Obama Bin Lying & Hillary Rotten Clinton In Hiding

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Both of these two Nixon Want to Bes have some explaining To

$209 Million Dollars were given to these two for selling our Uranium to Russia who then turned around and sold it to Iran with the Billions Obama gave Iran (The world's single largest sponsor of terror.)

This was in the form of $145 Million from Russia toThe Clinton Foundation to Clinton and $64 Million to Obama from a Publishing company with Russian ties.

But that's not all. The Diabolical Duo still have questions to answer about Libya, funneling money to Al Queda affiliates, Al Nusura, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood and the PLO for assassinations, and coups.

And then there is the matter of both of them conspiring to affect the outcome of our elections. Wire Tapping, stealing debate questions, hiring paid agitators to assault Trump supporters and riot and vandalize communities, rigging primaries, and generating Fake News with the duplicity of The MSM.

As far as Hillary Clinton goes, we need to reopen the investigation against her and The Clinton Foundation which should include investigations of Lynch and Holder, but most importantly the DNC Server needs to be Subpoened. No one has been allowed to look at it to verify any claims by The DNC.

But the worst accusation falls on Obama Bin Lying for the wiretapping of a rival presidential candidate. Unprecedented and outrageous! He needs to answer to that. Why hasn't he and why are these two in hiding?

Obama Bin Lying needs to come out and make a Public Statement & explain himself about The Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower. He needs to be confronted about this and dragged in front of the cameras and lie about it and then be prosecuted or tell the truth and be shamed by his disgusting treasonous act. Maybe America will just exile him to Kenya instead of sending him to jail!

Where is Waldo?
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$209 Million Dollars were given to these two for selling our Uranium to Russia who then turned around and sold it to Iran with the Bilions Obama gave Iran (The world's single largest sponsor of terror.

That's a new twist on the fantasy.

Was the point here that you're quite imaginative with your kook conspiracy fables?

It is fascinating. Almost every conservative here has become a proud pathological liar. Their "reasoning" seems to be "Liberals keep telling the truth, and I hate everything liberals do, so I'm going to lie! That'll show those dirty liberals!".

Donald Trump is the best agent Satan has ever had. The number of souls Trump has sent into Satan's grasp must number in the tens of millions.
30,000 emails about Yoga Pants Obama allowed Hillary Clinton delete which is a felony. Especially when there were two court orders prohibiting this action.

That, the wiretapping, rigged primaries, Benghazi, Lois Lerner, Lynch's secret meeting with Bill Clinton, Fast & Furious, selling Uranium to the Russians and Iranians and $209 Million are all I need to know about Truth!

$209 Million Dollars were given to these two for selling our Uranium to Russia who then turned around and sold it to Iran with the Bilions Obama gave Iran (The world's single largest sponsor of terror.

That's a new twist on the fantasy.

Was the point here that you're quite imaginative with your kook conspiracy fables?

It is fascinating. Almost every conservative here has become a proud pathological liar. Their "reasoning" seems to be "Liberals keep telling the truth, and I hate everything liberals do, so I'm going to lie! That'll show those dirty liberals!".

Donald Trump is the best agent Satan has ever had. The number of souls Trump has sent into Satan's grasp must number in the tens of millions.
One has to give the republicans and big money credit, they are playing the resentment of the mostly uneducated whites very well. They believe anything now - the rich will get another tax cut and the poor will lose healthcare opportunity and even a clean environment. This has gone on in America since our beginning and for the interested reader check out, 'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg. The suckers are being played and they are putting on the costumes and repeating their lines. And so it goes.

An example of Trump Liars: 5 Trump Cabinet Members Who’ve Made False Statements to Congress

It is so easy playing the right wingers, years of training has worked. Trump's latest claims about Obama are transparently distraction tactics

And for the reader: 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston
$209 Million Dollars were given to these two for selling our Uranium to Russia who then turned around and sold it to Iran with the Bilions Obama gave Iran (The world's single largest sponsor of terror.

That's a new twist on the fantasy.

Was the point here that you're quite imaginative with your kook conspiracy fables?

It is fascinating. Almost every conservative here has become a proud pathological liar. Their "reasoning" seems to be "Liberals keep telling the truth, and I hate everything liberals do, so I'm going to lie! That'll show those dirty liberals!".

