Obama is a SELLOUT!!!!!!!!!

"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."
- Thomas Jefferson


You're criticizing the president, you right wing extremist, just because he's black. There's no other reason for your criticism. You hate black people. Go ahead and admit it. You ex-military types are going to undermine our country.
Assuming you actually did something other than serve 20 in Leavenworth.

Work on your reading comprehension idiot, I'm pissed that he sold out to the GOP. Didn't say anything about his race, beliefs or anything.

I disagree with the president because the fucker sold out, I don't really care what he looks like, just what he does in his job.

Nice try idiot, you fail yet again.

And.......FWIW..........you can't spend 20 years in Leavenworth and come out with a retirement. I've got both a check and an ID card.

Oh. I see.
If I criticize the Presidsent for policy NOT to my liking, I am a racist.
If YOU criticize the Presdient for policy NOT to your liking, it is justified cirticism.

You Repugs are introducing strawmen, but the fact is a lot of criticism coming from the right is infused with racism, the left after all didn't mention anything about a Kenyan anticolonial mentality and doesn't think Obama is racist against whites.
Work on your reading comprehension idiot, I'm pissed that he sold out to the GOP. Didn't say anything about his race, beliefs or anything.

I disagree with the president because the fucker sold out, I don't really care what he looks like, just what he does in his job.

Nice try idiot, you fail yet again.

And.......FWIW..........you can't spend 20 years in Leavenworth and come out with a retirement. I've got both a check and an ID card.

Oh. I see.
If I criticize the Presidsent for policy NOT to my liking, I am a racist.
If YOU criticize the Presdient for policy NOT to your liking, it is justified cirticism.

You Repugs are introducing strawmen, but the fact is a lot of criticism coming from the right is infused with racism, the left after all didn't mention anything about a Kenyan anticolonial mentality and doesn't think Obama is racist against whites.
It's just a hunch, but I would bet good money that few on the left are all that comfortable with a moron as their spokesperson.

Just a hunch, though.
Oh. I see.
If I criticize the Presidsent for policy NOT to my liking, I am a racist.
If YOU criticize the Presdient for policy NOT to your liking, it is justified cirticism.

You Repugs are introducing strawmen, but the fact is a lot of criticism coming from the right is infused with racism, the left after all didn't mention anything about a Kenyan anticolonial mentality and doesn't think Obama is racist against whites.
It's just a hunch, but I would bet ugood money that few on the left are all that comfortable with a moron as their spokesperson.

Just a hunch, though.


Another critic "infused with racism?"

Damnit, Si Modo, can't you dogmatically accept the stupidity of any President, regardless of race!!:(
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Work on your reading comprehension idiot, I'm pissed that he sold out to the GOP. Didn't say anything about his race, beliefs or anything.

I disagree with the president because the fucker sold out, I don't really care what he looks like, just what he does in his job.

Nice try idiot, you fail yet again.

And.......FWIW..........you can't spend 20 years in Leavenworth and come out with a retirement. I've got both a check and an ID card.

Oh. I see.
If I criticize the Presidsent for policy NOT to my liking, I am a racist.
If YOU criticize the Presdient for policy NOT to your liking, it is justified cirticism.

You Repugs are introducing strawmen, but the fact is a lot of criticism coming from the right is infused with racism, the left after all didn't mention anything about a Kenyan anticolonial mentality and doesn't think Obama is racist against whites.

The rant of a loser.

s0n..........this whole fall season has been one epic fail after another hasnt it??? Heres the poop though..........your views represent MAYBE.................MAYBE 10% of the nation's and even then..........

Which means you lose asshole ( delivered with patent Denis Leary clarity!!) And lucky for the rest of us, the views of you and the rest of the fcukking k00ks on this forum are alwyas going to be part of the eccentric fringe.

Of course the president isnt selling out..........he's finally displayed a bit of political wisdom for the first time in his presidency. Political wisdom...........a term not at all understood by the k00ks.
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Extension of the tax cuts for the wealthy for 2 years, extension of unemployment 13 months.

