Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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California lawmakers to make it illegal for Palin to shoot wolves from planes

Alaska's infamous predator-control program is being challenged by two California Democrats.

By: Bryan Nelson

Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 02:18 PM

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WOLF HUNT: Over 1,000 wolves have been shot by aerial hunters since 2003. (Photo: Courtesy of Defenders of Wildlife)

It was only a few weeks ago that outgoing Gov. Sarah Palin urged her Alaskan constituents to "stick together" against "anti-hunting, anti-Second Amendment circuses from Hollywood." Now two Democrats from California have introduced legislation which would all but ban Alaska's brutal practice of shooting wolves from aircraft.

Palin stirred controversy over the practice during her bid as John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election, when her support for aerial hunting drew fire from conservation groups. While most aerial hunting was banned in the United States under the 1972 Airborne Hunting Act, Alaska has been allowed to issue permits to shoot wolves from aircraft due to loopholes in the law, so long as the killing is done on non-federal lands.

That loophole was widened in 2003 when then-Gov. Frank Murkowski signed a bill which essentially invited average citizens and private contractors to participate in the slaughter. But it was Sarah Palin's administration that ramped up the killing to unprecedented levels. Palin didn't just think that citizens should be allowed to hunt wolves from airplanes, she thought they should be paid to do it. In 2007, an initiative was passed to pay a bounty to hunters who shot a wolf from an airplane, chopped off the animal's left foreleg, and then brought it in as proof of the killing.

Read more: California lawmakers to make it illegal for Palin to shoot wolves from planes MNN - Mother Nature Network
Did she marinate and eat them, or just make zircons out of them for her friends?
Luddy went quiet.

Could it be, in his mindless zeal to justify Obama's dog eating he fell for a bogus article?

Luddy went quiet.

Could it be, in his mindless zeal to justify Obama's dog eating he fell for a bogus article?


Not going to wait for you to defend $arah's lack of decent parenting or the cruel shooting of wolves from the air.

She also pushed through a bill on "urban hunting" so people could shoot dogs inside city limits.

Any way you look at it, she's directly responsible for a lot more dogs suffering and death than the one President Obama ate at the age of 11.
Luddy went quiet.

Could it be, in his mindless zeal to justify Obama's dog eating he fell for a bogus article?


Not going to wait for you to defend $arah's lack of decent parenting or the cruel shooting of wolves from the air.

She also pushed through a bill on "urban hunting" so people could shoot dogs inside city limits.

Any way you look at it, she's directly responsible for a lot more dogs suffering and death than the one President Obama ate at the age of 11.

I have to defend you posting a BOGUS ARTICLE where you claim California is trying to stop Palin from doing ANYTHING in Alaska??????????

Nice attempt at spinning this, but YOU STUCK YOUR FOOT IN IT PAL, I DIDN'T!

Now do you have an article where Wyoming is trying to stop her too?

and lets not forget the big stink they made over some personal face book letter that was written to the Obama girls about how they dressed.

oh and the Obama mask of that rodeo clown. they wanted to charge him with a HATE CRIME

People better wake up to the fascist that is running this country and their base of nut jobs
40+ years ago, an 11yo boy ate the plate of food the adults put in front of him, just as the OP has said her own mother does for her now. That little boy grew up to save the United States from a full out depression.

Now, the OP is defending an admittedly incompetent mother who said the family dog took better care of her handicapped, mute child while she took photos and then posted them to the internet. That mother is, as we know, a professional quitter, whiner, loser, drunk who pushed through legislation to make legal the shooting of urban dogs and wild wolves. Thousands and thousands of dogs have suffered because of $imple$arah.

Can't get much more dishonest and hypocritical than that.
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