Obama is a SELLOUT!!!!!!!!!

And people thought Glenn Beck was crazy.... Now look who is talking the same talk...

‘Unified Quest 2011’: Pentagon ‘War Games’ U.S. Economic Meltdown | The Blaze


Unified Quest 2011 – Plan for the Worst and Pray for the Best

FCC and Cass Sunstein to take control of the internet...

Uncovered Audio: Obama’s Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein’s Big Gov Power Grabbing Mandate to Legally Control the Internet at Ironic Surrealism v3.0

What Impact Will Cass Sunstein Have on Obama’s Internet Policy?

Good Czar, Bad Czar: Cass Sunstein and the Future of OIRA | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Forbes butt licks George Soros and promotes gold investing just like Glenn Beck.... Soros is a Mad Man and Beck is a Man of Reality.... Forbes is a Liberal-Communist rag with little credibility.....

George Soros - Big Government

Forbes - George Soros

Snopes Exposed--George Soros and Leftists Fund it | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Obama-Run Foundation Gave Millions to Liberal Groups, Including One Run by Bill Ayers | CNSnews.com

FactCheck.org is Sponsored by Decidedly LEFTIST Organization: ANNENBERG Public Policy Foundation

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation

FCC's pay-as-you-go Internet plan raises video, access questions

NRA-ILA :: Factcheck And Brady Campaign Share Same Sugar Daddy


Talk about a bad name.... Here is a star rino on the horizion....

Alan Keyes warns of Sarah Palin's connection to George Soros | Media Matters for America

Carnival Cruise Disaster, Soros Hired Palin Aide and More in Capital Eye Opener: November 12 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

NOW THE END BEGINS: The Coming New World Order

Please sign the petition to stop FCC take over of the internet:

No Internet Takeover
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"?

Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

Obviously, you don't know where Ivy League Schools are located:


As you see, they are located primarily in "BLUE STATES."


If anyone was intelligent in Kansas, Texas, or Oklahoma, then an Ivy League School would be there.
Dumbass post of the day!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"? Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

The proof is who these places vote for to represent them. Do you really think SMART people elect Mitch McConnel Or The Boner..or Michelle Bachman.

People THAT stupid would be laughed at in Washington as soon as they opened thier mouths. We have few assholes that have made it into the House...like Dave Reichart..The piece of shit was a detective that tried to catch the Green River Killer for several years so he got plenty of face time on television. He personally never caught the killer because he isn't the smartest bulb on the tree but at least he was a detective for King County.. We don't let morons be detectives up here. BUT the dummy never did catch the guy even after almost 20 years ... It turned out the freak was a chopper pilot for the Army out of Ft Lewis at the time. Ya EVERYBODY on the far right thought this douschbag was a hero.... anyway he is an exception...and HE FAILED at his job!!

Back to the point.. The people of Oklahoma and Kansas and Missouri are very noticably dumber than the people of many other states. Not ALL of them but a significantly higher percentage of those populations are borderline retarded.. IQ's 90 or less.....
You know.........I live on my retirement from the Navy. Right now, I'm raking in 550/month and am happy with that even though I pay 220/month in rent.

Interestingly enough, I still find ways to keep myself amused with bicycles, writing, art and learning.

You mean to say that your base pay was only $1,100 a month when you retired?
Extension of the tax cuts for the wealthy for 2 years, extension of unemployment 13 months.

Failure to get rid of DADT, yet extending our debt for the rest of the time he's in office.

Wealth growth for most of the country? 11 percent. Wealth growth for the top percent? 237 percent.

Bush Jr. tried to do the same thing, but he got caught with his pants down 6 months prior to leaving office.

Obama proving he's a sellout like Jr? Priceless.

You Guys are the ones who are priceless.

All you have been talking about since the Republicans won is compromise. All the Liberal media has talked about is how this means there will have to be compromise.

Then when Obama compromises you guys call him a sell out. To rich.

I guess a Libs definition of Bipartisanship and Compromise = Republicans caving to the Lefts demands in spite of the recent election results.

