NSA Investigating 50% More Suspects


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2014
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has authored a report indicating that NSA phone searches increased by 50% during 2013.

No, they're not tracking 50% more people--they're still harvesting data on all Americans, regardless of whether or not you're even suspected of anything--but rather, they're actually doing something with all that data they collect on more suspects.

How many more? As Clapper notes, the number has gone up by an impressive 50%! But, that makes it 423 people the NSA is actively investigating as of December 31, 2013, up from 288 at the end of 2012.

That's right, America: The government is throwing out the 4th Amendment rights of all 300 million plus American citizens just to monitor 423 of us, and it totally wouldn't have suspected them of anything at all unless they had access to every single email, text message, Facebook like, and re-tweet of those people, as well as the communications of everyone else in the country.

Your tax dollars at work, folks.

NSA phone searches increased by 50 percent in 2013, report finds | Fox News
Nerd Traffic

After 9/11, American intelligence offices lost a lot of street credibility. Maybe the NSA is responding to that proverbialism-jargon 'court of public opinion.'

Look at this fact: Jada Pinkett Smith, a famous African-American Hollywood (USA) actress starred in the surveillance-paranoia Hollywood (USA) movie "The Matrix Reloaded" (2003) and is starring in the upcoming populism street justice-fantasy Batman (DC Comics) comic book adapted TV series "Gotham" (Fox TV). A layman social critic would cite, "Ethnic minorities are appearing more in populism-themed American media," but a network detective might say, "Noticing people in politics-oriented grids is a sure sign of modern age communication."

Perspective is important, and maybe the NSA is simply responding to a new mobilization trend. "If Americans don't notice before terrorists do, we'll fall behind in the dialogue about mass psychology."


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