Obama aided the enemy

Now that's the first time I've heard "Rambunctious" used as a nickname for Your New Messiah, Jake. Did that come in a talking points memo or didja get a personal phone call?
The ignorance, hypocrisy, and stupidity of most on the partisan right is truly remarkable, but not surprising.

We have some rightists making the failed and inane ‘argument’ that the president ‘broke the law’ by releasing five Guantánamo detainees, none of whom have been charged with a crime, indicted of a crime, or convicted of any criminal act. In fact, as a matter of Constitutional law (Article I, Section 9), the detainees should have been released long ago absent an indictment or conviction, whether in exchange for an American soldier or not, as the validity of the ’30 day notification’ law is in question.

Congress can’t compel the president to delay the release of Guantánamo detainees where that detention is in of itself unlawful and in conflict with the president’s Article II authority as C-in-C.

Then, in the ultimate act of conservative hypocrisy, most on the right make the equally failed and inane ‘argument’ that Bergdahl should have been ‘left behind’ as some sort of ‘punishment’ as an alleged ‘deserter,’ without affording him due process to in fact establish his guilt.

Indeed, the only lawful way to determine the guilt or innocence of Bergdahl is to bring him to the United States pursuant to an investigation, an investigation that could not have appropriately taken place with him still a prisoner.

In essence we have most conservatives making the failed argument that the president ‘broke the law’ by releasing the detainees and then advocating that he law be broken by not affording Bergdahl is due process rights.

Obviously these attacks by most on the right are motivated solely by partisanism, as they are inconsistent, hypercritical, thoughtless, and a desperate attempt undermine an Obama foreign policy success.

That Congressional republicans and others on the partisan right ‘think’ or ‘believe’ the detainees ‘might’ pose a ‘threat’ to American interests is not supported by any facts or objective, documented evidence – persons cannot be held in custody indefinitely because some ‘think’ of ‘believe’ that those persons ‘might’ commit a crime; all that matters is what can be proven in a court of law, and failing to meet that burden, the government has no other option than to release those unlawfully detained.

(emphasis added)

And the fact the United Nations wants two of these terrorists for the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims means squat too, right?

Who Are The 5 Guantanamo Detainees In Prisoner Swap? : The Two-Way : NPR

And then you laughingly state how can we keep them without trial for things they 'might' do and know Obama has "murdered" 4 US citizens for things they 'might' do- without trial.

Why did Obama assassinate Anwar al-Awlaki? He said and I quote; "his death was a "major blow to Al-Qaeda’s most active operational affiliate"...

Despite promise, US govt moves to classify justification for drone killing of American ? RT USA

Yet, he releases 5 of their major leaders.... Makes perfect sense.
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

Oh looky. A liberal celebrates the Taliban terrorists and hates American citizens.
In releasing the Obama five Mr Obama is Providing Material Witness to the enemy of the United States Of America.

Do you care?

None Dare Call It Treason.

I DARE. TREASON. Obama broke the law and let go 5 Taliban leaders so they can unleash more death and destruction on civilized society. (Or was that 6? And I mean the DESERTER).
These terrorists were captured in a country that we invaded. Technically that makes them POW's.

They ran planes into our buildings, killed 3000 of our people. That technically makes them the enemy.


Those who ran planes into our buildings killing over 3000 of our people died the last I heard.

15 Saudis, 1 from the UAE, 1 from Lebonon, 1 from Eygpt. The Taliban held Afghanistan as a colony, with thanks, in part, to US support for the muhjideen back in Ronnie Reagan's days of sleeping in office.
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

If he didn't desert...
Then how did he get off the base?
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

Please. This soldier got six MURDERED looking for him because he was a selfish prick, end of story. Its not just republicans, and if you cared you would be reacting just as strongly as anyone else. Its not about Obama, its about a POS who did not give a damn about his battle buddies.

Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero

Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero - CNN.com

These men were killed because of Bowe being a selfish piece of shit deserter.

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl

The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching for Bowe Bergdahl - TIME
Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

If he didn't desert...
Then how did he get off the base?

He deserted walking right off the base and sent his uniforms and crap home before he left, writing letters suggesting he would renounce his US citizenship as well.

“He left of his own volition,” one U.S. defense official said, declining to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject. “But we have no idea of his motivation, or what was going through this young man’s mind at the time.”

Freed from Taliban captivity, Bergdahl's ordeal far from over | Reuters

This POS responsible for 6 soldiers deaths will be promoted to SSG the end of the month. He deserted as a PFC.
Now that's the first time I've heard "Rambunctious" used as a nickname for Your New Messiah, Jake. Did that come in a talking points memo or didja get a personal phone call?

The President acted within his war time powers bestowed on him by the Constitution.

Anybody who attacks that is aiding the terrorists.
Burn in hell.

Obama got a POW back after 5 years. Do you and the republicans care? Guess not. Its better to lie about him deserting to make it look like Obama screwed up again big time. The american people are tired of republican antics.YOU ARE THE ENEMY.
Ronald Reagan + Billions of US taxpayer dollars + the Afghanistan Jihad + Terrorist bombings and dead Americans = Shut the fuck up, Republicans.
Ronald Reagan + Billions of US taxpayer dollars + the Afghanistan Jihad + Terrorist bombings and dead Americans = Shut the fuck up, Republicans.

good one nutjob; Russians killed one MILLION AFGHANIS;

OH but that was when you left-wing nutjobs idolized Russia; and people like PUTIN; who was a KGB agent in the former USSR

ur an idiot

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