Now the evidence is released. ObamaCare passed due to illegal voters voting in 2008.


Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!
I'm not arguing that Obama's election would have turned, the evidence here shows that ObamaCare passed ONLY because of the voting of non-citizens who put Franken into office. His was the crucial 60th vote. It's Franken who shouldn't be in office.

So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

Good for you that you received help, glad I could help you out.

Sorry for your condition.

I still think you are either on disability or some other program but if you say not then I have no reason to doubt you.

Are you telling us that you had insurance that you paid for out of pocket then lost it? Did you lose it along with your job?

What is your out of pocket deductible today? When I priced Obamacare, because I was dropped from my company's group insruance, the out of pocket was 6000/year. That along with about 1100/month premium I would say is far from cheap at least for someone who was in a group plan. So maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that for what you are talking about you still pay the first 6000.

I admit I like the no pre-conditions which is what people got with group care before the ACA. The president could have gotten that passed without the Corn Husker kick back and such. I don't like the idea of what you pay for those batteries for your pacemaker. Obama could have done the US a favor by reigning in drug costs but went behind closed doors and made a deal, or did you forget that?

What the ACA proves is how little the democrats are willing to negotiate. It was their way or the highway. Besides that the economy was on the rocks at the time and all Obama and the democrats concentrated on was the ACA and how to pay off their own party to vote for the thing.

If people want government health care it should have been done like Mass. did it with Romney. Let the individual states decide what is best for their people. Not this massive boondoggle. Not a boondoggle paid for by seniors and our grandchildren.
1. You do realize that you're quoting a blog, right?

2. Non citizens can register to vote. In some 18 states non citizens are permitted the right to vote. In an additional 25 states, non citizens who have "declared their intent" to become citizens can vote. Federal law prevents non citizens from voting in federal elections.

Thanks, didn't know that

You still don't. Here, let me play too. During a full moon, dogs turn into cats. See, I wrote something and now you KNOW it.

Already had it for you Bubba

Now the evidence is released. ObamaCare passed due to illegal voters voting in 2008. Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Non-citizens can only vote in local elections.
Why You Have Nothing To Fear From Non-Citizen Voting ThinkProgress

Maryland ended noncitizen voting rights for state and federal elections in 1851, but its constitution recognizes the autonomy of local municipalities and localities on the subject. As of February, 2008, one city, three towns, and three villages in Montgomery County have introduced bills to restore the right to vote to foreigners within their jurisdictions. Barnesville (since 1918), Martin's Additions and Somerset (since 1976), Takoma Park (since 1991) and Garrett Park (since 1999), Chevy Chase Section 3 and Chevy Chase Section 5
Obama could have lost any one of those states and he still would have won the election. Look, I'm not saying this isn't a problem. It's a problem which can be easily fixed if election registrars would do their job.

I'm not arguing that Obama's election would have turned, the evidence here shows that ObamaCare passed ONLY because of the voting of non-citizens who put Franken into office. His was the crucial 60th vote. It's Franken who shouldn't be in office.

So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

PLEASE link me to a site where I too can 'price Obamacares' as Obamacares is just a LAW NOT insurance??? lol

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

I'm not arguing that Obama's election would have turned, the evidence here shows that ObamaCare passed ONLY because of the voting of non-citizens who put Franken into office. His was the crucial 60th vote. It's Franken who shouldn't be in office.

So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

PLEASE link me to a site where I too can 'price Obamacares' as Obamacares is just a LAW NOT insurance??? lol

Health Insurance Marketplace Enroll for 2015 Healthcare Coverage

Go, pretend you are not covered under group insurance. Pretend you have no insurance and see what it would cost you. I am not even blaming Obamacare for the cost, those who supply your group care pay the same cost. I am blaming the cost on the eye gouging that the health care profession is giving us along with the drug rip off that Obamacare didn't nothing about.

