Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.
But then you're as ditzy as Palin so shove your stupid info.

Typical liberal. "I don't like you, and I want to believe THIS, so don't give me any facts that might contradict me, you big meanie head!"

Thanks for once again surrendering and running away like the ignorant embarrassment to women you always are.
Of course the Palin family could end all the liberal bullshit by simply killing and eating the dog.

That would even make Gov. Palin look MORE presidential!
It could possibly be that both issues are entirely ridiculous, I f Obama ate dog meat as a child in Indonesia or wherever it was, he probably didnt have much say in the matter, kids are generaly going to do what they are told ( except maybe Palin's kids, right?) Really a non issue there

If that single photo of the kids foot on the dog is some sort of basis for outrage then your outrage is pathetic. Is there another photo? cause from what I see you cannot get any context of what was taking place, it only takes about a second for a kid to put his foot on a dog like that, you have no idea whethrer he was simply rubbing his foot on the dogs back or about to put all his weight on the dog. I rather doubt that really happened, but I do think people that hate sara Palin and her family would really like to think so .
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.

And you think that's the norm for dogs? It's not. I'm not saying I wouldn't tell the kid to get off the dog - I often did when my youngest son would sit on the dog - but it's still a lot more likely the dog wasn't bothered.

It's also very likely that everyone shitting their frillies over this is doing so specifically because it's Sarah Palin. This doesn't even vaguely warrant the screeching federal case being made out of it.
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

How do you know? You're not smart enough to read your own mind, let alone the dog's.
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

I don't have to read the thread dumbass.

Look at the picture!!

Does the dog look like he's in any stress or discomfort?

Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

How do you know? You're not smart enough to read your own mind, let alone the dog's.
I know because I have empathy for other people and their pets. You? Nahh, you're just an old gasbag. All you do is rant about wingnutty things that are important to you for some strange reason. Now you are on a rampage about a service dog who doesn't complain no matter how much he is being abused at the hands of Sarah Palin..
Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

I don't have to read the thread dumbass.

Look at the picture!!

Does the dog look like he's in any stress or discomfort?

Yes that dog does look like he is scared. That kid is heavy and the dog has nobody with any sense who will protect him.
That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

How do you know? You're not smart enough to read your own mind, let alone the dog's.
I know because I have empathy for other people and their pets. You? Nahh, you're just an old gasbag. All you do is rant about wingnutty things that are important to you for some strange reason. Now you are on a rampage about a service dog who doesn't complain no matter how much he is being abused at the hands of Sarah Palin..

In other words, you're projecting your drama queen bullshit onto a dog you've never clapped eyes to in real life. "Fuck your facts, I have FEELS!" Thank you. Go play in traffic.
That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

I don't have to read the thread dumbass.

Look at the picture!!

Does the dog look like he's in any stress or discomfort?

Yes that dog does look like he is scared. That kid is heavy and the dog has nobody with any sense who will protect him.

That post looks like it came from a fucking moron.

Of the two of us, I think I'm doing better at extrapolation.
That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

I don't have to read the thread dumbass.

Look at the picture!!

Does the dog look like he's in any stress or discomfort?

Yes that dog does look like he is scared. That kid is heavy and the dog has nobody with any sense who will protect him.


Sarah the dog whisperer
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

I don't have to read the thread dumbass.

Look at the picture!!

Does the dog look like he's in any stress or discomfort?

Yes that dog does look like he is scared. That kid is heavy and the dog has nobody with any sense who will protect him.


Sarah the dog whisperer
Already been said by another wingnut upthread a ways... RD = The Unfunny... :lol:
Poor Sarah, losing her mind for all to see.

You used to be semi-rational...the latest election really got to you, huh? :lol:
Nope he had both feet on that poor dog and the dog's head was down. He was hurting that poor service dog for sure.

Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

I can't agree with you more.

How anyone can justify allowing a child to stand on a dog is beyond me. In fact most can't. All they do is point at Obama for possibly eating dog over 40 years ago when he was a child.

Of course it's wrong to use a dog as a step stool but no right winger is ever going to admit that fact when it's a republican who does it.
Be honest. It is only wrong to you because a republican did it. The picture shows a very relaxed dog in no pain and no fear of the child. My 55 pound dog jumps on top of my 25 pound dog all the time. And when the little on breaks free? She goes after him for some more.

Your outrage is very transparent. It makes you look silly.

Actually no. I'm not a democrat. I've been a registered independent since I was 18 and first registered to vote. I don't give a damn what party a person is from. It's not ok to stand on a dog.

I don't give a damn if the Mother Goddess herself stood on a dog. I would have the exact same reaction. It's wrong. It's abusive and hurtful to the dog.

I think it's wrong for Ellen to think it's cute for a child to stand on a dog. I think it was wrong for Obama to eat dog that was fed to him by adults.

I love animals. I've had animals all my life. Both my current cat and my dog are rescued animals. The cat was about to be killed at a shelter and the dog was owned by a person who told me they paid 400 dollars for the dog and wanted to get their money out of him. They kept him in a cage for the first 2 years of his life. I had to teach him how to be a dog. To this day he has no idea why the cat doesn't like him and if you throw a ball for him he looks at you like you're crazy. He's not afraid of vehicles so he will stand right in the middle of the street and let a car run over him. He still has to be coaxed into eating. The previous owners must have abused him or scared him from eating. When I rescued him he wasn't even 4 pounds I could feel all the bones in his body when I pet him. Oh, he's a mini shitzsu so he's smaller than the cat. I still have to encourage him to eat when I give him food.

