Obama frustrated with lack of job growth

Driveby's recent statements certainly reflect a limited intelligence, particularly the one above about Pelosi hiring or not hiring UFW employees. What a moronic statement! Corporatism's perversion of Reagan privatization (not government policies) brought on the recession, not government policies. Good principles of business are neither reserved nor limited to one philosophy or the other. To suggest otherwise is simply a silly statement that cannot be proven because it is not true.

Those types of statements by intellectual bulemics (simply regurgitating far right radicalism without digesting them first) like Driveby merely reinforce why the GOP is going to keep getting hammered in the future until the party purges such deadweights.
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Now he is out there blaming small business for profit taking and increasing productivity instead of hiring.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Hello!!!! The business of business is to stay in business and increase productivity to create profit. There is no demand for new hires, therefore, business is not hiring. What an economic idiot this President is, he needs to go back to Harvard and re-take econ 101.

FOXNews.com - As Obama Holds Jobs Summit, Frustrated Left Complains About Slow Growth

Uh-oooooooooooh, now the left and the black community is pissed. LOL

Obama is facing an unexpected jolt from liberal Democratic lawmakers, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who are unhappy with his administration's pace of efforts tackling the unemployment rate, which is a whopping 10.2 percent and expected to rise.

The CBC, in particular, say Obama officials have not done enough to address the severe economic problems in the black community. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, reportedly issued a warning Wednesday that the 43 members of the caucus are planning to vote with the GOP to derail a number of Democratic bills if it isn't addressed.

Meanwhile, at the White House, Obama sought fresh ideas from the 130 executives, labor leaders who attended
Too bad he didn't invite business leaders, as in the guys that actually hire people.

Fucking moron.
Now he is out there blaming small business for profit taking and increasing productivity instead of hiring.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Hello!!!! The business of business is to stay in business and increase productivity to create profit. There is no demand for new hires, therefore, business is not hiring. What an economic idiot this President is, he needs to go back to Harvard and re-take econ 101.

FOXNews.com - As Obama Holds Jobs Summit, Frustrated Left Complains About Slow Growth

Uh-oooooooooooh, now the left and the black community is pissed. LOL

Obama is facing an unexpected jolt from liberal Democratic lawmakers, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who are unhappy with his administration's pace of efforts tackling the unemployment rate, which is a whopping 10.2 percent and expected to rise.

The CBC, in particular, say Obama officials have not done enough to address the severe economic problems in the black community. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, reportedly issued a warning Wednesday that the 43 members of the caucus are planning to vote with the GOP to derail a number of Democratic bills if it isn't addressed.

Meanwhile, at the White House, Obama sought fresh ideas from the 130 executives, labor leaders who attended
Too bad he didn't invite business leaders, as in the guys that actually hire people.

Fucking moron.

He's very calculating, X. The guy didn't want to hear actual ideas to get businesses hiring again. It was more a PR stunt to give the appearence he's concerned. Remember, there is an election next year and it will look good that "he's trying."
The bottom line is his job cutting bills that he wants passed...at any cost
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Now he is out there blaming small business for profit taking and increasing productivity instead of hiring.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Hello!!!! The business of business is to stay in business and increase productivity to create profit. There is no demand for new hires, therefore, business is not hiring. What an economic idiot this President is, he needs to go back to Harvard and re-take econ 101.

FOXNews.com - As Obama Holds Jobs Summit, Frustrated Left Complains About Slow Growth

Uh-oooooooooooh, now the left and the black community is pissed. LOL

Obama is facing an unexpected jolt from liberal Democratic lawmakers, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who are unhappy with his administration's pace of efforts tackling the unemployment rate, which is a whopping 10.2 percent and expected to rise.

The CBC, in particular, say Obama officials have not done enough to address the severe economic problems in the black community. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, reportedly issued a warning Wednesday that the 43 members of the caucus are planning to vote with the GOP to derail a number of Democratic bills if it isn't addressed.

Meanwhile, at the White House, Obama sought fresh ideas from the 130 executives, labor leaders who attended
Too bad he didn't invite business leaders, as in the guys that actually hire people.

Fucking moron.

He's very calculating, X. The guy didn't want to hear actual ideas to get businesses hiring again. It was more a PR stunt to give the appearence he's concerned. Remember, there is an election next year and it will look good that "he's trying."
The bottom line is his job cutting bills that he wants passed...at any cost
I have no doubt of that.

