Obama/DNC Accusing CoC and GOP of taking Secret Foreign Money...

Karl Rove says the president went too far?

The president is playing Karl at his own game? lol

Are you for real? Wow a true Kool-Aid drinker. Rove was a CAMPAIGN strategist -and a brilliant one which is why Democrats hate the guy. He is good at what he does -which is design and manage political campaigns.

Obama is the President of the United States. Gee, which bothers me more? A campaign strategist who is good at what he was hired to do? Or the President of the United States making FALSE, LYING ASS claims about a campaign strategist who not only is NOT running for any office, has NO position of power at all and is a private citizen and is NOT breaking the law but has been FALSELY accused by the President of committing campaign finance CRIMES right now?

I have a problem with people like YOU who have no problem with this kind of stunt. This isn't a child's game of "he who calls the worst name gets to win" but for people like YOU it really is. Which is why we got stuck with this lying ass POS President in the first place!

Democrats are following the playbook of Saul Alinksy in his filth book "Rules for Radicals" who wrote it is necessary to divert the attention of the people from discussion and debate of the ISSUES by launching vile, lying ass smear campaigns against their political opponents instead. Alinksy wrote that if a campaign is allowed to be carried out based on the ISSUES -their side can't win that kind of campaign. They can only win smear campaigns -which works for DOLTS like you. Smear campaigns are intended to appeal to morons like you who totally lack the maturity, ability and critical thinking skills necessary for a reasoned and rational debate of the ISSUES -and is someone with no more mental maturity than the child standing in the schoolyard shouting bad names at another kid who is shouting bad names back. Sadly, the vast majority of the left are exactly these kind of people and now so is Democrat Party starting right at the very top.

Both the President's lying ass words and the immature and childish response of morons like you is proof positive why such people have no business anywhere near the reins of power. Holding the most powerful position in the world is NOT a child's game and it is an embarrassment for this nation when our President makes FALSE LYING ASS ACCUSATIONS that his political opponents who aren't running for office and hold no power at all -are committing CRIMES. Those are the words of a tinpot dictator and maybe that IS a job I think Obama could really warm up to. But he has repeatedly proved why he is unqualified and unfit to be President of the United States. And this is just one more.

Bingo! I've been saying this all along. Good to see others understanding this. This President and most Democrats are loyal Marxist-indoctrinated Saul Alinsky creeps. They follow Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' with absolute obedience. Just throw the accusation out there. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The MSM is in bed with the Democrats so they'll run with it. They figure the damage has already been done so the truth just doesn't matter. It's slimy & despicable but that's what the Democrats are all about these days. Hopefully most Americans know this and decide to give them the boot in November. God i hope so anyway.

And claaaaass...let's not forget which broad beamed Cabinet member wrote her college senior thesis on the wonders of Mr. Alinsky's tactics. Formerly known as the Wizard of Wellesley...
Wasn't Axelrod on Meet the Press this weekend discussing this??

Seems to me Schaeffer asked him for proof and he didn't seem to have any.

True. Too bad Bob Scieffer failed to mention:


from the last election cycle:

Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations

By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008; A02

Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign is allowing donors to use largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor's identity, campaign officials confirmed.

Faced with a huge influx of donations over the Internet, the campaign has also chosen not to use basic security measures to prevent potentially illegal or anonymous contributions from flowing into its accounts, aides acknowledged. Instead, the campaign is scrutinizing its books for improper donations after the money has been deposited.

The Obama organization said its extensive review has ensured that the campaign has refunded any improper contributions, and noted that Federal Election Commission rules do not require front-end screening of donations.

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Wasn't Axelrod on Meet the Press this weekend discussing this??

Seems to me Schaeffer asked him for proof and he didn't seem to have any.

True. Too bad Bob Scieffer failed to mention:


from the last election cycle:

Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations

By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008; A02

Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign is allowing donors to use largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor's identity, campaign officials confirmed.

Faced with a huge influx of donations over the Internet, the campaign has also chosen not to use basic security measures to prevent potentially illegal or anonymous contributions from flowing into its accounts, aides acknowledged. Instead, the campaign is scrutinizing its books for improper donations after the money has been deposited.

The Obama organization said its extensive review has ensured that the campaign has refunded any improper contributions, and noted that Federal Election Commission rules do not require front-end screening of donations.




He wants them identified so he can turn the IRS on them.

Which is a threat to democracy.

