Obama ate dogs and libs ignored it, go into hysterics over a down syndrome child standing on a dog

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that cracked me up. :2up:
Obviously, it doesn't take much to entertain a simpleton like you.

And even less to send you sputtering!

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult your mom. But it isn't hard to see where you inherited your lack of intelligence from. Yes, you are the simpleton son.

Oh, boy the libs are sputtering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can tell when they have been nailed!


Why can't you be outraged at both? Palin should have known better than to have a child standing on a dog. I don't have my 6 year old stand on my dog because it can hurt him.

Now, Palin is in her 40s and Obama was a young child, in a country where they do eat dogs, told by an adult to eat what's on his plate. I doubt at 11 years old he is thinking "boy I better not do this or republicans are going to irrationally hate me for it" so the situations are different.

But you can still express your outrage about both and say both aren't okay. Supporting the president's party does not mean you support everything he has ever done in his life.

oh for crying loud. Palin isn't some devil because her child stepped on a dog. MANY children has done it and IF it was hurting the dog, they would MOVE and dump the kid on their butt. Then they might learn not to do that again..you snobs need get over it

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

Oh, it's okay to SLAUGHTER DOGS. Just not to stand on them.

It can't be that MAYBE you are trying like hell to justify Obama and condemn Palin, and looking pretty darn foolish doing so????

Noooooooooooooooooooooo, how could that be!!!!!!

It could be that you are a fucking partisan moron, trying to say it's okay for Palin to let her kid stand on a dog because Obama once ate dog in a country that eats dogs!


You are the one trying to justify Obama eating dog, but condemning Palin letting her kid stand on a dog.

Could you be any more obvious!


I don't care that Palin's kid stood on a dog- stupid issue that I have only heard conservatives talk about and I don't care if Obama ate dog once.

Do you care?

Not really but liberals care!

And if they are going to set up one standard for conservatives, then they have to accept the same standards for their own side.

They obviously don't, and one thing I do care about is their obviously PHONY MORAL HYPOCRISY.
You are the one trying to justify Obama eating dog, but condemning Palin letting her kid stand on a dog.

Why does eating a dog need to be justified? It's done in some cultures around the world. How is eating a dog any less humane than eating a cow?

Thank you for proving me right again.

If a liberal eats a dog, it's MULTICULTURALISM!

But if a down syndrome child stands on a dog that OBVIOUSLY does not mind or it would move away, that's "animal cruelty."

Yeah it has nothing to do with liberal, PALIN DERANGEMENT SYNDROME!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo. It's concern for the dog.

They don't want dogs stood on, but they are okay, with dogs being eat.

No, hypocrisy there!!!!!!

Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!

Where dogs are food it's okay if anybody does dummy, but I'd like it if they didn't. Dog I have not tried but I've eaten plenty of other kinds of "meat".

Oh, it's okay to SLAUGHTER DOGS. Just not to stand on them.

It can't be that MAYBE you are trying like hell to justify Obama and condemn Palin, and looking pretty darn foolish doing so????

Noooooooooooooooooooooo, how could that be!!!!!!

It could be that you are a fucking partisan moron, trying to say it's okay for Palin to let her kid stand on a dog because Obama once ate dog in a country that eats dogs!
pot kettle black, PMH the biggest libtard hack on this board besides luddy or rdean, calling some one else a hack, priceless.
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

If the dog was hurt it would have done something.
It Doesn't Fucking Matter, You Do Not Stand On The Fucking Dog.

And just so that you can't say you weren't warned, you not hit your sister, you do not run with scissors, you do not play with matches, you do not eat what's in the cat box, and you do not pull the kind of shit that Palin lets her children get away with. Is everyone clear now?

But eating a dog is okay??????

Phony hypocrites!


byTONY LEE3 Jan 2015220
Nobody exposes the hypocrisy on the left more than former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

On Saturday, Palin ripped left-wing PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for calling her out when Palin posted a benign photo of her disabled son using their dog as a booster to reach the sink.

Palin pointed out that PETA has never said anything about a photo the organization’s “Woman of the Year” Ellen Degeneris posted of a little girl similarly using a dog as a booster to reach the sink. She also noted that PETA was also conveniently silent when President Barack Obama admitted to having actually eaten dog meat.

“Chill. At least Trig didn’t eat the dog,” Palinwrote in a Facebook note addressed to PETA, a reference to President Barack Obama’s admission that he ate dog meat in his youth. “Did you go as crazy when your heroic Man-of-Your-Lifetime, Barack Obama, revealed he actually enjoyed eating dead dog meat?

She also asked the organization why it didn’t get “all wee-wee’d up when” when Degeneris posted a similar photo.

“Hypocritical much?” Palin asked.
She then called PETA out for some of its blatant double standards:

ALL of it here:
Palin Blasts PETA Hypocrisy Chill... At Least Trig Didn t Eat the Dog - Breitbart
and lets not forget the big stink they made over some personal face book letter that was written to the Obama girls about how they dressed.

oh and the Obama mask of that rodeo clown. they wanted to charge him with a HATE CRIME

People better wake up to the fascist that is running this country and their base of nut jobs
Let's see here, rodeo clown in mask, fired. Woman who wrote Facebook post, fired. Free Speech isn't free so either watch your mouth or be prepared to live with the consequences.

And you are okay with that.

