do you suddenly get an urge to pay for the heath care of a Somalian who just settled in Minneapolis? Why does his physical presence in the US change your calculation? It doesn't change for most people. The Somalian in Somalia could die today and no one is the US would lose a moments sleep over his death. The Somalian in Minneapolis could die today and most people would similarly not lose a moments sleep. His mere presence in the US doesn't produce a bond to the rest of us.

Now in Finland, where 93% of the population is Finnish and 5% Swedish, the common bonds between citizens run very deep and so their willingness to share burdens is increased. They're an actual nation, a society, we're not.
So you are like the people in Sodom....who refused to show hospitality towards the strangers, huh? Or like the Levite who passed the injured man by, in the Good Samaritan parable???

Beg your Priest for an exorcism....! They are All trained in it now!!!
Every other developed nation on earth provides basic medical care for all their citizens, not just their legislators. Oh and I might add that all those developed nations are poorer by the sheer fact that we are the richest.

They're also all more homogeneous, they're actual nations unlike the US which is simply an amalgam of communities coexisting together under one government.

Do you want to pay for the health care of Somalians? No? Why then do you suddenly get an urge to pay for the heath care of a Somalian who just settled in Minneapolis? Why does his physical presence in the US change your calculation? It doesn't change for most people. The Somalian in Somalia could die today and no one is the US would lose a moments sleep over his death. The Somalian in Minneapolis could die today and most people would similarly not lose a moments sleep. His mere presence in the US doesn't produce a bond to the rest of us.

Now in Finland, where 93% of the population is Finnish and 5% Swedish, the common bonds between citizens run very deep and so their willingness to share burdens is increased. They're an actual nation, a society, we're not.
So you are like the people in Sodom....who refused to show hospitality towards the strangers, huh? Or like the Levite who passed the injured man by, in the Good Samaritan parable???

Beg your Priest for an exorcism....! They are All trained in it now!!!
Thank You, someone who also sees how our country is rotting.
Every other developed nation on earth provides basic medical care for all their citizens, not just their legislators. Oh and I might add that all those developed nations are poorer by the sheer fact that we are the richest.

They're also all more homogeneous, they're actual nations unlike the US which is simply an amalgam of communities coexisting together under one government.

Do you want to pay for the health care of Somalians? No? Why then do you suddenly get an urge to pay for the heath care of a Somalian who just settled in Minneapolis? Why does his physical presence in the US change your calculation? It doesn't change for most people. The Somalian in Somalia could die today and no one is the US would lose a moments sleep over his death. The Somalian in Minneapolis could die today and most people would similarly not lose a moments sleep. His mere presence in the US doesn't produce a bond to the rest of us.

Now in Finland, where 93% of the population is Finnish and 5% Swedish, the common bonds between citizens run very deep and so their willingness to share burdens is increased. They're an actual nation, a society, we're not.
You're right, the term you're looking for is nation-state. The countries in Europe, for example, are true nation-states as the race/culture is synonymous with the state or government borders. Our country is not a nation-state as there is no nationality know as American, but we are a state as we have a unified government. But then you throw in the idea of cultural assimilation where immigrants adopt cultural aspects of the greater whole and the greater whole is improved by that influx of new ideas

Actually, it's not. There's been a lot of research done on the effects of this diversity and it's pretty toxic to civil society.

A bleak picture of the corrosive effects of ethnic diversity has been revealed in research by Harvard University’s Robert Putnam, one of the world’s most influential political scientists.

His research shows that the more diverse a community is, the less likely its inhabitants are to trust anyone – from their next-door neighbour to the mayor. . .

The core message of the research was that, “in the presence of diversity, we hunker down”, he said. “We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us.” . . .

When the data were adjusted for class, income and other factors, they showed that the more people of different races lived in the same community, the greater the loss of trust. “They don’t trust the local mayor, they don’t trust the local paper, they don’t trust other people and they don’t trust institutions,” said Prof Putnam. “The only thing there’s more of is protest marches and TV watching.”

British Home Office research has pointed in the same direction and Prof Putnam, now working with social scientists at Manchester University, said other European countries would be likely to have similar trends.​

My point in saying all this is that it doesn't matter if the immigrant who settled in Minneapolis happens to have emigrated from Somalia, he is still American. And what you said above about not caring, is simply a sign of the distinct apathy for the welfare of others that has infested our culture.

One day he is in Somalia and could drop dead and no one would bat an eyelash. The next day he steps off the airplane in Minneapolis and becomes ill and you actually believe that this new American is going to be embraced by other Americans simply because he has a piece of paper which declares him to be a citizen/legal resident of the US? The empirical evidence doesn't support such an argument. He's nothing to most people.

This isn't apathy, it's simply that there is no cultural or racial bond. The person who doesn't care whether that Somalian-American in Minneapolis drops dead very much cares that his life-long friend in his small town is ill and he'll sacrifice his own well-being to help him out. That's not apathy. The caring and the bond exist for those who are like us, who share our values, who we identify with. No one identifies with that Somalian-American and they resent programs which MAKE THEM CARE by taxing money away from them.

If you desire a high-sharing society, then you need to create a highly homogenous society but liberals have fucked us but good on that front, so it's likely that that high sharing society that liberals dream of will never come to be born because liberals instead chose to bet to the limit on creating a multicultural society to replace the one that we had back in 1965.

Look at what America accomplished during our multidecade long immigration moratorium - we passed the New Deal, the Fair Deal, and the Great Society all with bipartisan support but then the immigration floodgates were opened, society was transformed and a long dry spell on welfare legislation until ObamaCare was passed on a strictly partisan vote and see how much bitter opposition exists to it.

Now we're turning into a nation of greedy, selfish, racist, bigots.

Says the guy on Medicaid who doesn't have to pay for other people's personal consumption of health services.

If you don't want to us to be greedy, selfish, racist bigots, then find a way to restore the nation to this:


Instead of this:


You can thank liberals for choosing multiculturalism over high-sharing. We can have only one, they lied and then imposed this on us. All the high-sharing programs instituted during the immigration moratorium are now all that there will ever be because the foundation needed to implement such programs has had liberal acid poured over it and has dissolved away.

Personally, it makes me sad that our nation is devolving so much.

It makes me mad too. Take it up with the liberals. Maybe we can have a kind of Nuremberg Trials and send liberals to prison or something for what they've done to our country.

Now wonder the PRC is going to overcome us as the next superpower.

See the power of a homogeneous nation? The Chinese remembered the age-old lesson "Divide and Conquer." Our liberal propagandists actually pulled off a miracle and led our nation of useful idiots to forget "Divide and Conquer" and instead cheer on "Diversity is our Strength" The power of propaganda is a marvel to behold.

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