Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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Do some people really believe there is a scale by which someone is 'more' or 'less' American based on when their family arrived? I've seen posts that suggest some people think their grandparents or great-grandparents being American makes them 'more' American. Talk about missing the point...
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .

thank you. I could less if Obama ate dog and could care less if the kid is standing the dog. In my view if they are hurting the dog it would move and dump the kid on its butt. then that would be the lesson to not stand on it again. but you can't get through these shallow and petty people heads...it's pathetic but not unexpected with the hate they have for this woman. It and they are downright scary crazy with hate
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

omg, now you're the expert. and also knows how much the kid weights too. gawd Sarah give it a rest.
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .

thank you. I could less if Obama ate dog and could care less if the kid is standing the dog. In my view if they are hurting the dog it would move and dump the kid on its butt. then that would be the lesson to not stand on it again. but you can't get through these shallow and petty people heads...it's pathetic but not unexpected with the hate they have for this woman. It and they are downright scary crazy with hate

They must have never had little kids before, and they never had a moment where they let down their guard, not even for one second! its simply amazing! and by one photo, they can determine an entire event that took place, and that a mother is a bad parent. Well to be human is to realize that even being a good parent there are times when you are a bad parent! at certain moments in time. And those are the things that we work on to be better.

But something tells me that SOME of these amazing liberals may not really be human after all, the constant news feed from the web has perhaps morphed them into a superior life form .... possibly.

At any rate I do believe Sara Palin and her family may be seen by them as a bigger threat to America than ISIS is.
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

I only saw one foot
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Ok show then the other photo please, I wasnt aware of that
I swear this obsession they have with Palin can't be frikken healthy and almost DAMN SCARY.
34 pages of you posting about Obama eating a dog; and you want to talk about others having unhealthy obsessions? :lol: you truly are clueless
She didn't just let down her guard she thought it was cute. Posted the pics herself on Twitter. What a dumbass.
Obama cost me my job.I didn't vote for the jerk. He has no sense of what this country is about, he is somebodies' puppet. That's all I get from this sad fool
She didn't just let down her guard she thought it was cute. Posted the pics herself on Twitter. What a dumbass.

it was cute. especially the little boy... only to you high and mighty snobs it wasn't. haven't you hated enough?
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Ok show then the other photo please, I wasnt aware of that
Im using my phone and I dont want to search right now. I will do that for you tomorrow if you can't do a search.
She didn't just let down her guard she thought it was cute. Posted the pics herself on Twitter. What a dumbass.

OK wait but you said something about the kid standing on the dog with both feet with all his weight on him. Is that really true? there is another picture of that?
because thats the pic that should have been posted then
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

^But they are the party that "doesn't react on emotions".......

Most of them haven't left town, let alone the Country. They don't know different people eat different meat. Even if it is cute.

You are what you eat. If you are willing to kill an animal for food then kill it and eat it if you NEED it. THAT is the basic concept.

If you are one of the bone heads that thinks it's ok to eat a cow but not a horse because horses are "pretty" then you have to examine your brain. If you need to kill something for food, "Pretty Pet" doesn't matter.

If you can't kill an animal for food then go Veggies, Beans, Seeds, and Fruit. This will help our disease and healthcare rates.

Note; Abusing an animal is different than harvesting it for food. The movie Avatar should have taught you that if you are young.

Let me get this straight.

It's okay to KILL a dog, but not stand on it???

And you cite AVATAR as your moral compass????????????



Nope, you clearly missed the point because your brain is small.

There is a difference between killing an animal and harvesting one for food. Learn that very basic life lesson kiddo.

Let me dumb it down for you.

Never go up to an animal and kill it yelling "hahaha"

But if you are starving to death in the winter when no plants are being harvested, go ahead and kill an animal for food.

I, personally, eat animal year round. But that's not the topic now is it.
Has anyone yet ask the dog what it thinks?

I assume you mean the Palin's dog, since it's impossible to ask the dog Obama ate anything.

Since the dog in the photo is calmly lying there, rather than getting up and dumping Trig on his chubby butt, it's safe to assume the dog is unconcerned.
Hey MILFers for Palin, you don't let a child stand on a fucking dog, and it doesn't matter what someone once ate, those are apples and oranges you stupid little fuckers.

Why do you have the same phony moral outraged for Ellen.

I haven't heard it out of you yet!

Not sure if you don't understand the topic or if you are calling that girl a "fatty"....
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