Failure to get rid of DADT, yet extending our debt for the rest of the time he's in office.

Wealth growth for most of the country? 11 percent. Wealth growth for the top percent? 237 percent.

Bush Jr. tried to do the same thing, but he got caught with his pants down 6 months prior to leaving office.

Obama proving he's a sellout like Jr? Priceless.

You Guys are the ones who are priceless.

All you have been talking about since the Republicans won is compromise. All the Liberal media has talked about is how this means there will have to be compromise.

Then when Obama compromises you guys call him a sell out. To rich.

I guess a Libs definition of Bipartisanship and Compromise = Republicans caving to the Lefts demands in spite of the recent election results.

Better wake the fuck up.

They have exposed another of their left wing lies as just that.

They were screaming compromise when they thought it was Republicans that were going to cave.

The minute it turned out Obama caved, they starting screaming for blood.

This puts the lie to compromise. Liberals don't want to compromise, they want others to compromise.
Tell me about it. More Government control in the lives of the American people and a constant attack on our economy and it's not left enough.
You're well advised to not be swayed by that kind of corporatist propaganda and keep the origin of this "meltdown" in mind. When Bush was appointed President (by the Supreme Court) the economy was in good shape. There was a budget surplus and a perfectly manageable deficit. Bush initiated an unnecessary invasion and occupation and reduced taxes at the same time, which is predictably destructive to even the healthiest economy. Add to that Bush's reckless spending and you have the formula for disaster.

Cost of Iraq War under Bush (7 years) - $820 Billion

Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion
add to that the Cash For Clunkers flop, First Time Homeowner Credit, Government Alternative Energy incentive (solar), ObamaCare, additional bailouts to General Motors, Chevy "Volt" Government incentive, blank check financial bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... etc. etc. etc.
(all while the unemployment rate went from 6.5% to a near constant 10%)

It's obvious who overspent here.

You are a lying sack of steaming liquid shit...

As of Sept last year The Stimulous bill spent 85 billion. There has been more spent since then but some of the investments have actually made money.
Cost of Iraq War under Bush (7 years) - $820 Billion

Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion
add to that the Cash For Clunkers flop, First Time Homeowner Credit, Government Alternative Energy incentive (solar), ObamaCare, additional bailouts to General Motors, Chevy "Volt" Government incentive, blank check financial bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... etc. etc. etc.
(all while the unemployment rate went from 6.5% to a near constant 10%)

It's obvious who overspent here.
Were it not for Bush having initiated an unnecessary invasion/occupation without budgeting it, while reducing taxes at the same time, which is predictably devastating to an economy, the stimulus would not have been needed -- nor would any of the other efforts made to repair the damage Bush did.

I have not found proof that $787 Billion Stimulus has actually improved the economy, simply by looking to the later INCREASE in the unemployment rate to 10%. However the Democrats' urgency to pass this Bill and make the "claim" to generate jobs for all Americans includes the following:
$150 Million - for the Smithsonian Museum. Are additional rooms really necessary at this time?
$75 Million - for "smoking cessation activities"
$25 million - for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction
$200 Million - to fund the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for the use on military installations. They are soldiers who march from building to building, and Michelle Obama has also held the need for MORE people to be physically fit.
$88 Million - for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Services. I wouldn't think of renovating my OWN house until I knew I could afford it
$160 Million - for "paid volunteers" ... at the Corporation for National and community Service If they are paid they are not volunteers, they are called employees.
$5.5 Million - for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemetery Administration. Electric hearses?? .. or are we talking about electric lawn mowers here?
I could go on, but this is not solely about JUST a waste of taxpayer dollars found in the Stimulus.

As for Freddie and Fannie, CNN has labeled them as the most EXPENSIVE bailout. As stated in an earlier post, this bailout was the result of the problems stemming from the Federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). As of October 2010, the Washington Post has reported an increase to the burden of taxpayers of $154 Billion. In the First Quarter of 2010, Fannie Mae ALONE has reported a loss of $13 Billion.

