Obama and lobbyists


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Banana Republic
Contrary to many of the statements Obama made about curtailing the influence of lobbyists in Washington, it would seem that all is forgiven:

"Obama came to office pledging to curtail the sway of lobbyists and banned lobbyists from serving on such panels, which guide government policy on a range of topics ranging from cancer to towing safety."

Lobbyists are again free help guide government policy thanks to a White House reversal of policy.

White House loosens restrictions on lobbyists | Reuters

It's getting pretty hard to believe anything Obama says. :lol:

"Obama came to office pledging to curtail the sway of lobbyists and banned lobbyists from serving on such panels, which guide government policy on a range of topics ranging from cancer to towing safety.

The president said he was doing so because the voices of paid representatives of interest groups were drowning out the views of ordinary citizens.

But many lobbyists felt they were being unfairly tarred by Obama's campaign to keep them out of public service. A lawsuit challenging the ban was initially dismissed, but a District of Columbia Circuit Court in January reinstated it."

Read what you post and post it honestly...
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I would have thought that Obama would have being willing to go all the way on this. He was not forced by a court to reverse policy. That a case filed by lobbyists in a lower court is meaningless when compared to protecting the American people as Obama promised to do.

I would have thought that Obama would have being willing to go all the way on this. He was not forced by a court to reverse policy. That a case filed by lobbyists in a lower court is meaningless when compared to protecting the American people as Obama promised to do.
Compromises are made to keep the peace. It's what he's supposed to do. He's not King...
But this lower court hadn't issued an opinion or a verdict, the court had simply refused to dismiss the case filed by the lobbyists. Seems the decision to compromise was a bit too easy.

But this lower court hadn't issued an opinion or a verdict, the court had simply refused to dismiss the case filed by the lobbyists. Seems the decision to compromise was a bit too easy.
Do you actually read what you post?

"But many lobbyists felt they were being unfairly tarred by Obama's campaign to keep them out of public service. A lawsuit challenging the ban was initially dismissed, but a District of Columbia Circuit Court in January reinstated it."
Reinstated. This means that the court is willing to hear the case, and that it was put on the court's docket....a docket is the schedule of cases a court plans to hear and make a ruling on. Reinstated is not a ruling.

Reinstated. This means that the court is willing to hear the case, and that it was put on the court's docket....a docket is the schedule of cases a court plans to hear and make a ruling on. Reinstated is not a ruling.
That's correct, but not what you said happened...
I said that "He was not forced by a court to reverse policy" and that a "lower court hadn't issued an opinion or a verdict". My point is simply that Obama was not forced allow lobbyists to sit on panels which guide government policy - he simply decided that he would reverse his earlier promises to keep lobbyists at bay.

You underlined that "a District of Columbia Circuit Court in January reinstated it" as if to say that reinstatement was somehow significant to Obama's decision.
I said that "He was not forced by a court to reverse policy" and that a "lower court hadn't issued an opinion or a verdict". My point is simply that Obama was not forced allow lobbyists to sit on panels which guide government policy - he simply decided that he would reverse his earlier promises to keep lobbyists at bay.

You underlined that "a District of Columbia Circuit Court in January reinstated it" as if to say that reinstatement was somehow significant to Obama's decision.
That's because I believe that is was. See how that works...
Care to explain how the reinstatement was significant to Obama's decision to reverse his promise to the American people? Keep in mind that the lower court had not even rendered an opinion or verdict.

Seems Obama's promises don't have much value.
It's politics, why would you think that any promises, by any politician running for office, would have any real value? Dreams and dreamers to get elected, then reality sets in. Magic Underpants was going to fix everything and make it all better, at least that's what you guy believed on election night. So many of you wouldn't have been crying and saying America was lost otherwise.
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Why doesn't Obama just ignore the Law like he's done before?

Why doesn't Obama just provide an exemption as he has done before?

He IS King you know. He has a Pen AND he has a Phone!
Why doesn't Obama just ignore the Law like he's done before?

Why doesn't Obama just provide an exemption as he has done before?

He IS King you know. He has a Pen AND he has a Phone!

Didn't know many kings were big on pens and phones? Thought they tended to be the hunting and first to fuck your bride types?
Oh ok, he wants you to THINK he's opposed to Lobbying. Like with Bubba Clinton and his Middle Class Tax Cut promise.

Bubba: "I tried SO hard for that cut! In the end we just couldn't get it done." (then bites his lip)

ANOTHER LIE he duped you with into voting for him

and how many of you fell for it...suckers
"They all lie" seems to be your defense. I can understand why it is that you really don't expect too much from Obama.


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