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

Dred Scott was law, and no we didn't have to accept it just because the democrats said so.
So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

PLEASE link me to a site where I too can 'price Obamacares' as Obamacares is just a LAW NOT insurance??? lol

Health Insurance Marketplace Enroll for 2015 Healthcare Coverage

Go, pretend you are not covered under group insurance. Pretend you have no insurance and see what it would cost you. I am not even blaming Obamacare for the cost, those who supply your group care pay the same cost. I am blaming the cost on the eye gouging that the health care profession is giving us along with the drug rip off that Obamacare didn't nothing about.

So no, Obamacares that has been able to get million more covered under insurance, wasn't what you priced

Don't worry about the other stuff, the cons/GOPers say 'free markets' will fix it!

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

Dred Scott was law, and no we didn't have to accept it just because the democrats said so.

You meant conservatives right? It was liberals/progressives who fought it, along with conservatives slavery....

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare
You stupidity is SHOWING!!! It is "accept it"... not "EXCEPT it"."
"Millions of people"
FACTS you stupid idiot-poor-grammar-user!
of those "millions of people" 14 million are people that were already eligible for Medicaid! It didn't take another monstrosity of a 2,000 page bill to get them enrolled! JUST do the job CMS that manages Medicaid didn't do! Enroll the 14 million that thought they didn't have insurance when asked by the Census BUT were qualified under poverty levels for MEDICAID!

Of course that means that other people are paying more. “My old plan was canceled under Obamacare,” an exasperated Californian told me last week. “The new Obamacare plan costs twice as much, and the deductibles are higher. And yet Obama is counting me as one of his 8 million people!” But hey—at least he has maternity coverage.
New McKinsey Survey 74 Of Obamacare Sign-Ups Were Previously Insured - Forbes

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare
You stupidity is SHOWING!!! It is "accept it"... not "EXCEPT it"."
"Millions of people"
FACTS you stupid idiot-poor-grammar-user!
of those "millions of people" 14 million are people that were already eligible for Medicaid! It didn't take another monstrosity of a 2,000 page bill to get them enrolled! JUST do the job CMS that manages Medicaid didn't do! Enroll the 14 million that thought they didn't have insurance when asked by the Census BUT were qualified under poverty levels for MEDICAID!

Of course that means that other people are paying more. “My old plan was canceled under Obamacare,” an exasperated Californian told me last week. “The new Obamacare plan costs twice as much, and the deductibles are higher. And yet Obama is counting me as one of his 8 million people!” But hey—at least he has maternity coverage.
New McKinsey Survey 74 Of Obamacare Sign-Ups Were Previously Insured - Forbes

Oh goodie, the grammar police is out, lol

You meant Corps cancelled plans or the 'coverage' people had was NOT really Good, Quality health insurance

Thanks for playing dummy
So you are giving Franken credit for passing Obamacare? He should use that for his next reelection campaign. Thanks Obama and Al for helping me get insurance at a reasonable price that I couldn't get before for any price, because of a preexisting heart condition. I would have died without my cardiologist.

Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

Good for you that you received help, glad I could help you out.

Sorry for your condition.

I still think you are either on disability or some other program but if you say not then I have no reason to doubt you.

Are you telling us that you had insurance that you paid for out of pocket then lost it? Did you lose it along with your job?

What is your out of pocket deductible today? When I priced Obamacare, because I was dropped from my company's group insruance, the out of pocket was 6000/year. That along with about 1100/month premium I would say is far from cheap at least for someone who was in a group plan. So maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that for what you are talking about you still pay the first 6000.

I admit I like the no pre-conditions which is what people got with group care before the ACA. The president could have gotten that passed without the Corn Husker kick back and such. I don't like the idea of what you pay for those batteries for your pacemaker. Obama could have done the US a favor by reigning in drug costs but went behind closed doors and made a deal, or did you forget that?