Get real. What he REALLY wants is for voters to get side tracked by his LYING ASS accusations that even the NY Times says there is no evidence to support such an accusation that either the Chamber of Commerce is involved in ANY wrong-doing, much less specific individuals like Rove. The accusation came out of the DNC's ASS because this isn't about whether it is true or not -they don't care that its a lie. They hope it STICKS long enough to change the election outcome. This is a desperation play right out of the left's bible Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. This IS the playbook written for the left for the manipulation of the public in order to win elections and take power. Alinsky admits the left cannot win an election that is ISSUE-BASED and they must change it to one of SMEARS instead -so they must accuse their political opponents of their own side's worst sins at all times, make up lies, phony charges and false accusations and attack their opponent's character and avoid discussing ISSUES because discussions of the issues works against them. All in the hopes that by the time the dust clears, it has changed an election outcome.

This happens every election cycle -did you REALLY never wonder why Bush's national guard service was SUDDENLY an issue when Kerry ran for office -but when Clinton ran, his total lack of service and his near-libelous letter trying to avoid being drafted was NOT and in fact Democrats insisted military service was IRRELEVANT when they put up a draft dodger against two different people who were war heroes? It is because Kerry was undoubtedly stripped of his medals and dishonorably discharged for secretly meeting with a foreign enemy twice while in uniform which is TREASON - and then had his medals reinstated under Carter and his discharge status changed. Which is why the papers accompanying his medals were signed by Carter's Secretary of the Navy instead of the one he actually served under at the time. And why the actual date of his honorable discharge was more than SIX YEARS after he left the military. Kerry claimed it was because his original paperwork that came with the medals were lost -but replacement ones are ALWAYS copies of the ORIGINALS, never totally new ones with a different signature of someone the individual never served under. So his explanation is a lie. It is also why Kerry ALWAYS refused to release his full military record and only released a handful of cherry-picked pages, saying it was all the public needed to see. (In spite of press accounts to the contrary, Kerry has NEVER released his full military record and the vast majority of it has not seen the light of day.)

Kerry's campaign realized he was facing an issue that his uberliberal constituents in Massachussetts didn't care about but the rest of the nation would -and made the decision to attack and smear Bush's record BECAUSE he needed to hide his dishonorable discharge and reinstatement under Carter's amnesty program -but IF the truth about his own record surfaced, hopefully at least some of the deliberate smearing of Bush's honorable service would stick and when considering the military records of both candidates, because of the lying smear, both records would be seen as a "wash" in the eyes of voters. The fact it was a deliberate lying ass smear of Bush's record didn't matter because the truth about Bush's service was NEVER the real issue -it was trying to minimize the impact the full truth about Kerry's TREASONOUS record might have on his campaign and thus the decision to deliberately SMEAR the honorable record of the other guy. May Kerry rot in hell. Did it work? He sure managed to smear the man's honorable service but the ISSUES still got in the way for Kerry who lost the election. This is what the left does -this is business as usual for them which is why Jerry Brown in California was caught talking about how he was going to lie and smear Meg Whitman, call her a whore and accuse her of making secret deals with the public service union -knowing it wasn't true and he had zero evidence any such thing had happened. And in fact did NOT happen. The fact the smear is a LIE is irrelevant and creating a lie doesn't bother them. Because for the left lies and smear on THEIR behalf are GOOD. Because their goals are so "noble and pure", there can be no bad in doing everything possible by any means possible -to get, maintain and hold on to POWER.

Kerry's campaign was hoping that IF his own filthy and treasonous military record surfaced and was exposed, the public would believe at least some of the deliberate smearing of Bush's record and consider the whole thing to be a wash. And thereby at least dilute the effect. Kerry was a traitor and played on the fact that many of the original and only documents in existence with regard to Bush's service were destroyed in the fire at the National Personnel Record Center in St. Louis, MO in 1973 -along with the records of another 18 MILLION former servicemen and women. So it worked out fine for Kerry's filthy campaign to exploit that little known fact in order to deliberately smear a man who had something Kerry did not. An HONORABLE military record.

It is actually typical of the left and their norm -the left sincerely believes people are stupid and easily manipulated cows. Meant to be manipulated by themselves -an arrogant, elitist left who believe they have an inherent right to power. And because they think their motives for wanting power are so "noble", it means THEIR means of achieving that, and theirs alone (NOT the means of their opponents though) - justifies their ends. So Obama is ONCE AGAIN demonizing the Chamber of Commerce and proving how anti-business he really is. And tossing in some more slurs about Karl Rove which is just another roundabout way of once again attacking Bush. And even the NY Times wonders where this is coming from because there is no evidence of any such thing. What else is new? Not even the fact there really are some cows out there just drooling and waiting for someone to manipulate them and tell them what they are supposed to believe is new.