Better wake the fuck up.
[How do you define "excessively rich"?
I believe more than twenty million dollars in accumulated personal assets is excessive wealth and should be confiscated.

I believe anyone who cannot be satsified with twenty million dollars has been infected by the sickness commonly known as greed and is in need of therapy via re-education.

yea right.....until you become one of them.....right Mike?.....then its a different story....
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"? Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

The proof is who these places vote for to represent them. Do you really think SMART people elect Mitch McConnel Or The Boner..or Michelle Bachman.

People THAT stupid would be laughed at in Washington as soon as they opened thier mouths. We have few assholes that have made it into the House...like Dave Reichart..The piece of shit was a detective that tried to catch the Green River Killer for several years so he got plenty of face time on television. He personally never caught the killer because he isn't the smartest bulb on the tree but at least he was a detective for King County.. We don't let morons be detectives up here. BUT the dummy never did catch the guy even after almost 20 years ... It turned out the freak was a chopper pilot for the Army out of Ft Lewis at the time. Ya EVERYBODY on the far right thought this douschbag was a hero.... anyway he is an exception...and HE FAILED at his job!!

Back to the point.. The people of Oklahoma and Kansas and Missouri are very noticably dumber than the people of many other states. Not ALL of them but a significantly higher percentage of those populations are borderline retarded.. IQ's 90 or less.....

City parrots don't know how to paddle anything but their gay lovers.... Freaky.... :eusa_shhh:
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"? Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

The proof is who these places vote for to represent them. Do you really think SMART people elect Mitch McConnel Or The Boner..or Michelle Bachman.

People THAT stupid would be laughed at in Washington as soon as they opened thier mouths. We have few assholes that have made it into the House...like Dave Reichart..The piece of shit was a detective that tried to catch the Green River Killer for several years so he got plenty of face time on television. He personally never caught the killer because he isn't the smartest bulb on the tree but at least he was a detective for King County.. We don't let morons be detectives up here. BUT the dummy never did catch the guy even after almost 20 years ... It turned out the freak was a chopper pilot for the Army out of Ft Lewis at the time. Ya EVERYBODY on the far right thought this douschbag was a hero.... anyway he is an exception...and HE FAILED at his job!!

Back to the point.. The people of Oklahoma and Kansas and Missouri are very noticably dumber than the people of many other states. Not ALL of them but a significantly higher percentage of those populations are borderline retarded.. IQ's 90 or less.....
Do you really think smart people vote for Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman?

And, are you trying to say that up in your loony liberal neck of the woods that ALL those detectives on the green river case were con's?.......Highly doubtful...considering the fact that there was an entire team of detectives on that case.

I know......I was stationed at Ft. lewis from 82-84......And again off and on from '01-'07.

That whole region is a bastion of liberal idiots.....Beautiful state, with a population stuffed with meth heads and loony lib's!

Bottom line....there are no dumber people in this country than the state of Washington.
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"?

Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

Obviously, you don't know where Ivy League Schools are located:


As you see, they are located primarily in "BLUE STATES."

If anyone was intelligent in Kansas (or, God forbid, Texas), then an Ivy League School would be there.

Oh...thank God somebody knows where the elitist, rich, know-it-alls come from... Let's see...I will apply your own mind-numbing logic and conclude that you believe that every student at every ivy league school is from somewhere other than Kansas...or, God forbid, Texas...George W. Bush for example...Or Dr. Deborah Honeycutt of GA...Or Republican representative James M. Collins...also a native of TX...There's a big list of people from all over the country...red states anb blue states...who graduate from places like Harvard and Cornell, Dartmouth, Yale and Princeton. So I'm not buying that BS about the location of a school determines the ability to think.

And now, according a recent survey, Ivy League is not the hot spot for job recruiters... graduate from Harvard and then join the jobless.

Ivy League graduates out of their league? | Washington Examiner
I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"? Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

The proof is who these places vote for to represent them. Do you really think SMART people elect Mitch McConnel Or The Boner..or Michelle Bachman.

