Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism."


But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.


You guys are such complete phonies.


Here's where you're completely wrong.

I did have a HUGE problem with Obama eating a dog. Whether he knew he was or not. I had an even bigger problem with the adults who fed the dog to him.

You see, I'm not a partisan hack. You probably had a big problem with Obama eating a dog. Not for the same reasons I have a problem with it but only because he's a democratic president. It doesn't matter what Obama did over 40 years ago.

Yet you use that same situation to try to excuse what palin did.

I have a HUGE problem with what palin did. Not the reasons you think either. Mostly because that boy is now learning that dogs will let him stand on them. When he comes across one that doesn't allow him to do that, he will be hurt. Possibly seriously.

That's on top of the cruelty that's done to the dog by standing on it. A dog isn't a thing. A stepping stool is. A person should treat a dog with love and respect. A person should use a stepping stool to stand on.

I'm surprised I need to explain that to you.
It's weird. I don't have a problem with Obama eating a dog, no matter how old he was (Obama, not the dog). Neither do I have a problem with Ellen D's daughter standing on a dog, or Sarah Palin's son standing on a dog.

Priorities, I guess. :)
If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism."


But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.


You guys are such complete phonies.


Here's where you're completely wrong.

I did have a HUGE problem with Obama eating a dog. Whether he knew he was or not. I had an even bigger problem with the adults who fed the dog to him.

You see, I'm not a partisan hack. You probably had a big problem with Obama eating a dog. Not for the same reasons I have a problem with it but only because he's a democratic president. It doesn't matter what Obama did over 40 years ago.

Yet you use that same situation to try to excuse what palin did.

I have a HUGE problem with what palin did. Not the reasons you think either. Mostly because that boy is now learning that dogs will let him stand on them. When he comes across one that doesn't allow him to do that, he will be hurt. Possibly seriously.

That's on top of the cruelty that's done to the dog by standing on it. A dog isn't a thing. A stepping stool is. A person should treat a dog with love and respect. A person should use a stepping stool to stand on.

I'm surprised I need to explain that to you.

Good post.

Would The Swimmer have lent Obama the Portagee Water Dog if he knew the water the poor thing was most likely to encounter was in a stew pot?
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...

You've said this before - that you think I am responsible for what every person YOU CHOOSE says.


I will not run around screeching at every one who YOU CHOOSE and with whom I disagree. Nor would I expect you to do the same for those I choose.

But yes, $appy$arah the twit did tweet that her kid is mute and handicapped.
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.
No more nor less than another citizen mother, Ellen DeGeneres. The only differences here are that a) Ellen D's daughter isn't mentally challenged and should have known better, and b) Ellen D won some stupid award for allowing her daughter to stand on a poor, helpless creature.
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.
No more nor less than another citizen mother, Ellen DeGeneres. The only differences here are that a) Ellen D's daughter isn't mentally challenged and should have known better, and b) Ellen D won some stupid award for allowing her daughter to stand on a poor, helpless creature.
Ellen is a elite Hollywood liberal lesbian...she gets a progtard pass.
White House chef yields to Presidential demands, prepares a balanced lunch for the First Pickanninies:

WH lunch.jpg
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...
Where is your denouncement of this post by one of the wingnuts?

Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...

You've said this before - that you think I am responsible for what every person YOU CHOOSE says.


I will not run around screeching at every one who YOU CHOOSE and with whom I disagree. Nor would I expect you to do the same for those I choose.

But yes, $appy$arah the twit did tweet that her kid is mute and handicapped.
when you are in the same fucking thread and you are going to say that none of the righties here care about the kid.....you better fucking believe i will say something when you ignore a callous statement like that.....that does not make you look to good luddy....so i will assume you are the same kind of goddamned lowlife as paint my house and dottie and anyone else here who let that shit slide....i would bet if a righty here would have said that disgusting shit all we would see is you saying how fucked those rw's are for saying something like that about handicapped kids....not being in the thread is one thing ludd....but when you ARE in that thread and dont say anything when you see it,but yet tell everyone else that they dont care about the kid.....thats different....
Looks like calling lying, little hypocrite "christian" thumper teapartysamurai on her constant lies made her run away again. She's hoping it will scroll and she can pretend she didn't accuse other posters of threatening, stalking, bullying and trying to get her banned. But, she did.
I see that the **** Palin did the wrong thing, yet again. That bitch is so useless she's not even good for the three things your average **** is.

