Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism."


But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.


You guys are such complete phonies.


I fully agree that Libs live by double standards as a matter of routine but I don't think Palin (or whoever took this picture) should let a kid this size stand on a family pet. It could damage the dog's spine and/or cause unnecessary pain or discomfort. The boy likely doesn't know better but the adults in the household do and should be held accountable for allowing mistreatment of that poor dog. I'm speaking as a Conservative and as an animal lover.

And yet liberals had no problem naming Ellen Mom of the Year.

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"Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog"

You and most others on the right are truly childish and ridiculous.

Yeah, it is sooooooooooooooooooo childish to point out liberals are being hypocrites.

Just who is being childish here?


oh yeah, they hate that. You ever see him call anyone out on the left as being, CHILDISH? you won't either he's a ugly partisan hack and good example of the snobs in the Democrat party
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

^But they are the party that "doesn't react on emotions".......

Most of them haven't left town, let alone the Country. They don't know different people eat different meat. Even if it is cute.

You are what you eat. If you are willing to kill an animal for food then kill it and eat it if you NEED it. THAT is the basic concept.

If you are one of the bone heads that thinks it's ok to eat a cow but not a horse because horses are "pretty" then you have to examine your brain. If you need to kill something for food, "Pretty Pet" doesn't matter.

If you can't kill an animal for food then go Veggies, Beans, Seeds, and Fruit. This will help our disease and healthcare rates.

Note; Abusing an animal is different than harvesting it for food. The movie Avatar should have taught you that if you are young.

Let me get this straight.

It's okay to KILL a dog, but not stand on it???

And you cite AVATAR as your moral compass????????????


All of you partisan morons just continue to bring up all kinds of talking points because you can't defend the one at hand. The pea brain Palin let her retarded child who is pretty big and heavy, stand on their nice dog's spine.

That's terrible..
that cracked me up. :2up:
Obviously, it doesn't take much to entertain a simpleton like you.

And even less to send you sputtering!

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult your mom. But it isn't hard to see where you inherited your lack of intelligence from. Yes, you are the simpleton son.

Oh, boy the libs are sputtering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can tell when they have been nailed!


Why can't you be outraged at both? Palin should have known better than to have a child standing on a dog. I don't have my 6 year old stand on my dog because it can hurt him.

Now, Palin is in her 40s and Obama was a young child, in a country where they do eat dogs, told by an adult to eat what's on his plate. I doubt at 11 years old he is thinking "boy I better not do this or republicans are going to irrationally hate me for it" so the situations are different.

But you can still express your outrage about both and say both aren't okay. Supporting the president's party does not mean you support everything he has ever done in his life.

Well ARE liberals outraged at both????????

Looks to me, like they are spinning as hard as they can to justify Obama while condemning Palin!

And boy are they getting whiplash trying to turn a blind eye to this!

Hey MILFers for Palin, you don't let a child stand on a fucking dog, and it doesn't matter what someone once ate, those are apples and oranges you stupid little fuckers.

Why do you have the same phony moral outraged for Ellen.

I haven't heard it out of you yet!

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

Oh, it's okay to SLAUGHTER DOGS. Just not to stand on them.

It can't be that MAYBE you are trying like hell to justify Obama and condemn Palin, and looking pretty darn foolish doing so????

Noooooooooooooooooooooo, how could that be!!!!!!

It could be that you are a fucking partisan moron, trying to say it's okay for Palin to let her kid stand on a dog because Obama once ate dog in a country that eats dogs!


You are the one trying to justify Obama eating dog, but condemning Palin letting her kid stand on a dog.

Could you be any more obvious!

Who is the partisan moron? You.

Because you just yelling that doesn't prove liberals are losing this argument. Nooooooooooooooo!

All of you partisan morons just continue to bring up all kinds of talking points because you can't defend the one at hand. The pea brain Palin let her retarded child who is pretty big and heavy, stand on their nice dog's spine.

That's terrible..

Who are the pea brains when your side names Ellen the Mom of the Year, and her child does this?

Maybe you could go over to their house and let that big guy walk on your spine.
All of you partisan morons just continue to bring up all kinds of talking points because you can't defend the one at hand. The pea brain Palin let her retarded child who is pretty big and heavy, stand on their nice dog's spine.

That's terrible..

Who are the pea brains when your side names Ellen the Mom of the Year, and her child does this?

Still you and Sarah. Sorry.
The question isn't "why is that kid standing on the dog?" It's "Why is the mom taking a picture rather than rescuing the dog from the kid standing on it?"

No, the question is, why did you liberal phonies not care when a liberal did it, and then have a fit when it was done by Palin.


She is a liberal lesbian darling, she is allowed.
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.

Okay TeePee, I've given you enough attention, ya psycho..
Okay TeePee, I've given you enough attention, ya psycho..

And you lost completely.

So please run away like the rest of the liberals. I have yet to hear you even address what Ellen let her kid do you phony moral hypocrite! :lol:

All of you partisan morons just continue to bring up all kinds of talking points because you can't defend the one at hand. The pea brain Palin let her retarded child who is pretty big and heavy, stand on their nice dog's spine.

That's terrible..
Sarah G , TPS does have a point, liberals attacking Sarah Palin for the same thing that Ellen did. Seems pretty hypocritical to me.
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.

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