Obama Campaign Embraces Radical Rabbi


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama Campaign Embraces Radical Rabbi

She meets with Ahmadinejad, travels to Iran, serves on board of organization ADL calls
a "top ten anti-Israel group"

RJC Calls for Her Removal from Campaign Group
Washington, D.C. (August 23, 2012) -- The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today expressed profound outrage at the inclusion of radical rabbi Lynn Gottlieb on the official list released by the Obama campaign of "Rabbis for Obama." Rabbi Gottlieb has a long and troubling history, which includes dining with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, being the first American rabbi to visit Tehran, and serving in an organization, Jewish Voice for Peace, which the Anti-Defamation League has called one of the "top ten anti-Israel groups."

By promoting and showcasing Rabbi Gottlieb as one of Pres. Obama's supporters, the Obama campaign lends legitimacy and credibility to a rabbi whose extreme views are well beyond the mainstream of the Jewish community and the mainstream of America.

According to RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks, there can be only two explanations for her inclusion in the list: 1) the Obama campaign failed to properly vet the rabbis on their official list, or 2) they did properly vet the rabbis and chose to ignore Rabbi Gottlieb's radical views.

Either way, this speaks volumes about the Obama campaign's judgment and the RJC calls on the Obama campaign to immediately remove her from any formal or official involvement in the campaign.

The fact that the campaign announced Rabbi Gottlieb's participation in "Rabbis for Obama" at around the same time that it was announced that former President Jimmy Carter -- who has met with Hamas and has been a virulent critic of Israel -- will speak at the Democratic Convention, highlights not only the insensitivity of the Obama campaign to the concerns of the Jewish community, but also underscores why Pres. Obama has seen a significant erosion of support among Jewish voters.
For some reason a lot of these women "Rabbis" seem to be whacko libs

US rabbi dines with Ahmadinejad


NEW YORK - Too much attention has been paid to the rhetoric of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and not enough to the policies of the ayatollahs who really run the country, according to a rabbi who attended a New York dinner reception for the Iranian leader last week. "He's the mouthpiece - we spend way too much time focusing on him," Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, founder of the Shomer Shalom peace movement, told The Jerusalem Post on Friday. Gottlieb, who earlier this year became the first American rabbi to go to the Islamic Republic, joined about 300 people - including Mennonite pastors and a radical Muslim cleric - for a traditional breaking of the Ramadan fast on Thursday evening before he left New York. It was the capstone on a whirlwind week for the Iranian leader, who on Tuesday told the US General Assembly that Israel was on its way to collapse

US rabbi dines with Ahmadinejad - JPost - Iranian Threat - News
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