Obama aided the enemy

Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

Lie? Being probably the only one who has actual experience here let me tell you. He is the one that walked off. He is the one that voiced how disgusting America was. His fellow soldiers hated him. And his father was a real prize earlier. And after all that he is the one they tried to get back? The guy could rot for all I care.
The ignorance, hypocrisy, and stupidity of most on the partisan right is truly remarkable, but not surprising.

We have some rightists making the failed and inane ‘argument’ that the president ‘broke the law’ by releasing five Guantánamo detainees, none of whom have been charged with a crime, indicted of a crime, or convicted of any criminal act. In fact, as a matter of Constitutional law (Article I, Section 9), the detainees should have been released long ago absent an indictment or conviction, whether in exchange for an American soldier or not, as the validity of the ’30 day notification’ law is in question.

Congress can’t compel the president to delay the release of Guantánamo detainees where that detention is in of itself unlawful and in conflict with the president’s Article II authority as C-in-C.

Then, in the ultimate act of conservative hypocrisy, most on the right make the equally failed and inane ‘argument’ that Bergdahl should have been ‘left behind’ as some sort of ‘punishment’ as an alleged ‘deserter,’ without affording him due process to in fact establish his guilt.

Indeed, the only lawful way to determine the guilt or innocence of Bergdahl is to bring him to the United States pursuant to an investigation, an investigation that could not have appropriately taken place with him still a prisoner.

In essence we have most conservatives making the failed argument that the president ‘broke the law’ by releasing the detainees and then advocating that he law be broken by not affording Bergdahl is due process rights.

Obviously these attacks by most on the right are motivated solely by partisanism, as they are inconsistent, hypercritical, thoughtless, and a desperate attempt undermine an Obama foreign policy success.

That Congressional republicans and others on the partisan right ‘think’ or ‘believe’ the detainees ‘might’ pose a ‘threat’ to American interests is not supported by any facts or objective, documented evidence – persons cannot be held in custody indefinitely because some ‘think’ of ‘believe’ that those persons ‘might’ commit a crime; all that matters is what can be proven in a court of law, and failing to meet that burden, the government has no other option than to release those unlawfully detained.
Republicans are such Chicken Littles about everything. Here's yet another story where they scream and shout about how the sky is falling, only we look up and find that it's still up there where it's always been.

Republicans in Congress gave the President the authority to exchange prisoners. A provision within that law--which gives the executive branch certain flexibility within the law--says that the President must give 30 days notice to Congress.

The problem with the law in this case is that it can't be said to be applicable to this specific kind of situation.

In a signing statement when the President signed off on the law that allows him to do what he did, he wrote that the 30 day stipulation was highly problematic in the event that something is happening in real time in the world that requires the executive branch to act.

The President has wanted to close Gitmo for over 5 years now, but the only bills that Republicans are writing is to expand Gitmo by some $400 million over the next decade. All the President keeps asking for is a low 8 figures to transfer the rest of these 149 detainees out and close up shop down there.

The Republicans won't have it.

Meanwhile, much of the remaining detainees are people we don't have anything on. Nothing specific to charge them with. Part of the reason for that is that we didn't catch all of the people who ended up in Gitmo. We outsourced much of the job to Afghans in exchange for cash. Local militia leaders were rounding up the innocent with the guilty. Why not? It's more money at the end of the day. The Oscar-winning doc "Taxi to the Dark Side" is about such a case.

The 5 suspected terrorists are now in Qatar and they'll stay there for a year. Afghanistan doesn't want them back. They're still in the hands of western-friendly people who will probably end up putting the guilty ones away or killing them. I like that. We get to wash our hands clean of this mess, finally.

The President has taken the first real step in awhile to show that he's serious about cleaning Gitmo out. I personally like the idea of other countries trying these guys. We can save our resources instead of putting 149 individuals through long and expensive trials where we have no good evidence, meaning a lot of those guys would go free and then be able to sue us.

Send 'em to Qatar. Send 'em to Afghanistan. Send 'em wherever anybody will take them and try them or house them or kill them or whatever. Just fucking close Gitmo already.

This is an unqualified success for the President, whose finally had enough with moronic Republicans that don't want to admit that he actually HAS the power to do what he did since THEY gave it to him.
whoa, an unqualified success

lets hope we don't get another 9/11 like when Bill Clinton refused to apprehend Bin Laden...these Terrorist were picked up with American blood on their hands, already

we see how that turned out to be an "unqualified success"

my gawd, terrorist sympathizers right here in our own country
CaféAuLait;9199921 said:
In releasing the Obama five Mr Obama is Providing Material Witness to the enemy of the United States Of America.

Do you care?

Had these alleged terrorists been tried in a court of law and convicted, Obama could never have done this.

LOL please. Courts mean nothing if we can assassinate Americans and their minor children abroad without trial.

I know, that Patriot Act was/is an awful piece of legislation. What's to be done about it now though?

Featured Story:

Col. David Hunt: US Lost 14 SOLDIERS Searching for Deserter Bowe Bergdahl (Video)

Published June 3, 2014 at 12:22 am - 11 Comments

Colonel David Hunt told Bill O’Reilly tonight that Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter.

[ame=http://youtu.be/cs5XzWgaFGY]Freed In Afghanistan - SGT Rowe Bergdahl Released - Col David Hunt - O'Reilly - YouTube[/ame]

“Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter. Bergdahl on June 20, 2009 crawled underneath a wire at his fire base with water, food, a change of clothes, a knife and a cell phone. He called his unit the day after he deserted to tell his unit he deserted… Bill, we lost 14 soldiers, killed, searching for a deserter. He left his unit in combat. It’s non-arguable… We don’t know yet if he joined the Taliban or not. But, there’s no question he deserted.

There were already reports of at least five US heroes who were lost looking for Bowe Bergdahl:


all of it here
Col. David Hunt: US Lost 14 SOLDIERS Searching for Deserter Bowe Bergdahl (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
It appears that Obama has provided material aid to the enemy which is an impeachable offense.

All the more reason to take back the Senate.

It will too late by then for us and our country
this administration wasn't kidding about transforming US into a weak third world hell hole
It appears that Obama has provided material aid to the enemy which is an impeachable offense.

All the more reason to take back the Senate.

It will too late by then for us and our country
this administration wasn't kidding about transforming US into a weak third world hell hole

Congress can stop him if they want to.

They went after Reagan for Iran-Contra.
I don't know Bergy's full deal....but in the end, nobody will care about him.

Obama will still live the life.

And even if we get Republicans, those spineless bastards will still be in cahoots with the amoral democrats.

In the end, it's good to just look at it in a vacuum; what is value, positive or negative with regards to this prisoner exchange.

Yeah, but I can think of one "Republican" who is naught more than a closet Pajama Boy type Democrat, hence totally in agreement with all the left does. Perhaps if some real Republicans arise it could turn out differently. One hell of a big "IF", however.
In releasing the Obama five Mr Obama is Providing Material Witness to the enemy of the United States Of America.

Rambunctious needs to be sent to The Hague for aiding and abetting terrorism for standing up for the terrorists.

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