The Dems know that both Barrycare and crap & trade will put millions out of work but he wants them anyway.

Thankfully he will be unemployed in just three short years, change we can believe in!
The loonies on the right continue to scream yet refuse to accept their policies brought on the recession, not that of the government. This is why, in part, the GOP was thrown out. This is why the corporatists will not be permitted input into the system. Get over it, guys and gals -- you brought it on yourselves.

Corporatists??? Really? :eusa_eh:

You do understand the definition of "corporation". don't you?

Main Entry: cor·po·ra·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌkȯr-pə-ˈrā-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century

1 a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild b : the municipal authorities of a town or city
2 : a body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession
3 : an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organized as an organ of political representation in a corporative state

So, in a nutshell... a corporation is any group that functions as a single unit.

Hmmm.... :eusa_eh:

Let's see if we can think up some other examples of "corporations", shall we?
How about... ACORN? ...the UAW? ...SEIU? Or, I dunno... GE? (the CEO of which is currently sitting on Obama's Economic Recovery Board.) How about AARP? AIG? General Motors? Chrysler?

Sounds like quite a few "corporations" to me and just a mere scratch at the surface too.

Sad thing is... that Washington is up to it's eyeballs in "corporatists". And what is "corporatism" but a partnership between business and government? It's been a matter of "you-scratch-my-back-and-I'll-scratch-yours" for some time now... and on both sides of the aisle too.

But here's where we part ways with our little Socialist buddies currently in power. ...Fascism. In economic terms, Fascism is government control of nominally private production. The result is pretty much the same as Socialism, but the facade is more pleasing. That is, just so long as no one applies the correct verbiage to it.

And who exactly has left the traditional Washington standards of everyday corruption behind and crossed boldly into the realm of the Fascist?, "partnering" government with corporations in a manner that leaves government in control? :eusa_shhh:

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Driveby's recent statements certainly reflect a limited intelligence, particularly the one above about Pelosi hiring or not hiring UFW employees. What a moronic statement! Corporatism's perversion of Reagan privatization (not government policies) brought on the recession, not government policies. Good principles of business are neither reserved nor limited to one philosophy or the other. To suggest otherwise is simply a silly statement that cannot be proven because it is not true.

Those types of statements by intellectual bulemics (simply regurgitating far right radicalism without digesting them first) like Driveby merely reinforce why the GOP is going to keep getting hammered in the future until the party purges such deadweights.

My statements clearly show Pelosi's hypocrisy and your statements do nothing but duck and deflect the facts along with demonizing the messenger. In the future use some original thought instead of Saul's playbook, thanks .........
Now he is out there blaming small business for profit taking and increasing productivity instead of hiring.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Hello!!!! The business of business is to stay in business and increase productivity to create profit. There is no demand for new hires, therefore, business is not hiring. What an economic idiot this President is, he needs to go back to Harvard and re-take econ 101.

FOXNews.com - As Obama Holds Jobs Summit, Frustrated Left Complains About Slow Growth

Uh-oooooooooooh, now the left and the black community is pissed. LOL

Obama is facing an unexpected jolt from liberal Democratic lawmakers, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who are unhappy with his administration's pace of efforts tackling the unemployment rate, which is a whopping 10.2 percent and expected to rise.

The CBC, in particular, say Obama officials have not done enough to address the severe economic problems in the black community. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif, reportedly issued a warning Wednesday that the 43 members of the caucus are planning to vote with the GOP to derail a number of Democratic bills if it isn't addressed.

Meanwhile, at the White House, Obama sought fresh ideas from the 130 executives, labor leaders who attended
Too bad he didn't invite business leaders, as in the guys that actually hire people.

Fucking moron.

Yeah, no business leaders there at all...

The invitations went out just before Thanksgiving, but by the end of the holiday weekend the White House has confirmed that President Obama’s jobs summit on Thursday will include about 130 business leaders, union chiefs, academics, mayors and representatives of nonprofit groups.

The business leaders represent companies large and small, and both traditional and innovative. They include CEOs such as Eric E. Schmidt of Google, and Robert A. Iger of the Walt Disney Co., as well as David Ickert, an executive of Air Tractor Inc. of Olney, Texas, a small manufacturer of planes for agriculture and forest fire-firefighting, an administration official said on Sunday.


