Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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"Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog"

You and most others on the right are truly childish and ridiculous.

Yeah, it is sooooooooooooooooooo childish to point out liberals are being hypocrites.

Just who is being childish here?

What Republicans eat:



What Obama's parents gave him as a little kid to eat:


At least what Obama ate could fight back.

So could the dog Trig stood on genius!

Ever think of that??????????

Noooooooooo, of course you didn't!

Let's all send Sarah a bag of dog bones, for the Drooler. Maybe that will keep him too busy to stand on the fucking dog. They can even share, how sweet a picture would that be.

You are soooooooooooooo moral, calling a Down syndrome child a "drooler."

I intend to save that for the next time you claim you are moral, you phony.
That stupid ho got all the crazies out with comments about her kid, like "the drooler". The crazies are just crazy. And mean. And rotten to the core. The bitch is a skank with no clue how her actions have hurt her CHILD. And she probably doesn't care. I feel bad for the kid. I feel worse for the dog.

But notice you don't care about the dogs that Obama ate.

Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!


How christ like you are, and white too

Yeah, because Christ NEVER pointed out that the Pharisees were hypocrites!!!

If you are going to lecture ME about WWJD you BETTER KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise, I will enjoy pointing out not only what a hypocrite YOU are, but how dumb you are at it as well.


His "I'm a real Jew!" Act needs work
The question isn't "why is that kid standing on the dog?" It's "Why is the mom taking a picture rather than rescuing the dog from the kid standing on it?"

No, the question is, why did you liberal phonies not care when a liberal did it, and then have a fit when it was done by Palin.

The question isn't "why is that kid standing on the dog?" It's "Why is the mom taking a picture rather than rescuing the dog from the kid standing on it?"

And Baby Hussein, learning what parts taste best!
In a country where dog is on the menu and he was a child. Here, we have no "Bow-wow and Meow-Meow" restaurants. So, are you saying that it is acceptable to stand on dogs in the U.S.?

Here we go again!

When a liberal does it, it's MULTICULTURALISM.

When a conservative lets her child stand on a dog and the dog is OBVIOUSLY UNHURT AND UNEATEN, that's "animal cruelty."

What is it when Ellen let's her kid stand on the dog?

Oh that's liberal's getting whiplash trying to turn a blind eye as fast as they can!

If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism."


But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.


You guys are such complete phonies.


When Ellen posted an identical picture, nary a word of criticism from anyone. It was kinda funny and the dog didn't seem to mind.
If the libs are now going to bash Palin, they better say the same for the picture Ellen posted. See pic that Ellen and everyone found funny at link.


the people on here should be ashamed of themselves they let some GROUP like PETA make them look like uncaring fools by attacking the little boy with downs syndrome all because it was Sarah Palin.
We mostly attacked her, because you stupid little partisan fuckers wouldn't. The Drooler came later.

Any words for Ellen Degeneres, liberal hypocrite?????

The question isn't "why is that kid standing on the dog?" It's "Why is the mom taking a picture rather than rescuing the dog from the kid standing on it?"
That is correct, and the answer is, she's almost a big a moron as he is.
I don't blame the kid...he doesn't know any better. What what kind of parent and pet owner, when seeing a child start standing on a dog, and not even a larger dog than the child, grabs for a camera instead of telling the child to not stand on the dog or else someone will get hurt?

Did you condemn Ellen?

Sarah's parenting skills are sad. Didn't Bristol get knocked up in Sarah's home?

Levi Johnston reveals on 'Tyra Banks' show that Sarah Palin knew he and Bristol were having sex.

Levi Johnston dishes on Palins for Tyra Banks - NY Daily News

Yeah, liberals have sooooooooooooo much better parenting skills.

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I don't recall nary a word from liberals about this.


Did the kid get Down syndrome from Sarah? She seems to be the logical carrier with her stupidity and tongue hanging out.

^ This is EXACTLY why you always find mass graves at the end of every Progressive rainbow. They're the most awful, evil people on the planet
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

Oh, it's okay to SLAUGHTER DOGS. Just not to stand on them.

It can't be that MAYBE you are trying like hell to justify Obama and condemn Palin, and looking pretty darn foolish doing so????

Noooooooooooooooooooooo, how could that be!!!!!!

It could be that you are a fucking partisan moron, trying to say it's okay for Palin to let her kid stand on a dog because Obama once ate dog in a country that eats dogs!


You are the one trying to justify Obama eating dog, but condemning Palin letting her kid stand on a dog.

Could you be any more obvious!

Who is the partisan moron? You.
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