Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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Really? looks like the kid is playing with th edog in that picture, not actually standing on it. Can you see the dogs face? does it look like its in pain? of course Luddly agreed with you on that.

Instead of actually reading my posts, you just stupidly pile on?


Yours was the second post in the thread where you call the Kid a Moron. Did I miss something right before that?

(Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.) You said that right? what is it just because its Palins Kid ?

Personaly I dont care if obama ate a dog in Indonesia, thats what they do over there, cant be helped





Post a link to anyplace I wrote that.

I want the EXACT link.

Post a link to any post of mine where I called the child a "moron".

Jeeez, I am so sick of you RW liars.

you did not seem to care when he was called a drooler by a friend of yours....did ya?....

I don't see where you called out any of your knee jerk RW buddies. I don't see where you called out teapartysamurai for her lies or Yarddog for his stupidly attacking me.

Difference is, I don't expect you to because I don't consider you their keepers.

I'm not anyone elses keeper either.

Now, grow the fuck up give it a rest already.
I don't see where you called out any of your knee jerk RW buddies
thats because you dont retain anything said around here.....you do remember telling me this a few hours ago right?...
I don't see where you called out teapartysamurai for her lies .
tea party did not call the kid a drooler or call for his death.....she commented on that....did you mr compassionate?..
or Yarddog for his stupidly attacking me
yard dog said he made a mistake....can you read?..... you probably read it but did not retain anything because he leans right..... and fuck you ...i will not give it a rest.....you are a phony....you dont give a dam about any kid unless someone on the right is saying something,and your phony gun threads prove that as well as this thread here....you are a fraud ludd.....
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

If the dog was hurt it would have done something.

Not necessarily.

I used to have two German Shepherds. Tasha and Norman.

Tasha had bad displacia in her back legs. One day a friend's 18 month old child threw himself down on her back legs. Tasha was lying on the floor and he just walked up to her and threw himself on her.

The only reaction the dog had was to look behind her to see what had hurt her. She didn't move or make a sound.

I quickly took the child off her and told him that we don't sit on animals. That if you want to pet them you sit beside them to pet them. Then we did just exactly that.

Tasha was hurt. When she tried to stand up, her back legs wouldn't work well and she fell right back down.

The problem I have with all of this is that the woman isn't teaching her child not to stand on a dog. Someday that child will stand on the wrong dog and will get hurt. Possibly seriously hurt.

Even if that dog wasn't hurt it's not ok to treat a dog like a foot stool. It's a living being and has the right to not be abused that way.

tough it's your frkken problem. keep your long winded high and mighty post to yourself then. no one care what you think of the mother or how many doggies you have. It doesn't make you an EXPERT on anything. sheesh

you libs are the lest compassionate people on the planet and stuck up snobs to boot
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I don't have the time to go through all 33 pages. I'm guessing all I missed is TPS and Staph posting memes about Obama eating dogs.
Instead of actually reading my posts, you just stupidly pile on?


Yours was the second post in the thread where you call the Kid a Moron. Did I miss something right before that?

(Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.) You said that right? what is it just because its Palins Kid ?

Personaly I dont care if obama ate a dog in Indonesia, thats what they do over there, cant be helped





Post a link to anyplace I wrote that.

I want the EXACT link.

Post a link to any post of mine where I called the child a "moron".

Jeeez, I am so sick of you RW liars.

you did not seem to care when he was called a drooler by a friend of yours....did ya?....

I don't see where you called out any of your knee jerk RW buddies. I don't see where you called out teapartysamurai for her lies or Yarddog for his stupidly attacking me.

Difference is, I don't expect you to because I don't consider you their keepers.

I'm not anyone elses keeper either.

Now, grow the fuck up give it a rest already.
I don't see where you called out any of your knee jerk RW buddies
thats because you dont retain anything said around here.....you do remember telling me this a few hours ago right?...
I don't see where you called out teapartysamurai for her lies .
tea party did not call the kid a drooler or call for his death.....she commented on that....did you mr compassionate?..
or Yarddog for his stupidly attacking me
yard dog said he made a mistake....can you read?..... you probably read it but did not retain anything because he leans right..... and fuck you ...i will not give it a rest.....you are a phony....you dont give a dam about any kid unless someone on the right is saying something,and your phony gun threads prove that as well as this thread here....you are a fraud ludd.....

You need to get laid...or stoned...or something. Damn, boy! Go find your happy place and report back.
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.
Obama was 9 years old at the time. He did admit it. She will never admit to any wrongdoing, she is a liar and a dumb one for posting that awful picture.

It sure brought out the mindless trolls that we probably were better off not hearing from, I agree.
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

Oh, it's okay to SLAUGHTER DOGS. Just not to stand on them.