Other corporate executives who have said they will attend, according to the White House, include Randall Stephenson of AT&T, Surya N. Mohapatra of Quest Diagnostics, Frederick W. Smith of FedEx, Brian L. Roberts of Comcast Corp., James McNerney of Boeing and Peter Y. Solmssen of Siemens AG.

Business Titans, and Others, Expected at Jobs Summit - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
Good business principles are neither conservative nor liberal. Now "corporatism" is conservative, and that needs to be regulated.

Stick you libtard talking points up your ass and pull your head out. Pelosi, a champion of unions runs HER OWN business non union. Why ? ......:eusa_whistle:

Employers don't force unions, workers do.

SHE has the choice to hire union or non union pickers, damn you guys suck at this .......
Employers don't force unions, workers do.

SHE has the choice to hire union or non union pickers, damn you guys suck at this .......

The only thing this shows is you have no idea how labor unions work.

Pfffftt, you got it twisted, it appear YOUR knowledge of labor unions ranks up there with your knowledge of the Stupak amendment..........:eusa_whistle:
SHE has the choice to hire union or non union pickers, damn you guys suck at this .......

The only thing this shows is you have no idea how labor unions work.

Pfffftt, you got it twisted, it appear YOUR knowledge of labor unions ranks up there with your knowledge of the Stupak amendment..........:eusa_whistle:

I was right about Stupak and I'm right about this. Individuals don't join labor unions then go around looking to set up shop and bring the union with them, as you claim. The workers in a particular firm decide if they want to unionize and a vote is held.
The only thing this shows is you have no idea how labor unions work.

Pfffftt, you got it twisted, it appear YOUR knowledge of labor unions ranks up there with your knowledge of the Stupak amendment..........:eusa_whistle:

I was right about Stupak and I'm right about this. Individuals don't join labor unions then go around looking to set up shop and bring the union with them, as you claim. The workers in a particular firm decide if they want to unionize and a vote is held.

1) You said the Stupak amdendment had nothing to do with abortion, wrong.......

2) Grape pickers are not full time, year round employees, so again you have no clue what you're takling about ..........
Driveby is engaging in the immorality of stubborness. The workers form unions, and they have protection against management when they do so. No, Pelosi does not decide this matter. Move along, Driveby, until you mature in discussion.
Driveby is engaging in the immorality of stubborness. The workers form unions, and they have protection against management when they do so. No, Pelosi does not decide this matter. Move along, Driveby, until you mature in discussion.

Another dickless wonder libtard that knows nothing about business or unions, priceless. Again, when it's grape picking SEASON why doesn't she bring in UFW pickers ?
Driveby is engaging in the immorality of stubborness. The workers form unions, and they have protection against management when they do so. No, Pelosi does not decide this matter. Move along, Driveby, until you mature in discussion.

Another dickless wonder libtard that knows nothing about business or unions, priceless. Again, when it's grape picking SEASON why doesn't she bring in UFW pickers ?

You truly have no idea of what you are talking about here.
Pfffftt, you got it twisted, it appear YOUR knowledge of labor unions ranks up there with your knowledge of the Stupak amendment..........:eusa_whistle:

I was right about Stupak and I'm right about this. Individuals don't join labor unions then go around looking to set up shop and bring the union with them, as you claim. The workers in a particular firm decide if they want to unionize and a vote is held.

1) You said the Stupak amdendment had nothing to do with abortion, wrong.......

That's a lie.

2) Grape pickers are not full time, year round employees, so again you have no clue what you're takling about ..........

I never said they were.
Driveby is engaging in the immorality of stubborness. The workers form unions, and they have protection against management when they do so. No, Pelosi does not decide this matter. Move along, Driveby, until you mature in discussion.

Another dickless wonder libtard that knows nothing about business or unions, priceless. Again, when it's grape picking SEASON why doesn't she bring in UFW pickers ?

You truly have no idea of what you are talking about here.

I do, you don't. You're claiming that her pickers are full time employees and the burden is on the workers to unionize, but you're wrong. Stick to theoritcal climate science .......
Driveby again reveals either ignorance or immoral stubborness. I claimed nothing of the sort. I said the employees are responsible for unionizing, that they have rights in doing so that Pelosi can't touch, and never said anything about full time workers. I don't think Driveby understands the ground rules for union organization.

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