People THAT stupid would be laughed at in Washington as soon as they opened thier mouths. We have few assholes that have made it into the House...like Dave Reichart..The piece of shit was a detective that tried to catch the Green River Killer for several years so he got plenty of face time on television. He personally never caught the killer because he isn't the smartest bulb on the tree but at least he was a detective for King County.. We don't let morons be detectives up here. BUT the dummy never did catch the guy even after almost 20 years ... It turned out the freak was a chopper pilot for the Army out of Ft Lewis at the time. Ya EVERYBODY on the far right thought this douschbag was a hero.... anyway he is an exception...and HE FAILED at his job!!

Back to the point.. The people of Oklahoma and Kansas and Missouri are very noticably dumber than the people of many other states. Not ALL of them but a significantly higher percentage of those populations are borderline retarded.. IQ's 90 or less.....
Do you really think smart people vote for Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman?

And, are you trying to say that up in your loony liberal neck of the woods that ALL those detectives on the green river case were con's?.......Highly doubtful...considering the fact that there was an entire team of detectives on that case.

I know......I was stationed at Ft. lewis from 82-84......And again off and on from '01-'07.

That whole region is a bastion of liberal idiots.....Beautiful state, with a population stuffed with meth heads and loony lib's!

Bottom line....there are no dumber people in this country than the state of Washington.

America's smartest cities
Latest Census numbers are in.... the places with the highest concentration of college degrees.
By Les Christie, CNNMoney.com staff writer
August 31 2006: 4:13 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- If you equate education with intelligence, then the smartest city in the United States is Seattle - 52.7 percent of its residents age 25 or older have completed a bachelor's degree or higher.

America's smartest cities - Aug. 31, 2006

Bite me!
And people thought Glenn Beck was crazy.... Now look who is talking the same talk...

‘Unified Quest 2011’: Pentagon ‘War Games’ U.S. Economic Meltdown | The Blaze


Unified Quest 2011 – Plan for the Worst and Pray for the Best

FCC and Cass Sunstein to take control of the internet...

Uncovered Audio: Obama’s Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein’s Big Gov Power Grabbing Mandate to Legally Control the Internet at Ironic Surrealism v3.0

What Impact Will Cass Sunstein Have on Obama’s Internet Policy?

Good Czar, Bad Czar: Cass Sunstein and the Future of OIRA | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Forbes butt licks George Soros and promotes gold investing just like Glenn Beck.... Soros is a Mad Man and Beck is a Man of Reality.... Forbes is a Liberal-Communist rag with little credibility.....

George Soros - Big Government

Forbes - George Soros

Snopes Exposed--George Soros and Leftists Fund it | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Obama-Run Foundation Gave Millions to Liberal Groups, Including One Run by Bill Ayers | CNSnews.com

FactCheck.org is Sponsored by Decidedly LEFTIST Organization: ANNENBERG Public Policy Foundation

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation

FCC's pay-as-you-go Internet plan raises video, access questions

NRA-ILA :: Factcheck And Brady Campaign Share Same Sugar Daddy


Talk about a bad name.... Here is a star rino on the horizion....

Alan Keyes warns of Sarah Palin's connection to George Soros | Media Matters for America

Carnival Cruise Disaster, Soros Hired Palin Aide and More in Capital Eye Opener: November 12 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

NOW THE END BEGINS: The Coming New World Order

Please sign the petition to stop FCC take over of the internet:

No Internet Takeover

LMAO! When you learn how to eat gold, give me a call.:lol:
The proof is who these places vote for to represent them. Do you really think SMART people elect Mitch McConnel Or The Boner..or Michelle Bachman.