What the ACA proves is how little the democrats are willing to negotiate. It was their way or the highway. Besides that the economy was on the rocks at the time and all Obama and the democrats concentrated on was the ACA and how to pay off their own party to vote for the thing.

If people want government health care it should have been done like Mass. did it with Romney. Let the individual states decide what is best for their people. Not this massive boondoggle. Not a boondoggle paid for by seniors and our grandchildren.

There was plenty of room to negotiate. The right didn't come up with any ideas at all unless you call their idea to not do anything a negotiating point.

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

Dred Scott was law, and no we didn't have to accept it just because the democrats said so.

You meant conservatives right? It was liberals/progressives who fought it, along with conservatives slavery....

Nope, I meant the democrat party, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll taxes, segregation, the KKK and thus Dred Scott. That's who.
Legislation of one line would have gotten us the preexisting condition clause.

My guess is that you are receiving subsides.

Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

Good for you that you received help, glad I could help you out.

Sorry for your condition.

I still think you are either on disability or some other program but if you say not then I have no reason to doubt you.

Are you telling us that you had insurance that you paid for out of pocket then lost it? Did you lose it along with your job?

What is your out of pocket deductible today? When I priced Obamacare, because I was dropped from my company's group insruance, the out of pocket was 6000/year. That along with about 1100/month premium I would say is far from cheap at least for someone who was in a group plan. So maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that for what you are talking about you still pay the first 6000.

I admit I like the no pre-conditions which is what people got with group care before the ACA. The president could have gotten that passed without the Corn Husker kick back and such. I don't like the idea of what you pay for those batteries for your pacemaker. Obama could have done the US a favor by reigning in drug costs but went behind closed doors and made a deal, or did you forget that?

What the ACA proves is how little the democrats are willing to negotiate. It was their way or the highway. Besides that the economy was on the rocks at the time and all Obama and the democrats concentrated on was the ACA and how to pay off their own party to vote for the thing.

If people want government health care it should have been done like Mass. did it with Romney. Let the individual states decide what is best for their people. Not this massive boondoggle. Not a boondoggle paid for by seniors and our grandchildren.

There was plenty of room to negotiate. The right didn't come up with any ideas at all unless you call their idea to not do anything a negotiating point.

What was presented to them? The HUGE ACA which we could not know what was in it until it was passed. What BS is that, can you believe a SOTH would say such a stupid statement?

As I said provisions of the ACA could have been passed without the much bigger boondoggle. All that said, I am glad for you that it worked out in your favor. It didn't for me but I doubt anyone gives a crap.

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

Dred Scott was law, and no we didn't have to accept it just because the democrats said so.

You meant conservatives right? It was liberals/progressives who fought it, along with conservatives slavery....

Nope, I meant the democrat party, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll taxes, segregation, the KKK and thus Dred Scott. That's who.

You are absolutely right. The Democratic party has advocated some really bad things in past centuries. Do you have anything more recent, like in this century, or at least since the late 1960's when the GOP embraced the well documented "Southern Strategy" in which the Gop effectively embraced the racist ideals of the much earlier Democratic party? Actually the swap started back in 1948 when the Dems added an equal rights plank to their platform. Why does the GOP have such great memories from a century ago, but you have trouble remembering the vile things your party has done recently?

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

Dred Scott was law, and no we didn't have to accept it just because the democrats said so.

You meant conservatives right? It was liberals/progressives who fought it, along with conservatives slavery....

Nope, I meant the democrat party, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Poll taxes, segregation, the KKK and thus Dred Scott. That's who.

Oh those conservatives from the South, today's GOP base. Weird you don't know the GOP/Dems switched sides a few times the past 150+ years?
Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

Good for you that you received help, glad I could help you out.

Sorry for your condition.

I still think you are either on disability or some other program but if you say not then I have no reason to doubt you.

Are you telling us that you had insurance that you paid for out of pocket then lost it? Did you lose it along with your job?