Now to the Chevy "Volt". Lets begin with the burning of $50 Billion taxpayer dollars in bailing out of GM, by sprinkling the ashes over the United Auto Workers union. The cost of "Government" Motors attempt at a green vehicle from the Federal Government (a.k.a. our taxpayer dollars) begins as follows:
$240 Million - in Energy Department Grants to GM last summer
$150 Million - to Volts Korean battery supplier
$14 Billion - to redesign and accommodate GM's plants to build the cars
$150 Billion in Government tax breaks
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/30/opinion/30neidermeyer.html?_r=3&ref=opinion
The MSRP of the Chevy "Volt" is $41,000 with even more taxpayer dollars going towards a Federal Government Incentive of $7,500. As a result of the battery running the length of the car it's only able to seat 4 adults, with headroom and legroom that is less than the much LESS EXPENSIVE Chevy Cruze. GM stands to make only $1,000 per car, with only 10,000 scheduled for the initial release. Adding all the costs, the Volt actually costs $81,000 per car!

Do you still want to hold on to the idea that President Bush created more damage in wasting taxpayer dollars, when it comes to increasing the size of our National Debt?
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Extension of the tax cuts for the wealthy for 2 years, extension of unemployment 13 months.

Failure to get rid of DADT, yet extending our debt for the rest of the time he's in office.

Wealth growth for most of the country? 11 percent. Wealth growth for the top percent? 237 percent.

Bush Jr. tried to do the same thing, but he got caught with his pants down 6 months prior to leaving office.

Obama proving he's a sellout like Jr? Priceless.
Welcome to Shrubbie's third term, sucker!!!

Cost of Iraq War under Bush (7 years) - $820 Billion

Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion
add to that the Cash For Clunkers flop, First Time Homeowner Credit, Government Alternative Energy incentive (solar), ObamaCare, additional bailouts to General Motors, Chevy "Volt" Government incentive, blank check financial bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... etc. etc. etc.
(all while the unemployment rate went from 6.5% to a near constant 10%)

It's obvious who overspent here.
Were it not for Bush having initiated an unnecessary invasion/occupation without budgeting it, while reducing taxes at the same time, which is predictably devastating to an economy, the stimulus would not have been needed -- nor would any of the other efforts made to repair the damage Bush did.

I have not found proof that $787 Billion Stimulus has actually improved the economy. However the urgency to pass this Bill and make the "claim" to generate jobs for all Americans includes the following:
$150 Million - for the Smithsonian Museum. Are additional rooms really necessary at this time?
$75 Million - for "smoking cessation activities"
$25 million - for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction
$200 Million - to fund the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for the use on military installations. They are soldiers who march from building to building, and Michelle Obama has also held the need for people to be more physically fit
$88 Million - for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Services. I wouldn't think of renovating my OWN house until I knew I could afford it
$160 Million - for "paid volunteers" ... at the Corporation for National and community Service If they are paid they are not volunteers, they are called employees.
$5.5 Million - for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemetery Administration. Electric hearses?? .. or are we talking about electric lawn mowers?

As for Freddie and Fannie, CNN has labeled them as the most EXPENSIVE bailout. As of October 2010, the Washington Post has reported an increase to the burden of taxpayers of $154 Billion. In the First Quarter of 2010, Fannie Mae has reported a loss of $13 Billion.

