Obama has been lucky-----------

A) the word is "dose" not "does"...

BN) YOU called me a "nutter" because I was showing idiots that the gigantic earth moving events that occurred and these idiots totally ignore them!
This "nutter" is dealing with the FACTS that GWB faced events NO other president has ever faced!
Dot.com bust ...started under Clinton ended with recession 3/2001.. that ended in11/2001. No one seems to acknowledge that!
Then wow people evidently like you forgot about 9/11/01! Nothing like this had ever occurred on American soil! Gigantic event that people seem to forget the
psyche scars this caused. Remember Anthrax attacks right after? Don't tell me you were not hesitant to open your mail!
Then the WORST hurricane SEASONS in American history...Again these events cost lives and trillions of dollars in lost businesses, tax revenue,etc..
YET in spite of it you said "2004 to 2006 f...king awesome!
Ever consider that when you call people like me "nutters" that what we are trying to get is recognition of the TRUTH...something the MSM never told!

Are you really just trying to make excuses as to why Bush was a terrible president? Cause it won't work.

You f...king idiot!
NO other President in history has EVER...EVER had events of those magnitude occur in their terms!
Idiots like you have obviously NO history background!

I am really curious what FACTS you can generate to support your premise Bush was a terrible president?

For every ONE idiotic ASSUMPTION and or guess...you make, I'll bet it with two FACTS or more that obviously you either ignore or were ignorant!

Are you fucking crazy?

Ever hear of Lincoln and FDR?

No other President was given as much as Bush was and left the country with so little.
It was technically not a hurricane when it made landfall...however, the devastation was no less than any category 5 hurricane.

Obama was not lucky as the OP states.
Not only Superstorm Sandy damage, but as a resident of the Shore I can tell you we got a double whammy. Superstorm Sandy was followed one week later by a Nor'easter, which caused additional flooding and actually took down more trees, weakened by Superstorm Sandy, which knocked out power and disrupted business for a longer period than Superstorm Sandy.

I live at the shore and remember a snowstorm about a week after Sandy

I think the Nor'easter hit the same time as Sandy magnifying the storm surge
The snowstorm was from the Nor'easter. Sandy was intensified by a cold front and high tide from a full moon hitting at the same time.

Nor'easter snow layers Sandy destruction; more evacuations, more power outages - U.S. News

Nor'easter snow layers Sandy destruction; more evacuations, more power outages

Snow fell on damaged homes and debris piles in parts of the New York City area as a nor'easter moved in Wednesday, causing new power outages and calls for evacuations.

By Wednesday night, the winds had caused more than 100,000 new power outages in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, the U.S. Energy Department stated. That brought the total number to 715,000, most of those remaining from Superstorm Sandy, which made landfall in New Jersey on Oct. 29.

Throughout the Tri-state area, people wore coats indoors as they endured yet another night without heat. Some of those who had weathered Sandy told NBC New York on Wednesday they were petrified.

"It's like a sequel to a horror movie," said James Alexander, a resident of the hard-hit Rockaway Peninsula. "Here we are, nine days later — freezing, no electricity, no nothing, waiting for another storm."

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