What is your out of pocket deductible today? When I priced Obamacare, because I was dropped from my company's group insruance, the out of pocket was 6000/year. That along with about 1100/month premium I would say is far from cheap at least for someone who was in a group plan. So maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that for what you are talking about you still pay the first 6000.

I admit I like the no pre-conditions which is what people got with group care before the ACA. The president could have gotten that passed without the Corn Husker kick back and such. I don't like the idea of what you pay for those batteries for your pacemaker. Obama could have done the US a favor by reigning in drug costs but went behind closed doors and made a deal, or did you forget that?

What the ACA proves is how little the democrats are willing to negotiate. It was their way or the highway. Besides that the economy was on the rocks at the time and all Obama and the democrats concentrated on was the ACA and how to pay off their own party to vote for the thing.

If people want government health care it should have been done like Mass. did it with Romney. Let the individual states decide what is best for their people. Not this massive boondoggle. Not a boondoggle paid for by seniors and our grandchildren.

There was plenty of room to negotiate. The right didn't come up with any ideas at all unless you call their idea to not do anything a negotiating point.

What was presented to them? The HUGE ACA which we could not know what was in it until it was passed. What BS is that, can you believe a SOTH would say such a stupid statement?

As I said provisions of the ACA could have been passed without the much bigger boondoggle. All that said, I am glad for you that it worked out in your favor. It didn't for me but I doubt anyone gives a crap.

This Is What "Bipartisanship" Looks Like

What do the GOP amendments to this Senate health care bill actually say?

That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical.

Yet many of the GOP amendments on this incomplete list do seem pretty substantive. For example, one amendment offered by Oklahoma's Tom Coburn requires members of Congress and their staff to enroll in the government-run health insurance program. Another, sponsored by Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, would "establish an auto advisory council to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury regarding how best to represent the taxpayers of the United States as the majority owner of General Motors." An amendment written by North Carolina's Richard Burr requires that "a private plan would be exempt from any federal or state requirement related to quality improvement and reporting if the community health insurance option is not subject to the specific requirement."

The list goes on

Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill.
Oddly, the GOP/TP didn't bother to write that legislation, or any other legislation concerning healthcare unless you count all the giveaways to insurance companies and drug companies. As is the case with most right winger guesses, you are wrong about any subsidies you might think I get.

If you do not get subsidized then I really feel for you. The amount you must have been having to pay would be astronomical because I priced Obamacare and it ain't cheap regardless of what you say.

The Republicans are not in power and yes you are right Obamacare and the mess it is, is all democrat.

No need to feel sorry for me. The price is reasonable. Obviously my post wasn't clear, or perhaps you didn't read it completely. I was not able to get insurance at ANY price. No one would sell it to me. I had insurance for the first bypass surgery, but my insurer dropped me soon afterward. Later, when I needed the defibrillator/pacemaker, I paid for that out of my pocket....barely. What finally got me was the constant monitoring and occasional surgery to replace batteries required for the implant. Without insurance, that didn't happen. Emergency rooms will take you if you are in the middle of a heart attack, but otherwise do nothing. If you want to feel sorry for anybody, feel sorry for the 5 million citizens who are in the same shape I was in because right wing governors refuse to expand Medicare in their states. Why do right wingers want so many people to die just so they can show how much they don't want to cooperate with our president?

Good for you that you received help, glad I could help you out.

Sorry for your condition.

I still think you are either on disability or some other program but if you say not then I have no reason to doubt you.

Are you telling us that you had insurance that you paid for out of pocket then lost it? Did you lose it along with your job?

What is your out of pocket deductible today? When I priced Obamacare, because I was dropped from my company's group insruance, the out of pocket was 6000/year. That along with about 1100/month premium I would say is far from cheap at least for someone who was in a group plan. So maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that for what you are talking about you still pay the first 6000.

