NYC Mayor Eric Adams charged with wire fraud, bribery, and solicting money from a foreign national.

Repubicans are worse.
Republicans believe you're good enough and smart enough to succeed on your own without help.

Democrats believe you can't possibly succeed without the help of white Democrats.

And you seem to agree with them.
Posts the guy voting for a convict.
As if his convictions mean anything. You Democrats learned well from your Soviet masters.

show man find crime quote.jpg
Not how the world works.

You're the one having the hissy fit.

Go somewhere where we can hear or see you.

This is what parents do with children having hissy fit

Get back your IQ2 sock, or whatever. You're a not important, bingo. That was your downfall, white boy
I'm tired of it, get on topic or go away. That's your choices
Whatever...hows that. You dumbass you try to hard

Be black, pink, whatever you've made it your online persona and for some reason people doubt it so you create friends to confirm it.

Now leave me alone
Some people think Elvis is still alive. Others are still waiting for JFK to take JD Vances spot on Trumps ticket. This is the type of nut you are. So shut up and deal with what you got coming for being a moron.
Some people think Elvis is still alive. Others are still waiting for JFK to take JD Vances spot on Trumps ticket. This is the type of nut you are. So shut up and deal with what you got coming for being a moron.

Some people think Elvis is still alive. Others are still waiting for JFK to take JD Vances spot on Trumps ticket. This is the type of nut you are. So shut up and deal with what you got coming for being a moron.

Oh shut the fck up. How's that?
If you are.a black man that doesn’t fall in line with the demklan, this is what they do to you.

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