Now to the Chevy "Volt". Lets begin with the burning of $50 Billion taxpayer dollars in bailing out of GM, by sprinkling the ashes over the United Auto Workers union. The cost of "Government" Motors attempt at a green vehicle from the Federal Government begins as follows:
$240 Million - in Energy Department Grants to GM last summer
$150 Million - to Volts Korean battery supplier
$14 Billion - to redesign and accommodate GM's plants to build the cars
$150 Billion in Government tax breaks
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/30/opinion/30neidermeyer.html?_r=3&ref=opinion
The MSRP of the Chevy "Volt" is $41,000 with even more taxpayer dollars going towards a Federal Government Incentive of $7,500. As a result of the batter running the length of the car it's only able to seat 4 adults, with headroom that is less than the much LESS EXPENSIVE Chevy Cruze. GM stands to make only $1,000 per car, with only 10,000 scheduled for the initial release. Adding all the costs, the Volt actually costs $81,000 per car!

Do you still want to hold on to the idea that President Bush has wasted more taxpayer dollars, when it comes to increasing the size of our National Debt?

Bush's TRILLION...totally wasted. Obamas 100 billion or so spent created jobs here.

Then there is that little problem of Bush's wars being off the books. What? Did you morons think that was going to just magically dissappear? To be credible you first must be honest.
Bush's TRILLION...totally wasted. Obamas 100 billion or so spent created jobs here.

Then there is that little problem of Bush's wars being off the books. What? Did you morons think that was going to just magically dissappear? To be credible you first must be honest.

There's $820 Billion from the Iraq war, the total over 1 Trillion Dollar Debt you refer to includes the Tarp bailout "LOAN", a vast majority of which has been paid back by the banks. Most likely, also spent again by Obama for the continued bailouts of GM, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.
Do you have "proof" that Obama's $787 Billion Stimulus has actually improved the economy? With an unemployment rate still near 10%, I'd be interested to know where you derive your facts from. Is this the same "math" that the Democrats tried to use to say that ObamaCare would actually reduce the cost of Health Care? You can't be serious.
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Bush's TRILLION...totally wasted. Obamas 100 billion or so spent created jobs here.

Then there is that little problem of Bush's wars being off the books. What? Did you morons think that was going to just magically dissappear? To be credible you first must be honest.

There's $820 Billion from the Iraq war, the total over 1 Trillion Dollar Debt you refer to includes the Tarp bailout "LOAN", a vast majority of which has been paid back by the banks. Most likely, also spent again by Obama for the continued bailouts of GM, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.
Do you have "proof" that Obama's $787 Billion Stimulus has actually improved the economy? With an unemployment rate still near 10%, I'd be interested to know where you derive your facts from. Is this the same "math" that the Democrats tried to use to say that ObamaCare would actually reduce the cost of Health Care? You can't be serious.

Bush didn't require the Troubled Assets to be paid back. That was Obamas doing. That 2 trillion is on Georgy. Has Obamas stewardship improved the economy? What a stupid question? If McCain had been elected he would have blown a gasket long ago and we would have that special Olympics beauty queen in the White House by now. Just how well do you think things would be under THAT leadership? I'm going to have to stop responding to you. Your stupidity is giving me a headache.
You know.........I live on my retirement from the Navy. Right now, I'm raking in 550/month and am happy with that even though I pay 220/month in rent.

Interestingly enough, I still find ways to keep myself amused with bicycles, writing, art and learning.

You mean to say that your base pay was only $1,100 a month when you retired?

No. I retired as a First Class. My darling exes take quite a bit out of my check.

4 more years and I'll make around 750-800/mo more.

Can't wait for the day either. But my point was, how much money does a person truly need to be happy? I'm quite content on what I've got, and........my roomie although she charges me rent, funds most of the groceries and all the utilities.

Yeah.......I know.......sweet deal. But then again, when she first met me after I retired one of the things she told me is that because I'd worked 20 years, I deserved to sit back on my ass and be just another retiree, which is why she offered to let me live with her after some meth cook got me kicked out of my old place.
Cost of Iraq War under Bush (7 years) - $820 Billion

Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion
add to that the Cash For Clunkers flop, First Time Homeowner Credit, Government Alternative Energy incentive (solar), ObamaCare, additional bailouts to General Motors, Chevy "Volt" Government incentive, blank check financial bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... etc. etc. etc.
(all while the unemployment rate went from 6.5% to a near constant 10%)

It's obvious who overspent here.
Were it not for Bush having initiated an unnecessary invasion/occupation without budgeting it, while reducing taxes at the same time, which is predictably devastating to an economy, the stimulus would not have been needed -- nor would any of the other efforts made to repair the damage Bush did.

