Obama frustrated with lack of job growth

Driveby again reveals either ignorance or immoral stubborness. I claimed nothing of the sort. I said the employees are responsible for unionizing, that they have rights in doing so that Pelosi can't touch, and never said anything about full time workers. I don't think Driveby understands the ground rules for union organization.

Totally clueless you are, do the pickers work for her company or are they hired seasonally at which time she hires non union pickers? Answer the question of STFU, you've said nothing of substance this enitre thread, stop dancing faggot.......
I was right about Stupak and I'm right about this. Individuals don't join labor unions then go around looking to set up shop and bring the union with them, as you claim. The workers in a particular firm decide if they want to unionize and a vote is held.

1) You said the Stupak amdendment had nothing to do with abortion, wrong.......

That's a lie.

2) Grape pickers are not full time, year round employees, so again you have no clue what you're takling about ..........

I never said they were.

1) Not a lie. http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/94932-axelrod-signals-obama-will-try-to-strip-abortion-language-from-health-care-bill-2.html

2) I rest my case, you're way clueless.
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Driveby again reveals either ignorance or immoral stubborness. I claimed nothing of the sort. I said the employees are responsible for unionizing, that they have rights in doing so that Pelosi can't touch, and never said anything about full time workers. I don't think Driveby understands the ground rules for union organization.

No. Driveby has a sailent POINT. Pelosi apparently picks non-union employees for a reason...now this has got to be unsettling for those IN unions that support her agenda.

it doesn't matter if it IS up to the employees to unionize. The point is that pelosi would throw them all OUT on their ear in such a move. And the fact remains that she hires non-union for a reason...WHY?

This is what YOU fail to answer.
You don't know California employment law, T. If you did, you would not have stated what you did. If Driveby wants to make that argument, he has to show that she can do that. He hasn't, and he can't. In other words, there is no salient point here, T. Either Driveby refuses to discuss the reality of the situation, or Driveby is deliberating falsifying the argument. Either is unacceptable.
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You don't know California employment law, T. If you did, you would not have stated what you did. If Driveby wants to make that argument, he has to show that she can do that. He hasn't, and he can't. In other words, there is no salient point here, T. Either Driveby refuses to discuss the reality of the situation, or Driveby is deliberating falsifying the argument. Either is unacceptable.


No, that is not what the discussion was about, so you and driveby need to stop the non-sequitur. The non-union workers can always organize if they wish under California law. Pelosi has nothing to do with that.
You don't know California employment law, T. If you did, you would not have stated what you did. If Driveby wants to make that argument, he has to show that she can do that. He hasn't, and he can't. In other words, there is no salient point here, T. Either Driveby refuses to discuss the reality of the situation, or Driveby is deliberating falsifying the argument. Either is unacceptable.

Oh, so now she CAN'T hire UFW pickers ? ...... :lol:
My contention is that you, T, don't know employment or union law in California, and that Driveby is misconstruing the argument since Driveby can't win the argument.

Dealing with the Drivebys of the world is relatively easy and pain free.
My contention is that you, T, don't know employment or union law in California, and that Driveby is misconstruing the argument since Driveby can't win the argument.

Dealing with the Drivebys of the world is relatively easy and pain free.

Apparently you keep skirting the POINT. WHY does Pelosi hire NON-UNION folks in her business?

Cite WHY she does this, and you might have a point. Highlight it. And then tell us why she seems to be supported BY Unions, but chooses to hire non-Union?
My contention is that you, T, don't know employment or union law in California, and that Driveby is misconstruing the argument since Driveby can't win the argument.

Dealing with the Drivebys of the world is relatively easy and pain free.

You haven't argued anything corky, state one thing of substance or crawl back under your rock junior ........
I have pointed out your errors clearly and concisely, Driveby. That you refuse to accept that is meaningless.
I have pointed out your errors clearly and concisely, Driveby. That you refuse to accept that is meaningless.

I've correctly pointed out Pelosi's hypocrisy, you've done nothing to refute it. Your liar liar pants on fire rebuttal ain't flying here .......
1) You said the Stupak amdendment had nothing to do with abortion, wrong.......

That's a lie.

2) Grape pickers are not full time, year round employees, so again you have no clue what you're takling about ..........

I never said they were.

1) Not a lie. http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/94932-axelrod-signals-obama-will-try-to-strip-abortion-language-from-health-care-bill-2.html

2) I rest my case, you're way clueless.

1. Perhaps you'd like to show where I said Stupak wasn't about abortions, because there is no post in that thread stating that. (of course, you'll weasel out because you know you're lying)
2. Seasonal versus year-round work has nothing to do with how unions are formed.
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No, that is not what the discussion was about, so you and driveby need to stop the non-sequitur. The non-union workers can always organize if they wish under California law. Pelosi has nothing to do with that.

An employer has NO SAYSO is your contention?

That's not just his contention, that's also the position of federal law.
T is not going to understand that, Polk. And Driveby, who does, won't admit it.

1. Perhaps you'd like to show where I said Stupak wasn't about abortions, because there is no post in that thread stating that. (of course, you'll weasel out because you know you're lying)
2. Seasonal versus year-round work has nothing to do with how unions are formed.

1) In the link i posted you said the original HR6932 did not fund abortions, i asked you " Then what was the Stupak Amendment? " You said it was " A bill to ban people from buying overage with their own money" .

2) You douchebags keep spinning, when it's time to pick the grapes, she hires pickers to do it. At that time she has a choice to hire union pickers or non union. "Forming a union" has nothing to do with it. Comprende ? .....

1. Perhaps you'd like to show where I said Stupak wasn't about abortions, because there is no post in that thread stating that. (of course, you'll weasel out because you know you're lying)
2. Seasonal versus year-round work has nothing to do with how unions are formed.

1) In the link i posted you said the original HR6932 did not fund abortions, i asked you " Then what was the Stupak Amendment? " You said it was " A bill to ban people from buying overage with their own money" .

2) You douchebags keep spinning, when it's time to pick the grapes, she hires pickers to do it. At that time she has a choice to hire union pickers or non union. "Forming a union" has nothing to do with it. Comprende ? .....

1. Context. The bill prevents people from buying coverage for abortions with their own money. That was apparent to everyone reading the thread, but I guess you were too slow to pick up on it.
2. No, she doesn't have a choice. Her company employs pickers. Those pickers choose if they want to form a union or not. She can't order her pickers to form a union.

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