Thank you for making it clear how liberals feel about free speech.

Thank you for AGAIN proving me right.


But if a down syndrome child stands on a dog, and the dog has no distress, and certainly survives the "ordeal" that's a chance to exercise Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Thanks for admitting what phony moral hypocrites you all are.
If there was ever an example of the phony, hypocritical, moral outrage of liberals. It is the fact that Obama ATE dogs and liberals ignore that as "multiculturalism."


But Palin show a picture of a cute kid, standing on the family dog and liberals go into hysterics.


You guys are such complete phonies.


I fully agree that Libs live by double standards as a matter of routine but I don't think Palin (or whoever took this picture) should let a kid this size stand on a family pet. It could damage the dog's spine and/or cause unnecessary pain or discomfort. The boy likely doesn't know better but the adults in the household do and should be held accountable for allowing mistreatment of that poor dog. I'm speaking as a Conservative and as an animal lover.
Did you read the post?

There is nothing whatsoever to indicate this was not a one time incident. Or that he was not told it was wrong.
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

If the dog was hurt it would have done something.
It Doesn't Fucking Matter, You Do Not Stand On The Fucking Dog.

A grown adult? No, but a child isn't hurting anything. Stop being such a queen.

My aunt and uncle have a picture of me sitting on the back of their great dane when I was three years old.
Protecting pets isn't queer dummy. I don't care what people think is cute, you do not ride or stand on dogs, period. And if you do someone should beat your little behind until you remember that. They aren't fucking toys or furniture.

Unless you are a liberal and then you can EAT them!

Hey MILFers for Palin, you don't let a child stand on a fucking dog, and it doesn't matter what someone once ate, those are apples and oranges you stupid little fuckers.
Hey MILFers for Palin, you don't let a child stand on a fucking dog, and it doesn't matter what someone once ate, those are apples and oranges you stupid little fuckers.
PMH has PMS today.
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

If the dog was hurt it would have done something.
It Doesn't Fucking Matter, You Do Not Stand On The Fucking Dog.

A grown adult? No, but a child isn't hurting anything. Stop being such a queen.

My aunt and uncle have a picture of me sitting on the back of their great dane when I was three years old.
Protect pets isn't queer dummy. I don't care what people think is cute, you do not ride or stand on dogs, period. And if you someone should beat your little behind until you remember that. They aren't fucking toys or furniture.

I don't agree with the beating part but she did admit the dog was taking better care of her mute, handicapped kid than she was.

Why does she put her kids in the news so often? Why does she wore out her children and then act all surprised when they get drunk and start fights?

Its disgusting.

It's disgusting, or your obsession with Palin's children is disgusting???

I mean WE NEVER hear of liberal children getting arrested!!!!!!!

Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife Sentenced to Jail Time
Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife Sentenced to Jail Time Roll Call News

Vice President Biden's youngest son discharged from Navy Reserves after testing positive for cocaine: report
Biden s son booted from Navy after failing cocaine test report - NY Daily News

Al Gore's Son Arrested on Drug Charges
Al Gore s son arrested on drug charges - US news - Crime courts NBC News

Funny, I don't recall you ever ranting about how liberals raise THEIR CHILDREN!

Can't be I've just shown you to be a PHONY MORAL HYPOCRITE AGAIN????????

Oh, how could that be????????


If the dog was hurt it would have done something.
It Doesn't Fucking Matter, You Do Not Stand On The Fucking Dog.

A grown adult? No, but a child isn't hurting anything. Stop being such a queen.

My aunt and uncle have a picture of me sitting on the back of their great dane when I was three years old.
Protect pets isn't queer dummy. I don't care what people think is cute, you do not ride or stand on dogs, period. And if you someone should beat your little behind until you remember that. They aren't fucking toys or furniture.

I don't agree with the beating part but she did admit the dog was taking better care of her mute, handicapped kid than she was.

Why does she put her kids in the news so often? Why does she wore out her children and then act all surprised when they get drunk and start fights?

Its disgusting.

It's disgusting, or your obsession with Palin's children is disgusting???

I mean WE NEVER hear of liberal children getting arrested!!!!!!!

Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife Sentenced to Jail Time
Jesse Jackson Jr. and Wife Sentenced to Jail Time Roll Call News

Vice President Biden's youngest son discharged from Navy Reserves after testing positive for cocaine: report
Biden s son booted from Navy after failing cocaine test report - NY Daily News

Al Gore's Son Arrested on Drug Charges
Al Gore s son arrested on drug charges - US news - Crime courts NBC News

Funny, I don't recall you ever ranting about how liberals raise THEIR CHILDREN!

Can't be I've just shown you to be a PHONY MORAL HYPOCRITE AGAIN????????

Oh, how could that be????????


excellent my dear
bravo. these People and their Palin derangement and she has NO BEARING on their pathetic lives at this time...If she was GOVERNEMENT they might not look so small and petty as they do now
Yeah dummy, don't let your moron, literally, kid stand on the fucking dog.

But it's okay if a liberal EATS a dog!

Thank you for proving what a moral hypocrite you are!


How christ like you are, and white too

Yeah, because Christ NEVER pointed out that the Pharisees were hypocrites!!!

If you are going to lecture ME about WWJD you BETTER KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise, I will enjoy pointing out not only what a hypocrite YOU are, but how dumb you are at it as well.

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