I admit I like the no pre-conditions which is what people got with group care before the ACA. The president could have gotten that passed without the Corn Husker kick back and such. I don't like the idea of what you pay for those batteries for your pacemaker. Obama could have done the US a favor by reigning in drug costs but went behind closed doors and made a deal, or did you forget that?

What the ACA proves is how little the democrats are willing to negotiate. It was their way or the highway. Besides that the economy was on the rocks at the time and all Obama and the democrats concentrated on was the ACA and how to pay off their own party to vote for the thing.

If people want government health care it should have been done like Mass. did it with Romney. Let the individual states decide what is best for their people. Not this massive boondoggle. Not a boondoggle paid for by seniors and our grandchildren.

There was plenty of room to negotiate. The right didn't come up with any ideas at all unless you call their idea to not do anything a negotiating point.

What was presented to them? The HUGE ACA which we could not know what was in it until it was passed. What BS is that, can you believe a SOTH would say such a stupid statement?

As I said provisions of the ACA could have been passed without the much bigger boondoggle. All that said, I am glad for you that it worked out in your favor. It didn't for me but I doubt anyone gives a crap.

Why Republicans Have No Business Being Upset About Obamacare

While Republicans plot new ways to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, it’s easy to forget that for years they’ve been arguing that any comprehensive health insurance system be designed exactly like the one that officially began October 1st, glitches and all.

For as many years Democrats tried to graft healthcare onto Social Security and Medicare and pay for it through the payroll tax. But Republicans countered that any system must be based on private insurance and paid for with a combination of subsidies for low-income purchasers and a requirement that the younger and healthier sign up.

Not surprisingly, private health insurers cheered on the Republicans while doing whatever they could to block Democrats from creating a public insurance system.

Why Republicans Have No Business Being Upset About Obamacare

Not ONE Obamacare pro/con evidently contradicted or agreed with the below FACTS.

Is the simple gross 1,000% exaggerated number too hard to swallow?

Folks especially those against Obamacare, do you realize if MORE Americans totally comprehended the enormity of this exaggeration i.e. Obama said before ACA passed: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men,women and children.”

This totally fabricated, grossly overstated number 46 million is what EVERYONE including critics use BUT IT IS SO WRONG!!!!

1) 10 million were NOT legal citizens.... - The Census admits 10 million of the "46 million uninsured" ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Proof:10 million are not citizens Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Please I ask you go check this out ... The 46 million used by the Census includes 10 million people NOT eligible for insurance i.e. not citizens!

2) 14 million per the CENSUS were eligible for Medicaid but didn't know it! Again the Census tells us they UNDERCOUNTED those that should have been enrolled in Medicaid. But where was Obama's administration on getting them enrolled?
Proof:14 million due to Medicaid ineptness eligible before ACA:

3) 18 million Americans that are under 34 didn't need health insurance but could afford (they make over $50,000) but don't want employers health plan were counted as "uninsured"! They don't want it and more importantly need it!
Proof:18 million never wanted or need health insurance: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED 2009

Add these numbers up and it is 42 million people of the supposedly 46 million that are either illegal, don't know, or don't want!

Do you think ACA would have passed if the "YES" voters knew there with just 4 million people really needing health insurance?

Where were the Congressional investigations on the 14 million that were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid but Obama didn't get them registered?

Where were the news stories explaining these 3 simple facts .. 10 million not citizens..14 million Medicaid eligible..18 million don't want!

WHY don't more people recognize this PHONY number exaggerated the uninsured by over a 1,000%!

10 million are not legal citizens!
14 million simply don't know they are covered by Medicaid!
18 million don't want, don't need, can afford employers' health plans!
42 million supposedly "uninsured" that are legal, are already eligible for Medicaid and DON"T want insurance !!!

Obamacares is law. Except it

Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare

Dred Scott was law, and no we didn't have to accept it just because the democrats said so.
True, you don't have to accept the ACA, but you're stuck with it regardless. The GOP is helpless to reverse it and by the time they have enough power to do so, like Social Security, it will be a staple in our society.

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