Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...

You've said this before - that you think I am responsible for what every person YOU CHOOSE says.


I will not run around screeching at every one who YOU CHOOSE and with whom I disagree. Nor would I expect you to do the same for those I choose.

But yes, $appy$arah the twit did tweet that her kid is mute and handicapped.
when you are in the same fucking thread and you are going to say that none of the righties here care about the kid.....you better fucking believe i will say something when you ignore a callous statement like that.....that does not make you look to good luddy....so i will assume you are the same kind of goddamned lowlife as paint my house and dottie and anyone else here who let that shit slide....i would bet if a righty here would have said that disgusting shit all we would see is you saying how fucked those rw's are for saying something like that about handicapped kids....not being in the thread is one thing ludd....but when you ARE in that thread and dont say anything when you see it,but yet tell everyone else that they dont care about the kid.....thats different....

IOW, if you happen to post in a given thread, you agree with every single over-the-top, racist RW scum traitor who posts hate for their country and their president because if you didn't, you would call every single one of them out.


You can ASSSume anything you want but you'd better be prepared to be painted with your own brush.
if you bother to pay attention to what is posted instead of just trying to be a good little lefty you will see that i have given shit to a few "over the top" righties here....your girlfriend Katz being among them...as well as quite a few of the others.....how about you?....name a lefty you have called out here.....oh thats right you are not responsible for policing the threads......only if a "rw" says something then thats different......all those posts you have put up about being compassionate towards people.....what a load of shit.....well i was buying it until this thread.....now i know better....everybody in this thread should find what that asshole said as being despicable.....
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please
He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Yes. You can see how heavy he is on that dog's back. Go pick up 60 lbs. I'll wait.
WTF? Duddy is nuts. Gotta Link?

Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...
Where is your denouncement of this post by one of the wingnuts?

Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog Page 9 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
that scale picture is supposed to be equal to someone calling a DS kid a drooler?.....thats supposed to be equal to calling for the kid to be put "out of his misery?".....what the fuck happened to you Sarah?....
Yes, he is a gross pig and never posts anything other than racial slurs. So, I guess what happened to me is the racist wingnuts on this board. It gets old.
PMH aint considered a wingnut....
He didn't "eat dog".

When he was 11yo, he ate what adults put in front of him.

$imple$arah admitted her dog babysat her mute, handicapped kid while she took photos - all so she could whore out her kid and get exactly this kind of publicity.

While the RW traitors pretend to care about dogs, they obviously don't give a crap about the welfare of that little kid.

Obama ate dog, hun. He admitted it himself.

"“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy),” Obama says in the video."

Sorry you're too dumb to get my point.

Eleven year old children do not choose to go out and kill and eat a dog. Eleven year old children are not responsible for what adults put on their plates.

OTOH, adults, like $$ are, or should be responsible for how they treat their mute, handicapped children.

Doncha think?

can you prove he is mute?

$imple$arah $aid $o

You're right. $he probably lied about that too.

could you please link to the quote?

btw, I have worked with mute children. They can scream or grunt but not speak at all. Trig likely has a speech delay. Maybe he has autism too?

what is your background with working with handicapped children?

Are you serious?

Do you have any frikken clue what started all this?

Read her tweet, twit.

And please do not address me again. I don't ASSSociate with vile, stupid kkk ASSSholes who post about things they don't know about, believe others should spoon feed them the very information they are commenting on and then lie about their experience with children.

Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Maybe to some ancient old woman. To a vibrant young mother it's a common occurrence.
Already posted several links in one of the many whiny threads about the RW's idea of a $uperMom. If you happen to have access to the InterWebs, I'll just bet you could find more.

Have any RWs even pretended to care about the mute, handicapped child?

Didn't think so.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...

You've said this before - that you think I am responsible for what every person YOU CHOOSE says.


I will not run around screeching at every one who YOU CHOOSE and with whom I disagree. Nor would I expect you to do the same for those I choose.

But yes, $appy$arah the twit did tweet that her kid is mute and handicapped.
when you are in the same fucking thread and you are going to say that none of the righties here care about the kid.....you better fucking believe i will say something when you ignore a callous statement like that.....that does not make you look to good luddy....so i will assume you are the same kind of goddamned lowlife as paint my house and dottie and anyone else here who let that shit slide....i would bet if a righty here would have said that disgusting shit all we would see is you saying how fucked those rw's are for saying something like that about handicapped kids....not being in the thread is one thing ludd....but when you ARE in that thread and dont say anything when you see it,but yet tell everyone else that they dont care about the kid.....thats different....

IOW, if you happen to post in a given thread, you agree with every single over-the-top, racist RW scum traitor who posts hate for their country and their president because if you didn't, you would call every single one of them out.


