Obama is a SELLOUT!!!!!!!!!

[How do you define "excessively rich"?
I believe more than twenty million dollars in accumulated personal assets is excessive wealth and should be confiscated.

I believe anyone who cannot be satsified with twenty million dollars has been infected by the sickness commonly known as greed and is in need of therapy via re-education.
lol, some of the richest people are members of Congress, yet here they sit and RAGE against tax cuts for the rich.

Isn't that RICH.

by golly look what party has the MOST in the TOP TEN..:lol:

And NOW I'm sure we can INCULDE the OBAMAS

The 50 Richest Members of Congress: Kerry #1 — $230.98 million…
By: Pam On: Sep/22/08 - 10 Comments
The 50 Richest Members of Congress: Kerry #1 — $230.98 million…

1. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.)
$230.98 million


2. Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.)
$225.96 million

3. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
$160.62 million


4. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.)
$80.40 million


5. Rep. Robin Hayes (R-N.C.)
$78.96 million


6. Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.)
$65.49 million


7. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
$55.33 million

8. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
$52.34 million


9. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
$47.62 million


10. Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.)
$28.65 million
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You are justified:

The 2008 Obama Would Denounce the 2010 Obama - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

The 2008 Obama Would Denounce the 2010 Obama
December 7, 2010 10:14 A.M.
By Jim Geraghty

The liberal outrage over the tax deal is warranted. They, too, are learning that all of Obama’s statements come with expiration dates, and that they labored, long and hard, throughout 2007 and 2008 to elect a man who will, in the end, ratify most of President Bush’s policy choices.

Guanatanamo Bay is not closed, and will not close. At least 50,000 U.S. troops will remain in Iraq through 2011. There is talk that U.S. troops will remain in Afghanistan through 2014. Rendition will continue. Government wiretapping is expanded, not receded. Obama has refused to release controversial photos that allegedly show detainee abuse. The Obama administration asserts the authority to kill al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists, even ones that are American citizens, without trial. There will be no KSM trial in Manhattan; the administration now sees the wisdom of military tribunals. There have been no summits with the leaders of Iran, or North Korea, or Cuba, or Syria. (Obama met Chavez at a Latin America summit.) Obama’s Middle East peace initiative has gone nowhere, a fool’s errand considering the deep-rooted, longstanding furies and divisions in the region.

Domestically, there will be no Card Check. There will be no cap-and-trade. There will be no amnesty, no DREAM act. The man who denounced Bush’s recess appointments now uses the tool regularly. Bill language isn’t posted online for five days before signed into law. NAFTA will not be renegotiated; new trade deals with countries like South Korea are signed instead. No “windfall profit tax” will be enacted. He has frozen federal workers’ pay. His deficit commission rejected a VAT and proposed a slew of spending cuts that liberals find unacceptable.

Obamacare? The GOP is hell-bent on repealing it. If Obama loses in 2012, it’s gone.

But hey, liberals, cheer up. You got the Lilly Ledbetter Pay Act.

Bump. I'm feeling sorry for the left.
[How do you define "excessively rich"?
I believe more than twenty million dollars in accumulated personal assets is excessive wealth and should be confiscated.

I believe anyone who cannot be satsified with twenty million dollars has been infected by the sickness commonly known as greed and is in need of therapy via re-education.

What on earth made you choose $20 Million? I think I could be absolutely satisfied with 1/20th of that and I know I could live on $1 Million for an awfully long time. Also, are you talking about Net Worth? Annual Earnings? What?

Also, what makes you the person that decides where the cut off is. I certainly agree with you that $20 Million is excessive, but then what on earth makes me the person that decides that as well?

I must vehemently disagree with you on the confiscation of property that you describe. In my humble opinion that is extremely un-American. Not saying that you are un-American just that this one belief you have does not seem to be an American ideal in my opinion.

What on earth made you choose $20 Million?
I thought about how much money it would take to enable one to own two fine homes, two or more fine cars, afford high-end university educations for several children, first class medical care, reasonably luxurious vacations and a life of leisure. I believe twenty million would do it but I leave that speculation open to review and adjustment.