I have not found proof that $787 Billion Stimulus has actually improved the economy, simply by looking to the later INCREASE in the unemployment rate to 10%. However the Democrats' urgency to pass this Bill and make the "claim" to generate jobs for all Americans includes the following:
$150 Million - for the Smithsonian Museum. Are additional rooms really necessary at this time?
$75 Million - for "smoking cessation activities"
$25 million - for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction
$200 Million - to fund the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for the use on military installations. They are soldiers who march from building to building, and Michelle Obama has also held the need for MORE people to be physically fit.
$88 Million - for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Services. I wouldn't think of renovating my OWN house until I knew I could afford it
$160 Million - for "paid volunteers" ... at the Corporation for National and community Service If they are paid they are not volunteers, they are called employees.
$5.5 Million - for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemetery Administration. Electric hearses?? .. or are we talking about electric lawn mowers here?
I could go on, but this is not solely about JUST a waste of taxpayer dollars found in the Stimulus.

As for Freddie and Fannie, CNN has labeled them as the most EXPENSIVE bailout. As stated in an earlier post, this bailout was the result of the problems stemming from the Federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). As of October 2010, the Washington Post has reported an increase to the burden of taxpayers of $154 Billion. In the First Quarter of 2010, Fannie Mae ALONE has reported a loss of $13 Billion.

Now to the Chevy "Volt". Lets begin with the burning of $50 Billion taxpayer dollars in bailing out of GM, by sprinkling the ashes over the United Auto Workers union. The cost of "Government" Motors attempt at a green vehicle from the Federal Government (a.k.a. our taxpayer dollars) begins as follows:
$240 Million - in Energy Department Grants to GM last summer
$150 Million - to Volts Korean battery supplier
$14 Billion - to redesign and accommodate GM's plants to build the cars
$150 Billion in Government tax breaks
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/30/opinion/30neidermeyer.html?_r=3&ref=opinion
The MSRP of the Chevy "Volt" is $41,000 with even more taxpayer dollars going towards a Federal Government Incentive of $7,500. As a result of the battery running the length of the car it's only able to seat 4 adults, with headroom and legroom that is less than the much LESS EXPENSIVE Chevy Cruze. GM stands to make only $1,000 per car, with only 10,000 scheduled for the initial release. Adding all the costs, the Volt actually costs $81,000 per car!

Do you still want to hold on to the idea that President Bush created more damage in wasting taxpayer dollars, when it comes to increasing the size of our National Debt?

In spite of all you've presented above, most of which I cannot substantively refute and some of which is condemning, one would need to be a happily deluded or pathetically ignorant and uninformed fool to deny that George W. Bush, the appointed President, deliberately destroyed the healthy and stable economy he assumed control of.

Don't make the mistake of believing I'm a fan of Barack Obama because I'm not. I think he's a bullshit artist and little more. So don't try to sell me the notion that the Bush Administration was anything other than a puppet regime and hit squad for the emerging corporatocracy the agenda of which is dissolution of the Middle Class, acquisition of its accumulated wealth and elimination of its political power.

It was the Bush Administration that ruined our economy and any attempt to explain that away is circumstantial masturbation.
Politicians often do what's best for themselves and not their country or Party. Something to think about.
Any guesses how long this tactic will last for Democrats? Who wants to go home for the holidays to an angry mob? No unemployment extensions or tax cuts. These guys didn't think this through very well.
Any guesses how long this tactic will last for Democrats? Who wants to go home for the holidays to an angry mob? No unemployment extensions or tax cuts. These guys didn't think this through very well.

Tantrums end just before Dec. 15th which is when the market is supposed to begin reacting if its not passed.

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