You can ASSSume anything you want but you'd better be prepared to be painted with your own brush.
if you bother to pay attention to what is posted instead of just trying to be a good little lefty you will see that i have given shit to a few "over the top" righties here....your girlfriend Katz being among them...as well as quite a few of the others.....how about you?....name a lefty you have called out here.....oh thats right you are not responsible for policing the threads......only if a "rw" says something then thats different......all those posts you have put up about being compassionate towards people.....what a load of shit.....well i was buying it until this thread.....now i know better....everybody in this thread should find what that asshole said as being despicable.....

And I could say the same to you.

That I have called out "lefties" and probably will again.

But you're right that I don't give a moment's thought to checking to read what you write to the vile, racist, disgusting, RW traitors that have taken over this board. Nor can I remember what you wrote or to whom. That you say you can remember that about my posts says a lot more about you than it does about me.

BTW, I don't really read your posts much because I find all those periods kind of juvenile and annoying. But, just as you are more than welcome to your opinion of me, you're certainly welcome to wear out your period key.
And please do not address me again. I don't ASSSociate with vile, stupid kkk ASSSholes who post about things they don't know about, believe others should spoon feed them the very information they are commenting on and then lie about their experience with children.

Must be lonely eating breakfast all alone mornings......while others scurry off to jobs and schools.
if that mute handicapped kid is the Palin kid standing on the dog that you are talking about.....where is your "care" about him?....Paint called the kid a "drooler"...no response from you.....he then said a few times the kid should not be living,should be put down like a dog.....where was your response to that mister i give a shit about handicapped kids?...

You've said this before - that you think I am responsible for what every person YOU CHOOSE says.


I will not run around screeching at every one who YOU CHOOSE and with whom I disagree. Nor would I expect you to do the same for those I choose.

But yes, $appy$arah the twit did tweet that her kid is mute and handicapped.
when you are in the same fucking thread and you are going to say that none of the righties here care about the kid.....you better fucking believe i will say something when you ignore a callous statement like that.....that does not make you look to good luddy....so i will assume you are the same kind of goddamned lowlife as paint my house and dottie and anyone else here who let that shit slide....i would bet if a righty here would have said that disgusting shit all we would see is you saying how fucked those rw's are for saying something like that about handicapped kids....not being in the thread is one thing ludd....but when you ARE in that thread and dont say anything when you see it,but yet tell everyone else that they dont care about the kid.....thats different....

IOW, if you happen to post in a given thread, you agree with every single over-the-top, racist RW scum traitor who posts hate for their country and their president because if you didn't, you would call every single one of them out.


You can ASSSume anything you want but you'd better be prepared to be painted with your own brush.
if you bother to pay attention to what is posted instead of just trying to be a good little lefty you will see that i have given shit to a few "over the top" righties here....your girlfriend Katz being among them...as well as quite a few of the others.....how about you?....name a lefty you have called out here.....oh thats right you are not responsible for policing the threads......only if a "rw" says something then thats different......all those posts you have put up about being compassionate towards people.....what a load of shit.....well i was buying it until this thread.....now i know better....everybody in this thread should find what that asshole said as being despicable.....

And I could say the same to you.

That I have called out "lefties" and probably will again.

But you're right that I don't give a moment's thought to checking to read what you write to the vile, racist, disgusting, RW traitors that have taken over this board. Nor can I remember what you wrote or to whom. That you say you can remember that about my posts says a lot more about you than it does about me.

BTW, I don't really read your posts much because I find all those periods kind of juvenile and annoying. But, just as you are more than welcome to your opinion of me, you're certainly welcome to wear out your period key.
That I have called out "lefties" and probably will again.
sure you have....i have been in lots of threads with you, just like this one here....if its coming from a lefty you go right by it until you get to the "rw's" post....
But you're right that I don't give a moment's thought to checking to read what you write to the vile, racist, disgusting, RW traitors that have taken over this board.
you are right here....you have jumped on me in certain threads just taking the last post into consideration and not the rest of the conversation....nice guy...
Nor can I remember what you wrote or to whom. That you say you can remember that about my posts says a lot more about you than it does about me.
so are you saying you are senile?.....just let me know.....unlike your buddies PMH and Dottie i wont make fun of you for that....
BTW, I don't really read your posts much because I find all those periods kind of juvenile and annoying
in other words just like i thought, your a phony...if thats your answer to all this then i have to assume all your threads and posts about "compassion" towards the downtrodden and ill people is a bunch of phony bullshit....for you not to even address what Paint said about that kid during all this says alot about you....it only matters if someone who you perceive to be a "rw" says something....then you jump on your little "righteous" wagon....disappointing ludd....
If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism." ... But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.

actually, I wasn't aware any liberals had gone into hysterics about animal cruelty at the Palin household.