Or maybe it's just that you can't contain your Derangement against her, especially since the election!
The Dems could have won every seat and I'd still hate the utterly useless dumb **** that you love so much. Anyone with a brain does. One should hate evil.
He ate dog meat like most Indonesians in 1970. ZZZZZZ. Sarah is an idiot but this must be hysterical only in the lowest level. Never heard of it.
I see that the **** Palin did the wrong thing, yet again. That bitch is so useless she's not even good for the three things your average **** is.

Or maybe it's just that you can't contain your Derangement against her, especially since the election!
The Dems could have won every seat and I'd still hate the utterly useless dumb **** that you love so much. Anyone with a brain does. One should hate evil.
One example of his evil, brainwashed chump?
Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...

You've said this before - that you think I am responsible for what every person YOU CHOOSE says.


I will not run around screeching at every one who YOU CHOOSE and with whom I disagree. Nor would I expect you to do the same for those I choose.

But yes, $appy$arah the twit did tweet that her kid is mute and handicapped.
when you are in the same fucking thread and you are going to say that none of the righties here care about the kid.....you better fucking believe i will say something when you ignore a callous statement like that.....that does not make you look to good luddy....so i will assume you are the same kind of goddamned lowlife as paint my house and dottie and anyone else here who let that shit slide....i would bet if a righty here would have said that disgusting shit all we would see is you saying how fucked those rw's are for saying something like that about handicapped kids....not being in the thread is one thing ludd....but when you ARE in that thread and dont say anything when you see it,but yet tell everyone else that they dont care about the kid.....thats different....

IOW, if you happen to post in a given thread, you agree with every single over-the-top, racist RW scum traitor who posts hate for their country and their president because if you didn't, you would call every single one of them out.


You can ASSSume anything you want but you'd better be prepared to be painted with your own brush.
If this thread proves anything, it's that liberals can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

And that they are such self righteous moral phonies they never consider their hypocrisy will be so obvious when they go into a rant.

If you are going to stand as the defender of dogs, you better consider whether your own has done worse.

Big fail libs.


Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...
Where is your denouncement of this post by one of the wingnuts?

Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
that scale picture is supposed to be equal to someone calling a DS kid a drooler?.....thats supposed to be equal to calling for the kid to be put "out of his misery?".....what the fuck happened to you Sarah?....
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please
Says the defender of $imple$arah who is responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and thousands.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...
Where is your denouncement of this post by one of the wingnuts?

Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
that scale picture is supposed to be equal to someone calling a DS kid a drooler?.....thats supposed to be equal to calling for the kid to be put "out of his misery?".....what the fuck happened to you Sarah?....
Yes, he is a gross pig and never posts anything other than racial slurs. So, I guess what happened to me is the racist wingnuts on this board. It gets old.
Why does it matter that Obama ate dog while living in a country where that's customary?

He didn't "eat dog".

When he was 11yo, he ate what adults put in front of him.

$imple$arah admitted her dog babysat her mute, handicapped kid while she took photos - all so she could whore out her kid and get exactly this kind of publicity.

While the RW traitors pretend to care about dogs, they obviously don't give a crap about the welfare of that little kid.

Obama ate dog, hun. He admitted it himself.

"“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy),” Obama says in the video."

Sorry you're too dumb to get my point.

Eleven year old children do not choose to go out and kill and eat a dog. Eleven year old children are not responsible for what adults put on their plates.

OTOH, adults, like $$ are, or should be responsible for how they treat their mute, handicapped children.

Doncha think?

can you prove he is mute?

$imple$arah $aid $o

You're right. $he probably lied about that too.

could you please link to the quote?

btw, I have worked with mute children. They can scream or grunt but not speak at all. Trig likely has a speech delay. Maybe he has autism too?

what is your background with working with handicapped children?
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