Obama aided the enemy

In releasing the Obama five Mr Obama is Providing Material Witness to the enemy of the United States Of America.

Do you care?

Had these alleged terrorists been tried in a court of law and convicted, Obama could never have done this.

Wow. Nice excuse. Now that they have been released, they will never likely get their day in court. But they don't need one. They need to be dead.
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Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

POW is reserved for ones who actually served their country, not terrorists.
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

POW is reserved for ones who actually served their country, not terrorists.

These terrorists were captured in a country that we invaded. Technically that makes them POW's.
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

POW is reserved for ones who actually served their country, not terrorists.

These terrorists were captured in a country that we invaded. Technically that makes them POW's.

They ran planes into our buildings, killed 3000 of our people. That technically makes them the enemy.

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In releasing the Obama five Mr Obama is Providing Material Witness to the enemy of the United States Of America.

Do you care?

Had these alleged terrorists been tried in a court of law and convicted, Obama could never have done this.

LOL please. Courts mean nothing if we can assassinate Americans and their minor children abroad without trial.
Bergdahl will face a court martial.

Obama will face a Senate hearing.

Democrats will face voters in November.

I don't know Bergy's full deal....but in the end, nobody will care about him.

Obama will still live the life.

And even if we get Republicans, those spineless bastards will still be in cahoots with the amoral democrats.

In the end, it's good to just look at it in a vacuum; what is value, positive or negative with regards to this prisoner exchange.
These terrorists were captured in a country that we invaded. Technically that makes them POW's.

With all due respect, how they came into our custody has no bearing on their status. As you state, they are terrorists. Agreed.

Technically, they are Unlawful Combatants. The lines have blurred over the years as have armed conflict. If you're interested, take a look at who and who does not qualify as a combatant under the GC and what the definition of a POW is under the GC. Where the GC doesn't apply, you have Unlawful Combatants.

Muddy water I know. Not trying to quibble but I thought it might flesh out the discussion a bit.

These terrorists were captured in a country that we invaded. Technically that makes them POW's.

They ran planes into our buildings, killed 3000 of our people. That technically makes them the enemy.


Those who ran planes into our buildings killing over 3000 of our people died the last I heard.

Ah yes, but those who orchestrated it are on their way back home. (Save for one, who was dumped into the Atlantic Ocean.) Don't get sarcastic with me.
Family of Soldier Slain in Bowe Bergdahl Search Blasts Prisoner Swap - NBC News

The deal that got Bowe Bergdahl released in exchange for five high-ranking Taliban detainees doesn't sit right with the family of an Army lieutenant killed in an ambush while searching for the missing sergeant.

"He was killed while looking for this deserter," said Andy Andrews, father of 2nd Lt. Darryn Andrews, who died in eastern Afghanistan in September 2009.

"If this guy [Bergdahl] had not gone off post, our son would not have been killed."

Well, then. It would appear that Obama was all too happy to get terrorists back to their enclaves. What's the reasons for that? I don't know. But I've always said that Obama wants to destroy us from within, or at least be a chaos factor; and I firmly believe that.
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

Oh his supervisor and his mates want him to face a court martial. No one has to make anything up whatsoever regarding Bowe.

6 men died on missions to try to find Bergdhal after he walked off.


We the Platoon': A White House petition to 'punish Bowe Bergdahl' for going AWOL and deserting the U.S. Army is demanding a 'trial by court martial,' and thousands signed in the first day

'He should face a court-martial for desertion!': Two former Bowe Bergdahl platoon-mates say he put 'thousands' in danger when he abandoned his Army post | Mail Online
I'm hearing that we didn't just give any five detainees back either. We gave away their top five officials for one deserting POW? And again, the regime lied about his background? Yea, Obama is a destroyer from within; no doubt about it.
This is the beginning of the end for Obama...
Whether anyone on the GOP side will do anything about it or not...the American people know this was a stupid thing to do and congress know's the law was broken. This will bring his presidency down below any others...even Nixon's. I know that not many have the guts to say this but the person that stands up and says this has my vote.

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone nudge Johnny off of the Bar stool and get him in the FUCKING game PLEASE!
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Guess who said this....

"What George Bush has been trying to do as part of his effort to try and accumulate more power in the presidency is, he’s been saying ‘Well I can basically change what Congress has passed by attaching a letter saying ‘I don’t agree with this part,’ or, ‘I don’t agree with that part. I’m going to choose to interpret it this way or that way.’ That’s not part of his power,” “Congress’s job is to pass legislation. The president can veto it, or he can sign it.”
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

No one lied about Bergdahl. Members of his own platoon said he was a deserter. And most important of all, Obama knew he was a deserter!!!!

“A Pentagon investigation established in 2010 that on that Tuesday, Bergdahl abandoned his platoon in a war zone near the Pakistan border while serving with the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division.”

For the various sources of this information, read my thread at the following link:

Obama knew the truth about Bergdahl ! - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This means that in order to secure the release of a known deserter, Obama freed five of the most dangerous men on the planet. I don't see anything good about that.
In releasing the Obama five Mr Obama is Providing Material Witness to the enemy of the United States Of America.

Do you care?

Ignorant, partisan nonsense.

The five detainees have not been afforded due process, have not been afforded a trial, and have not been found guilty of any crimes.

Indeed, the release of the detainees comports with the law because these five individuals were being held absent a conviction of any crime, which goes to the overall un-Constitutional failure what was the process and policy of holding terrorist suspects in custody absent due process of the law. See, e.g., Boumediene v. Bush (2008).

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