People THAT stupid would be laughed at in Washington as soon as they opened thier mouths. We have few assholes that have made it into the House...like Dave Reichart..The piece of shit was a detective that tried to catch the Green River Killer for several years so he got plenty of face time on television. He personally never caught the killer because he isn't the smartest bulb on the tree but at least he was a detective for King County.. We don't let morons be detectives up here. BUT the dummy never did catch the guy even after almost 20 years ... It turned out the freak was a chopper pilot for the Army out of Ft Lewis at the time. Ya EVERYBODY on the far right thought this douschbag was a hero.... anyway he is an exception...and HE FAILED at his job!!

Back to the point.. The people of Oklahoma and Kansas and Missouri are very noticably dumber than the people of many other states. Not ALL of them but a significantly higher percentage of those populations are borderline retarded.. IQ's 90 or less.....
Do you really think smart people vote for Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman?

And, are you trying to say that up in your loony liberal neck of the woods that ALL those detectives on the green river case were con's?.......Highly doubtful...considering the fact that there was an entire team of detectives on that case.

I know......I was stationed at Ft. lewis from 82-84......And again off and on from '01-'07.

That whole region is a bastion of liberal idiots.....Beautiful state, with a population stuffed with meth heads and loony lib's!

Bottom line....there are no dumber people in this country than the state of Washington.

America's smartest cities
Latest Census numbers are in.... the places with the highest concentration of college degrees.
By Les Christie, CNNMoney.com staff writer
August 31 2006: 4:13 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- If you equate education with intelligence, then the smartest city in the United States is Seattle - 52.7 percent of its residents age 25 or older have completed a bachelor's degree or higher.

America's smartest cities - Aug. 31, 2006

Bite me!
A city does not make a state.

All the proof you need is sitting in Puyallup, Tillicum, Lakewood, Stillicum, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla walla, Federal way, and on and on and on..........The biggest concentration of toothless liberal lunatics west of the mississippi reside in Washington state.......But, Oregon is closing in on you people quite fast!
Last edited:
The proof is who these places vote for to represent them. Do you really think SMART people elect Mitch McConnel Or The Boner..or Michelle Bachman.

People THAT stupid would be laughed at in Washington as soon as they opened thier mouths. We have few assholes that have made it into the House...like Dave Reichart..The piece of shit was a detective that tried to catch the Green River Killer for several years so he got plenty of face time on television. He personally never caught the killer because he isn't the smartest bulb on the tree but at least he was a detective for King County.. We don't let morons be detectives up here. BUT the dummy never did catch the guy even after almost 20 years ... It turned out the freak was a chopper pilot for the Army out of Ft Lewis at the time. Ya EVERYBODY on the far right thought this douschbag was a hero.... anyway he is an exception...and HE FAILED at his job!!

Back to the point.. The people of Oklahoma and Kansas and Missouri are very noticably dumber than the people of many other states. Not ALL of them but a significantly higher percentage of those populations are borderline retarded.. IQ's 90 or less.....
Do you really think smart people vote for Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman?

And, are you trying to say that up in your loony liberal neck of the woods that ALL those detectives on the green river case were con's?.......Highly doubtful...considering the fact that there was an entire team of detectives on that case.

I know......I was stationed at Ft. lewis from 82-84......And again off and on from '01-'07.

That whole region is a bastion of liberal idiots.....Beautiful state, with a population stuffed with meth heads and loony lib's!

Bottom line....there are no dumber people in this country than the state of Washington.

America's smartest cities
Latest Census numbers are in.... the places with the highest concentration of college degrees.
By Les Christie, CNNMoney.com staff writer
August 31 2006: 4:13 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- If you equate education with intelligence, then the smartest city in the United States is Seattle - 52.7 percent of its residents age 25 or older have completed a bachelor's degree or higher.

America's smartest cities - Aug. 31, 2006

Bite me!

If you equate education with intelligence...

You're setting yourself up to look stupid. Obama has TONS of education...but he's certainly not the sharpest spoon in the drawer. He'd like to THINK that his degrees and charming smile was all he needed to get to where he is. I bet he wishes he was back in school now, planning demonstrations and organizing community events.

But if you don't...well, you're smarter than others might think.
do you really think smart people vote for nancy pelosi, barbara boxer, maxine waters, henry waxman?

