NYC Mayor Eric Adams charged with wire fraud, bribery, and solicting money from a foreign national.

Adams was taking bribes from foreign governments & small businesses. He's just as corrupt as Trump & he's going down & there will be superceding indictments against him.

Btw, you're full of shit.
Oh my God dude... they all do it... selective prosecution... why do you think everyone in DC is silent on everything being done to our country... they are afraid....
Oh my God dude... they all do it... selective prosecution... why do you think everyone in DC is silent on everything being done to our country... they are afraid....
Adams is a crook. But let's see if Adams can get away with the same excuses that Trump has used.
Clarence Thomas gets 4 million dollars worth of bribes and he stays on the bench.

Thomas is what happens when you suck enough white racist dicks. Adams got 100,000 worth of gifts, I guess he tried to stay black while he was taking the gifts.

It's time for Adams to resign.
This is a foreign emoluments case. Trummp made millions in such emoluments as president.
If trump were advising Adams, Eric would say............'s fake news, it's a witch hunt, the prosecutors are out to get me, the grand jury is corrupt, everything I have ever done in his life is perfect, the DA is out of control, it's political persecution.

Orange Man deflection. It's old
If trump were advising Adams, Eric would say............'s fake news, it's a witch hunt, the prosecutors are out to get me, the grand jury is corrupt, everything I have ever done in his life is perfect, the DA is out of control, it's political persecution.

Then he would assure us not only did he do nothing wrong, but that what he did was perfect.

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