Obama- I'm sending Additional 300 Troops to Iraq


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Lets see. My math is a bit rusty but didn't numbnuts say no boots on the ground, then sends in 300 troops? Well, don't look now. The genius is sending 300 more.


Obama Lied: US Sending 300 Additional Troops Into Iraq, Including Detachment Of Helicopters And Drone Aircraft

The lukewarm war waged by the Nobel peace prize winner is getting warmer by the day. Just out from Reuters:

From Bloomberg:

President Barack Obama says he's sending about 200 more U.S. troops to Iraq to protect Americans and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

The announcement will bring to nearly 800 the total number of U.S. forces in and around Iraq to train local forces, secure the embassy and protect American interests.

Obama notified House and Senate leaders in a letter on Monday. Obama says the additions include security forces, rotary-wing aircraft, and support for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Obama has ruled out sending combat troops back into Iraq. But he says the additional troops will be equipped for combat. He says their purpose is to protect U.S. citizens and property if needed.

These forces are separate and apart from the up to 300 personnel the president authorized to establish two joint operations centers and conduct an assessment of how the U.S. can provide additional support to Iraq's security forces as they confront the grave threat posed by ISIL

Obama Lied: US Sending 300 Additional Troops Into Iraq, Including Detachment Of Helicopters And Drone Aircraft | Zero Hedge
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Take a deep breath... This is the start of "Obama's War". Let's hear folks give him some of the same shit they gave G. W. Bush.
he said advisors not fighting troops.



equipped for combat

LMAO Please....

Advisers are armed and die just like any other soldier


True, but unlike troops, they have some say in where they are sent(.) The entire area was basically handed to extremists in 2003, when the focus shifted from al Qaeda to The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy. The magnitude of that horrendous decusion is incalcuable. Obama is dragging his feet, he wanted the job, and removing the terrorists after the 1.7 TRILLION spent on the Iraq disaster was part of the job description.
Embassy evacuation duty.

Obama is already far below Carter on the incompetence and wimp scale. He's making sure he doesn't spend his last two years living in luxury at the tax payers expense with American embassy hostages on TV every night like Carter did.

Now that Obama has taught the terrorists that he will pay money and release terrorist prisoners for the release of a single American deserter, the hostage business is in full boom mode.
he said advisors not fighting troops.



equipped for combat

LMAO Please....

Advisers are armed and die just like any other soldier


True, but unlike troops, they have some say in where they are sent(.) The entire area was basically handed to extremists in 2003, when the focus shifted from al Qaeda to The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy. The magnitude of that horrendous decusion is incalcuable. Obama is dragging his feet, he wanted the job, and removing the terrorists after the 1.7 TRILLION spent on the Iraq disaster was part of the job description.

Those of us who are involved with pushing back on the anti-gun lobbies quote at times in defense that 'history has a way of repeating itself'

With that said, back to topic at hand. Take a refresher in how the US got involved in Vietnam. Started with advisers


From the article- Troops Under Kennedy

In May 1961, Kennedy sent 400 United States Army Special Forces personnel to South Vietnam to train South Vietnamese soldiers. By the end of 1961, the American advisers in Vietnam numbered 3,205. In February, 1962, Kennedy created The Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV), and in August, 1962, Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1962, which provides "…military assistance to countries...on the rim of the Communist world and under direct attack. " When Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963, the number of US military advisors in South Vietnam had reached 16,700.
Embassy evacuation duty.

Obama is already far below Carter on the incompetence and wimp scale. He's making sure he doesn't spend his last two years living in luxury at the tax payers expense with American embassy hostages on TV every night like Carter did.

Now that Obama has taught the terrorists that he will pay money and release terrorist prisoners for the release of a single American deserter, the hostage business is in full boom mode.

Then baby Bush is a collaborator. Kissed Saudi butt, and lips; looked with love at KING Abdullah. And, of course, took the heat off Saudi funded, Saudi manned al Qaeda terrorists who attacked the US, to invade Iraq with a war plan deemed "faulty" by the JCS. The yella boy hid like a kid when the US was attacked, just as he did when there was a tiny chance he might have to SERVE in Vietnam.
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he said advisors not fighting troops.



equipped for combat

LMAO Please....

Advisers are armed and die just like any other soldier


True, but unlike troops, they have some say in where they are sent(.) The entire area was basically handed to extremists in 2003, when the focus shifted from al Qaeda to The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy. The magnitude of that horrendous decusion is incalcuable. Obama is dragging his feet, he wanted the job, and removing the terrorists after the 1.7 TRILLION spent on the Iraq disaster was part of the job description.

Uh...Peach? What do you mean unlike troops? They are troops. Probably Special Forces or Delta Force. And they have NO say in where they are sent. They will be advising Iraqi soldiers and go into combat with them.
Embassy evacuation duty.

Obama is already far below Carter on the incompetence and wimp scale. He's making sure he doesn't spend his last two years living in luxury at the tax payers expense with American embassy hostages on TV every night like Carter did.

Now that Obama has taught the terrorists that he will pay money and release terrorist prisoners for the release of a single American deserter, the hostage business is in full boom mode.

Obama is shilling for his constituents. Mixed up, mixed race, confused millennials with
no sense of history in or OF this country. Obama, I can't relate to him any more than I can Tupac Shakur. Just because of his sorry mixed race past, you folks voted for this guy? My brother confided in me, he said: I voted for Obama, the first BLACK president. No he isn't and I really lost respect for my brother for that. And My brother served in Vietnam. I just don't understand people anymore. He isn't a millennial and he sure as hell should have known better.
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What exactly is his strategy here? What are his goals here? I asked that question before and no one had an answer. What are 600 troops going to do that 300 couldnt?
The most incompetent foreign policy in US history run by a clown car of juvenile advisors whose mantra is "Dont do stupid shit." Yes, they really said that.

First and foremost obama is a liar. He can't help himself. Second, he's not evacuating the embassy. He needs for embassy staff to be held hostage so he can let shiekh rahman go.
Obama has lied claiming ISIL/ISIS came out of nowhere.....uh bullshit, the CIA has been tracking them ever since they rose to power in Syria.
Then baby Bush is a collaborator. Kissed Saudi butt, and lips; looked with love at KING Abdullah. And, of course, took the heat off Saudi funded, Saudi manned al Qaeda terrorists who attacked the US, to invade Iraq with a war plan deemed "faulty" by the JCS. The yella boy hid like a kid when the US was attacked, just as he did when there was a tiny chance he might have to SERVE in Vietnam.

Bush collaborated with Obama? The blame Bush card is getting older than the race card. Only children dodge responsibility and accountability as much and as long as this president and his supporters. Is Obama a child in your eyes? Is he too immature to be held accountable?

ISIS was born and made its move out of Syria in 2011. Clearly during the Bush administration. Oh, wait. Remember that "Red Line" in Syria Obama drew that had terrorists shaking in their boots? Me neither.

I could give a rat's rear end about Bush's service. But this old debunked line about him not serving or dodging duty is beneath you Peach. Just a little research on your part would save you so much embarrassment. I enjoy most of your posts because you're usually even handed. I hate to see you spout debunked left wing propaganda.

At least he served, wore the uniform and put his life on the line. Did you? Talk's cheap. BTW, Six--THAT'S SIX of my squadron mates were killed in "routine training accidents". They weren't killed in combat. Bush shared that same risk. Did you?
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