The dog I mentioned in my past posts was also rescued. I got her from a person who was breeding guard dogs. Tasha was too small and her ear wasn't standing straight. So the owner was going to kill her. I stopped him, bought her and took her home.

I don't give a damn what political affiliation a person is. This isn't political to me. It's about treating animals with love and respect. It's also about teaching a child not to do something that will probably get him harmed in the future. That boy is going to step on the wrong dog and that dog is going to hurt that boy. Possibly seriously.

So while you all make excuses for what palin and her son did, I don't believe there's any excuse for mistreating a dog and not teaching a child how to properly treat an animal.
Poor Sarah, losing her mind for all to see.

You used to be semi-rational...the latest election really got to you, huh? :lol:
Oh yeah, they're starting off with a bang huh? Two stupid wingnutty stories all over the news already.

I like it that they won, now they'll be required to go to work everyday and they'll have to get everything they want through Obama.

Btw, you're going to be in this position for the next two years, defending their stupidity.
That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

How do you know? You're not smart enough to read your own mind, let alone the dog's.
I know because I have empathy for other people and their pets. You? Nahh, you're just an old gasbag. All you do is rant about wingnutty things that are important to you for some strange reason. Now you are on a rampage about a service dog who doesn't complain no matter how much he is being abused at the hands of Sarah Palin..

You know because you have empathy?

You are a fucking moron!!
That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

The dog didn't mind. Why should you?
The dog did mind, read the thread and stop being a moron.. Next!

I don't have to read the thread dumbass.

Look at the picture!!

Does the dog look like he's in any stress or discomfort?

Yes that dog does look like he is scared. That kid is heavy and the dog has nobody with any sense who will protect him.

You know nothing about dogs then.
Don't be a bigger dumbass than nature already made you. If he'd been hurting the dog, the dog would have gotten up and moved and dumped the kid on his butt. As an experienced mother who's always had good-sized dogs, I can tell you this for a fact. The most patient, child-loving dog in the world will still not sit still to be caused pain by them.

That's not true at all.

I posted about my German Shepherd. She was extremely loving and very gentle.

An 18 month old child threw himself on her and hurt her. She didn't move nor make a sound. All she did was look behind her to see what had hurt her.

When she tried to stand up after he thew himself on her, she couldn't. Her back legs wouldn't hold her up and she fell right back down.
That is so sad. My daughter's dog has a bad hip and you never know that she's even in pain until you see her limping. I would never let a kid stand on her for goodness sake. We shouldn't even be arguing about this, Palin should know better.

I can't agree with you more.

How anyone can justify allowing a child to stand on a dog is beyond me. In fact most can't. All they do is point at Obama for possibly eating dog over 40 years ago when he was a child.

Of course it's wrong to use a dog as a step stool but no right winger is ever going to admit that fact when it's a republican who does it.
Be honest. It is only wrong to you because a republican did it. The picture shows a very relaxed dog in no pain and no fear of the child. My 55 pound dog jumps on top of my 25 pound dog all the time. And when the little on breaks free? She goes after him for some more.

Your outrage is very transparent. It makes you look silly.

Actually no. I'm not a democrat. I've been a registered independent since I was 18 and first registered to vote. I don't give a damn what party a person is from. It's not ok to stand on a dog.

I don't give a damn if the Mother Goddess herself stood on a dog. I would have the exact same reaction. It's wrong. It's abusive and hurtful to the dog.

I think it's wrong for Ellen to think it's cute for a child to stand on a dog. I think it was wrong for Obama to eat dog that was fed to him by adults.

I love animals. I've had animals all my life. Both my current cat and my dog are rescued animals. The cat was about to be killed at a shelter and the dog was owned by a person who told me they paid 400 dollars for the dog and wanted to get their money out of him. They kept him in a cage for the first 2 years of his life. I had to teach him how to be a dog. To this day he has no idea why the cat doesn't like him and if you throw a ball for him he looks at you like you're crazy. He's not afraid of vehicles so he will stand right in the middle of the street and let a car run over him. He still has to be coaxed into eating. The previous owners must have abused him or scared him from eating. When I rescued him he wasn't even 4 pounds I could feel all the bones in his body when I pet him. Oh, he's a mini shitzsu so he's smaller than the cat. I still have to encourage him to eat when I give him food.

The dog I mentioned in my past posts was also rescued. I got her from a person who was breeding guard dogs. Tasha was too small and her ear wasn't standing straight. So the owner was going to kill her. I stopped him, bought her and took her home.

I don't give a damn what political affiliation a person is. This isn't political to me. It's about treating animals with love and respect. It's also about teaching a child not to do something that will probably get him harmed in the future. That boy is going to step on the wrong dog and that dog is going to hurt that boy. Possibly seriously.

So while you all make excuses for what palin and her son did, I don't believe there's any excuse for mistreating a dog and not teaching a child how to properly treat an animal.

What you THINK doesn't matter. Fact is the dog wasn't hurt. Fact is in certain parts of the world people eat dogs.
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