Just a couple more reasons why I'd rather swim with the fishes than be a liberal. Now give us all your best MOO.
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The law of the land says that money = free speech.

Hence we now have a political system which allows US based front organizations to accept money from foreign sources that they then use to advance their own (not necessarily in the best interests of the American people) agendas.

Stupid much?

If you are a nationalist, then it doesn't get much stupider than allowing foreign influence to get involved in US politics.

But that's what the SUPREME COURT decided when they decided that $$$ = FREE SPEECH, folks.
Yes. We actually can't and don't know if terrorists are influencing our elections. How stupid is that?
The law of the land says that money = free speech.

Hence we now have a political system which allows US based front organizations to accept money from foreign sources that they then use to advance their own (not necessarily in the best interests of the American people) agendas.

Stupid much?

If you are a nationalist, then it doesn't get much stupider than allowing foreign influence to get involved in US politics.

But that's what the SUPREME COURT decided when they decided that $$$ = FREE SPEECH, folks.
Yes. We actually can't and don't know if terrorists are influencing our elections. How stupid is that?

Indeed. For the Presidency of all offices:

American Thinker: Obama's Foreign Donors: The media averts its eyes

...Despite dropping the groundbreaking bombshell story of "Palestinian" brothers from the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza who donated $33,000 to Obama's campaign, no big media picked up the story. Jihadis donating to Obama from Gaza? Could there be a bigger story? Foreign donations are illegal, but this story was all that and so much more. The "Palestinian" brothers were proud and vocal of their "love" for Obama. Their vocal support on behalf of "Palestinians" spoke volumes to Obama's campaign.

And yet still no media.

But Obama pricked up his ears. He smelled trouble and while no media asked, he answered anyway. Sen. Obama's campaign immediately scrambled and contended they had returned the $33,500 in illegal contributions from Palestinians in Hamas-controlled Gaza, despite the fact that records do not show that it was returned and the brothers said they have not received any money. Having gone through all of Obama's refunds redesignations etc, no refund was made to Osama, Hossam, or Edwan Monir in the Rafah refugee camp. And still no media.

One of the Gazan brothers, Monir Edwan (identified here), claimed he bought "Obama for President" T-shirts off Obama's website and then sold the T-shirts in Gaza for a profit. All purchases on the Barack Obama website are considered contributions.

The Palestinians allegedly claimed "they were American citizens", so said Obama's people. They listed their address -- zip code 972 (ironically the area code for Israel) and they input "GA"the state abbreviation for Georgia (screen shot here) They actually lived in a Hamas controlled refugee camp. So if Obama's people thought it was "Georgia" why did they ship the tee shirts to the correct address in Gaza? Shipping overseas to a Gaza refugee camp is vastly different than the state next door.

Still no media...

Whichever side, this should be prevented and this accusations investigated. I'm with you, sistah!
You may have already heard Obama's Teleprompter say this, or seen one of the DNC Ads...

My Question is this...

Back in 2008, there was a LARGE Chunk of ObamaInc Money that wasn't Tagged back to anyone at the time...

Secret Money, as it were.

Was that ever Clarified, or did some of that Money stay Secret?...

And was it Foreign?...

I can't seem to Find much on this now, but I Sure it's going to Surface since Obama is out Crying like a Baby about it from the other Side now.

Should be Interesting.




All one has to do back then was go to his Website


(Image Courtesy of Michelle Malkin ) <=With Links
You may have already heard Obama's Teleprompter say this, or seen one of the DNC Ads...

My Question is this...

Back in 2008, there was a LARGE Chunk of ObamaInc Money that wasn't Tagged back to anyone at the time...

Secret Money, as it were.

Was that ever Clarified, or did some of that Money stay Secret?...

And was it Foreign?...

I can't seem to Find much on this now, but I Sure it's going to Surface since Obama is out Crying like a Baby about it from the other Side now.

Should be Interesting.




All one has to do back then was go to his Website


(Image Courtesy of Michelle Malkin ) <=With Links

Holy crap! Ireland is on that list! Do we really want leprechauns influencing our elections?
You may have already heard Obama's Teleprompter say this, or seen one of the DNC Ads...

My Question is this...

Back in 2008, there was a LARGE Chunk of ObamaInc Money that wasn't Tagged back to anyone at the time...

Secret Money, as it were.

Was that ever Clarified, or did some of that Money stay Secret?...

And was it Foreign?...

I can't seem to Find much on this now, but I Sure it's going to Surface since Obama is out Crying like a Baby about it from the other Side now.

Should be Interesting.