And, are you trying to say that up in your loony liberal neck of the woods that all those detectives on the green river case were con's?.......highly doubtful...considering the fact that there was an entire team of detectives on that case.

I know......i was stationed at ft. Lewis from 82-84......and again off and on from '01-'07.

That whole region is a bastion of liberal idiots.....beautiful state, with a population stuffed with meth heads and loony lib's!

Bottom line....there are no dumber people in this country than the state of washington.

america's smartest cities
latest census numbers are in.... The places with the highest concentration of college degrees.
By les christie, cnnmoney.com staff writer
august 31 2006: 4:13 pm edt

new york (cnnmoney.com) -- if you equate education with intelligence, then the smartest city in the united states is seattle - 52.7 percent of its residents age 25 or older have completed a bachelor's degree or higher.

america's smartest cities - aug. 31, 2006

bite me!

if you equate education with intelligence...

you're setting yourself up to look stupid. Obama has tons of education...but he's certainly not the sharpest spoon in the drawer. He'd like to think that his degrees and charming smile was all he needed to get to where he is. I bet he wishes he was back in school now, planning demonstrations and organizing community events.

But if you don't...well, you're smarter than others might think.

Cost of Iraq War under Bush (7 years) - $820 Billion

Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion
add to that the Cash For Clunkers flop, First Time Homeowner Credit, Government Alternative Energy incentive (solar), ObamaCare, additional bailouts to General Motors, Chevy "Volt" Government incentive, blank check financial bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... etc. etc. etc.
(all while the unemployment rate went from 6.5% to a near constant 10%)

It's obvious who overspent here.
Were it not for Bush having initiated an unnecessary invasion/occupation without budgeting it, while reducing taxes at the same time, which is predictably devastating to an economy, the stimulus would not have been needed -- nor would any of the other efforts made to repair the damage Bush did.

I can see you've been indoctrinated with neo-Conservative propaganda but maybe the following will help you to see things more clearly. While it is excerpted from an article on a Democrat website the facts and figures are easily verified:

"Discretionary outlays, adjusted for inflation -- meaning taxpayer dollars spent voluntarily -- have grown 5.3 percent under George W. Bush, more than Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford combined. But to make your jaw drop, how about this statistic: spending growth under "W" is more than double what it was under Jimmy Carter.

In the face of growing the budget, Bush has chosen to cut taxes. And so what's the result? A whopping big deficit, the likes of which we've never seen. In fact, after eight years of responsible stewardship under President Clinton, the Bush administration has turned a projected $5 trillion surplus into a $2.8 trillion deficit.

Some GOPers are arguing the deficits don't matter. But they do, and let us explain why.

First, whether it's your brother-in-law or the Bank of America, a creditor has claims that you can't entirely ignore. And the Bush administration's failure to balance the budget has forced the U.S. Treasury to sell bonds at an explosive rate: $1.2 trillion between 2000 and 2005. Who's bought all that debt, lending us the money we need to keep the government open? A great deal has been purchased by foreign governments -- many of whom have foreign policy interests that don't always mesh with our own."

DLC: Reckless Spending is a Hallmark of this Presidency by Paul Weinstein Jr. and Marc Dunkelman

The simple fact is Bush took charge of a healthy, stable economy and drove it into the ground. So it's obvious that Obama had no choice but to do the things you've cited above as a means of preventing a second Depression.
[How do you define "excessively rich"?
I believe more than twenty million dollars in accumulated personal assets is excessive wealth and should be confiscated.

I believe anyone who cannot be satsified with twenty million dollars has been infected by the sickness commonly known as greed and is in need of therapy via re-education.

yea right.....until you become one of them.....right Mike?.....then its a different story....
You can believe that if you wish but I am not greedy by nature so it's very unlikely that I would ever be worth more than a couple hundred thousand. And if by some fluke, like the Lottery (which I don't even play), I did come by millions of dollars I would give a lot of it away because it doesn't take much to keep me contented.

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