Obama/Biden/Harris/Garland/Wray Have Committed Treason & Sedition By Using DOJ To Maliciously Target Trump


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
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Hayward Wisconsin
The lie has been repeated so often that it is simply accepted as part of the historical narrative.

Trump DID NOT try to overturn the election in his favor. He had no thought of making himself President for another term, or as some Leftist loonies claim, for life.

The objective was to DELAY certification of the results pending a full investigation into the mountain of shenanigans pulled by the Leftists, which were all being ignored by the various courts, who feared a replay of the 2000 debacle.

That full investigation has STILL not taken place due to compromised Secretaries of State, AG's, Governors, and so on, who know what it will reveal. A stolen election.
What they have done requires an equally ruthless & merciless response, all should be sent to the gallows!

Which is why they are allowing pussy pajama boys with guns to get close to President Trump and take shots at him. How did the kid know that the building near the stage would be empty that day? When DOJ changes hands, there are going to be a lot of people who are going to answer for their attempts at overthrowing the 2016 election and attempts to keep President Trump from being the 47th president.
The OP is another lie.
I believe by and by they will all find out that lawfare is a double-edged sword.....If nothing else to break them financially.
Yep, Harry Reid was warned not to Nuclear the vote on justices, and that backfired on the Dems for 3 new justices. Dems are too stupid to think that they can change the rules, and not have it haunt them later.
Garland et al. will be destroying records once Trump is declared the winner.
The OP is another lie.
Its so rich, you liars claiming lies, everything you embrace is a fucking lie, everything you believe is a fucking lie, to such extent that there is literally no point in tolerating you 3rd world fascist cretins anymore!

You see moron, I KNOW the truth, everything the conspiracy trotted out was a fucking lie, but that is no longer even the point, the point is you 3rd worlders want to believe the lies, you have to believe the lies, you have no other justification for your miserable lives than those lies!
Trump REVENGE 2024 :muahaha: Dems will reap the whirlwind.
They have no intention of turning over power to the American people, they murdered tens of millions worldwide with their little conspiracy, they know we will hang every one of them once the truth of the bio-attack comes out, how it was fascist democrats under Obama who ordered it done. You do not imprison such monsters, you kill them!
Nah. But the OP is.
Well I really disagree with you, just being a Democrat makes you a false premise. so many egregious lies from your side, from the 800,000 jobs big lie to Under reporting crime to the public, to underhanded law fair against political opponents, and those aligned with them you don't like. Your dishonesty just comes in waves. Democrats are evil

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