You do understand that there's a difference between pets and livestock, right?

You aren't aware of the phony outrage?????????

Today’s outrage: Palin posts photo of son standing on the family dog
Today 8217 s outrage Palin posts photo of son standing on the family dog Hot Air

On par with Romney putting a dog on the roof of his car Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're the phony here.

If you really cared that Obama ate dog, you would care a whole lot more about the thousands of wild dogs that Palin is responsible for suffering very slow deaths.

My bet is that you'll defend that suffering.


You posted an article claiming California is trying to stop Palin from shooting wolves IN ALASKA!

Who's the Phony!!!!!!


If you're a member of the nra or support them then you better start learning what that organization has done.

There was a bill in the PA congress to outlaw killing dogs and cats and selling it as food. The republicans in PA and the nra put a stop to that bill so thanks to the republicans in PA and the nra it's legal to kill dogs and cats then sell them as food.

So it's ok for republicans to eat dogs and cats but it's not ok for Obama to be fed dog when he was a child.

You people really are pathetic.
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Yes. You can see how heavy he is on that dog's back. Go pick up 60 lbs. I'll wait.

you said 40 - 60

which one?
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

If the dog was hurt it would have done something.

Not necessarily.

I used to have two German Shepherds. Tasha and Norman.

Tasha had bad displacia in her back legs. One day a friend's 18 month old child threw himself down on her back legs. Tasha was lying on the floor and he just walked up to her and threw himself on her.

The only reaction the dog had was to look behind her to see what had hurt her. She didn't move or make a sound.

I quickly took the child off her and told him that we don't sit on animals. That if you want to pet them you sit beside them to pet them. Then we did just exactly that.

Tasha was hurt. When she tried to stand up, her back legs wouldn't work well and she fell right back down.

The problem I have with all of this is that the woman isn't teaching her child not to stand on a dog. Someday that child will stand on the wrong dog and will get hurt. Possibly seriously hurt.

Even if that dog wasn't hurt it's not ok to treat a dog like a foot stool. It's a living being and has the right to not be abused that way.
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Yes. You can see how heavy he is on that dog's back. Go pick up 60 lbs. I'll wait.

you said 40 - 60

which one?
Either number would be hard on a dog's spine. You don't want to admit that? Fine. Imo, you're an asshole for that reason alone.. I've had enough of your silliness.
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

If the dog was hurt it would have done something.

Not necessarily.

I used to have two German Shepherds. Tasha and Norman.

Tasha had bad displacia in her back legs. One day a friend's 18 month old child threw himself down on her back legs. Tasha was lying on the floor and he just walked up to her and threw himself on her.

The only reaction the dog had was to look behind her to see what had hurt her. She didn't move or make a sound.

I quickly took the child off her and told him that we don't sit on animals. That if you want to pet them you sit beside them to pet them. Then we did just exactly that.

Tasha was hurt. When she tried to stand up, her back legs wouldn't work well and she fell right back down.

The problem I have with all of this is that the woman isn't teaching her child not to stand on a dog. Someday that child will stand on the wrong dog and will get hurt. Possibly seriously hurt.

Even if that dog wasn't hurt it's not ok to treat a dog like a foot stool. It's a living being and has the right to not be abused that way.
And to think someone was stupid enough to give that woman a Mom of the Year award.
how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Yes. You can see how heavy he is on that dog's back. Go pick up 60 lbs. I'll wait.

you said 40 - 60

which one?
Either number would be hard on a dog's spine. You don't want to admit that? Fine. Imo, you're an asshole for that reason alone.. I've had enough of your silliness.

IOW, you have no idea
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

Really? looks like the kid is playing with th edog in that picture, not actually standing on it. Can you see the dogs face? does it look like its in pain? of course Luddly agreed with you on that.
how large?

documentation please

He weighs 40 - 60 lbs.

that's large?
Yes. You can see how heavy he is on that dog's back. Go pick up 60 lbs. I'll wait.

you said 40 - 60

which one?
Either number would be hard on a dog's spine. You don't want to admit that? Fine. Imo, you're an asshole for that reason alone.. I've had enough of your silliness.


So, that's more or less the same weight as the dog.

The numb nuts will all jump in and say labs weigh a gazillion pounds more than that and actually, I knew two who weighed almost 100#. But, looking at the photos, that's an average size lab.

You're very right about the anatomy of a dog. Not just hard on the spine but also on the rib cage. They're not built to be stood on or ridden.

Thanks for pointing that out.
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