Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?
Unlike teapartysamurai , who never ever addresses an issue and instead runs away from every fight she starts, she demanded an answer and I gave it to her.

As usual, she got reeel busy elsewhere.

And, she will either now start yet another flame thread of lies or run away from that one - which she also started.

Bet on it.


YOU POSTED AN ARTICLE THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY BOGUS and have since gone quiet about it.

You going to talk about how California is going to stop Palin from hunting wolves in Alaska some more?

WHO'S LYING???????

You want to talk about how Ellen let HER KID STAND ON A DOG????

I bet like the rest of the lying PHONY HYPOCRITE LIBS You will just fall silent on that! :lol:

If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Unlike teapartysamurai , who never ever addresses an issue and instead runs away from every fight she starts, she demanded an answer and I gave it to her.

As usual, she got reeel busy elsewhere.

And, she will either now start yet another flame thread of lies or run away from that one - which she also started.

Bet on it.


YOU POSTED AN ARTICLE THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY BOGUS and have since gone quiet about it.

You going to talk about how California is going to stop Palin from hunting wolves in Alaska some more?

WHO'S LYING???????

You want to talk about how Ellen let HER KID STAND ON A DOG????

I bet like the rest of the lying PHONY HYPOCRITE LIBS You will just fall silent on that! :lol:

You are lying, that's who because Ellen doesn't have kids.
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

He posted an article earlier in this thread in which it is claimed California is trying to stop Palin from hunting IN ALASKA. When I pointed out that's OBVIOUSLY bogus, he dropped the subject, but not his deranged charge. :lol:

California lawmakers to make it illegal for Palin to shoot wolves from planes

Alaska's infamous predator-control program is being challenged by two California Democrats.

By: Bryan Nelson

Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 02:18 PM

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WOLF HUNT: Over 1,000 wolves have been shot by aerial hunters since 2003. (Photo: Courtesy of Defenders of Wildlife)

It was only a few weeks ago that outgoing Gov. Sarah Palin urged her Alaskan constituents to "stick together" against "anti-hunting, anti-Second Amendment circuses from Hollywood." Now two Democrats from California have introduced legislation which would all but ban Alaska's brutal practice of shooting wolves from aircraft.

Palin stirred controversy over the practice during her bid as John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election, when her support for aerial hunting drew fire from conservation groups. While most aerial hunting was banned in the United States under the 1972 Airborne Hunting Act, Alaska has been allowed to issue permits to shoot wolves from aircraft due to loopholes in the law, so long as the killing is done on non-federal lands.

That loophole was widened in 2003 when then-Gov. Frank Murkowski signed a bill which essentially invited average citizens and private contractors to participate in the slaughter. But it was Sarah Palin's administration that ramped up the killing to unprecedented levels. Palin didn't just think that citizens should be allowed to hunt wolves from airplanes, she thought they should be paid to do it. In 2007, an initiative was passed to pay a bounty to hunters who shot a wolf from an airplane, chopped off the animal's left foreleg, and then brought it in as proof of the killing.

Read more: California lawmakers to make it illegal for Palin to shoot wolves from planes MNN - Mother Nature Network

Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

He's an idiot!

I see that the **** Palin did the wrong thing, yet again. That bitch is so useless she's not even good for the three things your average **** is.
Did the kid get Down syndrome from Sarah? She seems to be the logical carrier with her stupidity and tongue hanging out.

one of the defects attributable to DS is having a tongue too large for their mouth. This causes speech intelligibility issues.
others are
space between 1st and second toe ( see Trig's feet)
heart problems
obesity ( they over eat if too much food is available)
intellectual disability

in spite of that DS people are happy and progress to about the 2nd or 3rd grade level both academically and maturity wise. They all love Disney.
DS is not a tragedy worth an abortion

If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.
Unlike teapartysamurai , who never ever addresses an issue and instead runs away from every fight she starts, she demanded an answer and I gave it to her.

As usual, she got reeel busy elsewhere.

And, she will either now start yet another flame thread of lies or run away from that one - which she also started.

Bet on it.


YOU POSTED AN ARTICLE THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY BOGUS and have since gone quiet about it.

You going to talk about how California is going to stop Palin from hunting wolves in Alaska some more?

WHO'S LYING???????

You want to talk about how Ellen let HER KID STAND ON A DOG????

I bet like the rest of the lying PHONY HYPOCRITE LIBS You will just fall silent on that! :lol:

You are lying, that's who because Ellen doesn't have kids.

She doesn't seem to mind them standing on dogs either!

If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

Libs keep proving me right.

If a liberal eats a dog, that's MULTICULTURALISM!

But if a conservative's kid stands on a dog and the dog not only survives, but looks perfectly fine, THAT'S ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!!!!!!!!!

The hypocrisy is so laughably obvious!

I see that the **** Palin did the wrong thing, yet again. That bitch is so useless she's not even good for the three things your average **** is.

Or maybe it's just that you can't contain your Derangement against her, especially since the election!

If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
He may be shorter but he is stocky. Please continue to make excuses for his mother allowing him to step all over that poor dog though.
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
He may be shorter but he is stocky. Please continue to make excuses for his mother allowing him to step all over that poor dog though.

was the dog whining like you are?
Says the defender of $imple$arah, the fishwife, who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.


And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
He may be shorter but he is stocky. Please continue to make excuses for his mother allowing him to step all over that poor dog though.

was the dog whining like you are?
He was probably whimpering. So sad..
And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
He may be shorter but he is stocky. Please continue to make excuses for his mother allowing him to step all over that poor dog though.

was the dog whining like you are?

He was probably whimpering. So sad..

perhaps the dog should be put down since it's in so much pain
If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism."


But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.


You guys are such complete phonies.

Why does it matter that Obama ate dog while living in a country where that's customary?
Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
He may be shorter but he is stocky. Please continue to make excuses for his mother allowing him to step all over that poor dog though.

was the dog whining like you are?

He was probably whimpering. So sad..

perhaps the dog should be put down since it's in so much pain
It might have to be if they don't go save it from that kind of abuse.
And the dogs Obama ate didn't suffer????????

Keep trying to lie your way out of this Luddy!

Obama ate that when he was a child. Pea brain Sarah totally approved of that big kid walking on the dog. It's awful. Even that little baby standing on the dog isn't as bad, that kid is tiny and isn't hurting that dog. The Palin child is big and you can tell the dog is simply submitting to what he is doing. I feel so sorry for that dog and he has nobody to protect him because his owner is an idiot.

the kid doesn't look all that big.

he's likely small for his age being DS
He may be shorter but he is stocky. Please continue to make excuses for his mother allowing him to step all over that poor dog though.

was the dog whining like you are?
He was probably whimpering. So sad..
Just like you are. Although when you do it I find it rather funny. :)
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