It can't be that MAYBE you are trying like hell to justify Obama and condemn Palin, and looking pretty darn foolish doing so????

Noooooooooooooooooooooo, how could that be!!!!!!

It could be that you are a fucking partisan moron, trying to say it's okay for Palin to let her kid stand on a dog because Obama once ate dog in a country that eats dogs!
If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism." ... But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.

actually, I wasn't aware any liberals had gone into hysterics about animal cruelty at the Palin household.

You do understand that there's a difference between pets and livestock, right?
No, because he doesn't understand that sometimes those two are reversed, and that you don't stand on the livestock either, not until it's dead.

Do you own livestock? Where are the rules / standards for how to treat livestock?
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.

oh dear gawd. you people are a joke. WHAT give you the right to judge her? she is a CIVILIAN that means jack shit to you nasty people... go get a frikken life and worry over the state our country is in or something
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.

oh dear gawd. you people are a joke. WHAT give you the right to judge her? she is a CIVILIAN that means jack shit to you nasty people... go get a frikken life and worry over the state our country is in or something

The country can go f*** itself as far as they're concerned. Hating Palin is more important to them.
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.

no it isn't. the thread is about Obama EATING DOG. MY GAWD how many DAYS are going to rant on this? maybe you can give us an idea? 5-6-10
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.

oh dear gawd. you people are a joke. WHAT give you the right to judge her? she is a CIVILIAN that means jack shit to you nasty people... go get a frikken life and worry over the state our country is in or something

The country can go f*** itself as far as they're concerned. Hating Palin is more important to them.

I swear this obsession they have with Palin can't be frikken healthy and almost DAMN SCARY. she might need body guards after this all over A DOG
Okay, let's keep this about what it is. Sarah Palin ALLOWED her large 7 year old to walk all over a service dog. That is what happened. We are not calling the child names, we're blaming his stupid mother for what she allowed him to do. He does not know any better. She should but I really think that she is the retarded one.
No more nor less than another citizen mother, Ellen DeGeneres. The only differences here are that a) Ellen D's daughter isn't mentally challenged and should have known better, and b) Ellen D won some stupid award for allowing her daughter to stand on a poor, helpless creature.
Ellen is a elite Hollywood liberal lesbian...she gets a progtard pass.

Well but of course. Palin isn't even in Government anymore yet they still can't stop hating on her for every little damn thing such a damn PICTURE that also has her down syndrome child in it. they're disgusting human being and just downright shallow and pathetic all rolled into one
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.

oh dear gawd. you people are a joke. WHAT give you the right to judge her? she is a CIVILIAN that means jack shit to you nasty people... go get a frikken life and worry over the state our country is in or something

The country can go f*** itself as far as they're concerned. Hating Palin is more important to them.

I swear this obsession they have with Palin can't be frikken healthy and almost DAMN SCARY. she might need body guards after this all over A DOG

We're talking about the same people that got their panties in a wad over Romney's dog being put on in crate during a family vacation. Yeah, that heartless SOB! And then he forgot to take the dog potty before leaving and the dog soiled himself. Oh the evil gargoyle!

The thing is, Republicans don't give Leftists a lot of fodder when it comes to scandals. They don't text pictures of their genitals to children, sell senate seats to the highest bidder, or use their freezers to hide cash from the IRS. Republican personal conduct is markedly better than Democrats and so they have to really scrape the barrel to find ANYTHING that might resemble a scandal. And what they come up with is about as pathetic as they are.
If Obama ate dog...that is on him. He has to take responsibility for that action.

Palin let her son stand on a dog...she will NEVER take responsibility for that action. She will blame the media, PETA, dog-eater Obama. Anybody but herself.

So much for personal responsibility.

oh dear gawd. you people are a joke. WHAT give you the right to judge her? she is a CIVILIAN that means jack shit to you nasty people... go get a frikken life and worry over the state our country is in or something

The country can go f*** itself as far as they're concerned. Hating Palin is more important to them.

I swear this obsession they have with Palin can't be frikken healthy and almost DAMN SCARY. she might need body guards after this all over A DOG

We're talking about the same people that got their panties in a wad over Romney's dog being put on in crate during a family vacation. Yeah, that heartless SOB! And then he forgot to take the dog potty before leaving and the dog soiled himself. Oh the evil gargoyle!

The thing is, Republicans don't give Leftists a lot of fodder when it comes to scandals. They don't text pictures of their genitals to children, sell senate seats to the highest bidder, or use their freezers to hide cash from the IRS. Republican personal conduct is markedly better than Democrats and so they have to really scrape the barrel to find ANYTHING that might resemble a scandal. And what they come up with is about as pathetic as they are.

I tried to finally ignore them but then i came in here and damn they're still going on.
my gawd liberalism is for sure a mental disorder. Just look in this thread for the proof
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