All one has to do back then was go to his Website


(Image Courtesy of Michelle Malkin ) <=With Links

Holy crap! Ireland is on that list! Do we really want leprechauns influencing our elections?

Didn't bother looking at the embedded link did you Ozzie?
Why is it liberals always want proof for everything.

But Obama can accuse the COC of getting foreign Funds, When there is absolutely No evidence of it at all, and when people point that out, his people reply by saying it is up to the COC to disprove their unfounded accusations.

Oh wait NM I remember why. The double standard strikes again.
Franken Asks FEC To Investigate Chamber For Foreign Donors

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) wants the Federal Elections Commission to investigate whether the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is violating election law by raising money from foreign donors. In a letter to the agency, he also asked the FEC to review its own regulations.

The Chamber raises thousands from foreign individuals and companies through its overseas branches, ThinkProgress reported yesterday. The money reportedly goes into the Chamber's general fund, which it is using to run a $75 million midterm campaign, mostly against Democrats. (The Chamber denies doing anything illegal, and says it only raises about $100,000 in dues from its foreign branches.)

It is illegal to solicit or accept donations from foreign nationals, directly or indirectly, for election activity.

"I am profoundly concerned by recent reports that foreign corporations are indirectly spending significant sums to influence American elections through third-party groups," Franken wrote. "I am writing to ask that you investigate these claims, enforce existing laws and regulations prohibiting foreign spending in American elections, and strengthen those very laws through new regulations and policy guidance."


nice commentary ..oh wait- :rolleyes:

here ya go...

from your own holy of holies..

You may have already heard Obama's Teleprompter say this, or seen one of the DNC Ads...

My Question is this...

Back in 2008, there was a LARGE Chunk of ObamaInc Money that wasn't Tagged back to anyone at the time...

Secret Money, as it were.

Was that ever Clarified, or did some of that Money stay Secret?...

And was it Foreign?...

I can't seem to Find much on this now, but I Sure it's going to Surface since Obama is out Crying like a Baby about it from the other Side now.

Should be Interesting.




You do know that donations under $200 aren't reportable by name? You do know that the majority of Obama's money came from small donors? Maybe not.

As for the Chamber, they claim that they are making sure that foreign money isn't used for the ad buys. They claim that it's coming out of their general fund, thanks to Roberts decision on Citizens. Yet they admit that there are foreign entities that pay their dues to the general fund.

They need to be audited to ensure that foreign money isn't being used to influence our elections.
Franken Asks FEC To Investigate Chamber For Foreign Donors

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) wants the Federal Elections Commission to investigate whether the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is violating election law by raising money from foreign donors. In a letter to the agency, he also asked the FEC to review its own regulations.

The Chamber raises thousands from foreign individuals and companies through its overseas branches, ThinkProgress reported yesterday. The money reportedly goes into the Chamber's general fund, which it is using to run a $75 million midterm campaign, mostly against Democrats. (The Chamber denies doing anything illegal, and says it only raises about $100,000 in dues from its foreign branches.)

It is illegal to solicit or accept donations from foreign nationals, directly or indirectly, for election activity.

"I am profoundly concerned by recent reports that foreign corporations are indirectly spending significant sums to influence American elections through third-party groups," Franken wrote. "I am writing to ask that you investigate these claims, enforce existing laws and regulations prohibiting foreign spending in American elections, and strengthen those very laws through new regulations and policy guidance."


nice commentary ..oh wait- :rolleyes:

here ya go...

from your own holy of holies..


From the article:

Organizations from both ends of the political spectrum, from liberal ones like the A.F.L.-C.I.O. and the Sierra Club to conservative groups like the National Rifle Association, have international affiliations and get money from foreign entities while at the same time pushing political causes in the United States.​

What's missing is that the organizations listed use 501(c)4s to account for the money used to influence elections, and they follow the rules regarding donations. What the Chamber of Commerce is doing is using their general funds, which have no such safeguards.

They need to be audited.
You may have already heard Obama's Teleprompter say this, or seen one of the DNC Ads...

My Question is this...

Back in 2008, there was a LARGE Chunk of ObamaInc Money that wasn't Tagged back to anyone at the time...

Secret Money, as it were.

Was that ever Clarified, or did some of that Money stay Secret?...

And was it Foreign?...

I can't seem to Find much on this now, but I Sure it's going to Surface since Obama is out Crying like a Baby about it from the other Side now.

Should be Interesting.




All one has to do back then was go to his Website


(Image Courtesy of Michelle Malkin ) <=With Links


Oh yeah, and Michelle is a Racist WHORE!...

Carry on!


What a Dishonest pile of Shit VaYank is... :thup:



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