Donald Trump is the best agent Satan has ever had. The number of souls Trump has sent into Satan's grasp must number in the tens of millions.
Their "reasoning" seems to be "Liberals keep telling the truth,

Missed where they said that
I guess Bleach Bitting Emails is more Severe than deleting them, so on that technicality I would have to agree with you.

Did you wipe your Server?

You mean like with a cloth?

30,000 emails about Yoga Pants Obama allowed Hillary Clinton delete

Clinton deleted no emails.

You Trumptards seem incapable of telling the truth, ever. You've been completely brainwashed, and now you exist in an alt-reality world of lies.
Yet another name calling and totally fact free garbled rant.

Where are the links to back this up?

30,000 emails about Yoga Pants Obama allowed Hillary Clinton delete

Clinton deleted no emails.

You Trumptards seem incapable of telling the truth, ever. You've been completely brainwashed, and now you exist in an alt-reality world of lies.
Clinton ordered the deletion of 30,000 plus emails which fits the definition of Obstruction of Justice. But she didn't click the buttons herself. So that's OK, is that what you are going with? Who exactly is living in an alternate reality?
All Obama Bin Lying has to do is come out and say he didn't have sex with THAT woman.

Err meant, he should say, "I wiretapped Nobody!"

It's a serious accusation so why isn't Obama addressing it?
All Obama Bin Lying has to do is come out and say he didn't have sex with THAT woman.

Err meant, he should say, "I wiretapped Nobody!"

It's a serious accusation so why isn't Obama addressing it?

He released a statement immediately after drumpf's lying tweets.

BUT, why depend on "he said, he said"?

This is very easy to prove. Why are you not demanding proof?

Hmmmm ??
Clinton ordered the deletion of 30,000 plus emails

That's an outright lie on your part. The Trump fans just keep those lies a-comin'. They all have a talent for repeating lies more readily than normal humans breathe.

So, were you unaware it was a lie, or was the lie deliberate?

It's a lie?

Would you believe..

Hillary Clinton deleted all email from personal server - CNNPolitics.com

Report: FBI pulls deleted emails from Hillary Clinton's server

Washington times?
Hillary Clinton deleted 32,000 ‘private’ emails, refuses to turn over server


Clinton wipes server after handing over e-mails

Who told you she DIDN'T delete emails?



Hillary Clinton defends email use, admits deleting 'personal' messages
Clinton ordered the deletion of 30,000 plus emails

That's an outright lie on your part. The Trump fans just keep those lies a-comin'. They all have a talent for repeating lies more readily than normal humans breathe.

So, were you unaware it was a lie, or was the lie deliberate?

There are thousands of sources that all say the same thing. Do you still stick by your ridiculous assertion that the 30,000+ emails WEREN'T deleted by Clinton's team?

This is one excerpt from an abc news article:

In December 2014, Clinton’s legal team provided about 30,000 emails -- totaling 55,000 pages -- to the State Department.

"[Clinton] then was asked by her lawyers at the end, 'Do you want us to keep the personal emails?' And she said, 'I have no use for them anymore.' It's then that they issued the direction that the technical people delete them," Comey told lawmakers.

In total, more than 30,000 emails were deleted "because they were personal and private about matters that I believed were within the scope of my personal privacy," Clinton told reporters in March of 2015, as the controversy around her private emails was growing.

"They had nothing to do with work," Clinton added. "I didn't see any reason to keep them ... no one wants their personal emails made public, and I think most people understand that and respect that privacy."
There are thousands of sources that all say the same thing.

And none of them say Clinton ordered emails deleted.

Do you still stick by your ridiculous assertion that the 30,000+ emails WEREN'T deleted by Clinton's team?

Nice topic switch. You jumped from "Clinton ordered it" to "someone on the Clinton team did it." Did you think nobody would notice? I'll take that as your admission you know Clniton didn't order it.

You do know the IT tech who did it testified that he was told not to do it, right?

Comey: Combetta Insisted That He Acted Alone In Destroying Evidence After He Was Given Immunity

Oh, those pesky facts, always messing up conservative conspiracy theories.

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