I think I could be absolutely satisfied with 1/20th of that and I know I could live on $1 Million for an awfully long time.
Many agree with that and with an equitable system of redistribution of this nation's wealth there will be many more millionaires but no billionaires. But if you manage to do even better than one million I see nothing wrong with you having as much as twenty millions.

Also, are you talking about Net Worth? Annual Earnings? What?
Net worth.

Also, what makes you the person that decides where the cut off is. I certainly agree with you that $20 Million is excessive, but then what on earth makes me the person that decides that as well?
Actually I'm not that person, nor are you. (But I wish I were).

I must vehemently disagree with you on the confiscation of property that you describe. In my humble opinion that is extremely un-American.
Really. Have you ever heard of the Internal Revenue Service? Just expand on that reality a bit and it will seem more American.

Not saying that you are un-American just that this one belief you have does not seem to be an American ideal in my opinion.

You've got to play with it awhile. It's a radical idea and bears an uncomfortable resemblance to classic communism. The major difference being no communist entity would permit any of its subjects to accumulate a twenty million dollar fortune. That is manifest capitalism. (With a socio-political safety valve.)

You know.........I live on my retirement from the Navy. Right now, I'm raking in 550/month and am happy with that even though I pay 220/month in rent.

Interestingly enough, I still find ways to keep myself amused with bicycles, writing, art and learning.
[How do you define "excessively rich"?
I believe more than twenty million dollars in accumulated personal assets is excessive wealth and should be confiscated.

I believe anyone who cannot be satsified with twenty million dollars has been infected by the sickness commonly known as greed and is in need of therapy via re-education.

What on earth made you choose $20 Million? I think I could be absolutely satisfied with 1/20th of that and I know I could live on $1 Million for an awfully long time. Also, are you talking about Net Worth? Annual Earnings? What?

Also, what makes you the person that decides where the cut off is. I certainly agree with you that $20 Million is excessive, but then what on earth makes me the person that decides that as well?

I must vehemently disagree with you on the confiscation of property that you describe. In my humble opinion that is extremely un-American. Not saying that you are un-American just that this one belief you have does not seem to be an American ideal in my opinion.


Is $20 million excessive? What criteria is used to determine that?

My net worth will never be $1 million or even close to that, but I definitely have more than I need. Maybe not more than I want, but more than I need. Who is to say that person worth $20 million is undeserving of it any more than I am undeserving of what I have accumulated over a lifetime?

The only thing that should be of concern are those who would presume to dictate what others may or may not rightfully have and we should never allow artificial roadblocks that would prevent you or me or anybody else from doing what we have to do to legally and ethically achieve a net worth of $20 million.
Well tell ya what you sperm drooling colon jousting cum dumpster, exactly WHAT were the racist statements in the post?

I'll give you a hint........there are none.

And, I kinda think that 20 years of honorable service in the US Military qualifies me to speak my mind about the president and his policies.

You never served though........

You're criticizing the president, you right wing extremist, just because he's black. There's no other reason for your criticism. You hate black people. Go ahead and admit it. You ex-military types are going to undermine our country.
Assuming you actually did something other than serve 20 in Leavenworth.

Work on your reading comprehension idiot, I'm pissed that he sold out to the GOP. Didn't say anything about his race, beliefs or anything.

I disagree with the president because the fucker sold out, I don't really care what he looks like, just what he does in his job.

Nice try idiot, you fail yet again.

And.......FWIW..........you can't spend 20 years in Leavenworth and come out with a retirement. I've got both a check and an ID card.

He was being sarcastic dude. It was pretty funny too, because you fell for it.

When Obama first got elected, it was taboo to criticize him. Anyone who dared was labeled a racist.

Now the left is mad at him, and we are calling you all racists.
there is nothing wrong with making as much as one can. And neither is there anything wrong with one paying the going rate in taxes for what he takes out of the system.

The problem here is what should that rate be? A person uses every aspect of our economy in the process of attaining wealth. But when asked to pay a fair share to help fund what it takes to make America work and what it takes to make sure that everyone can benefit from this nations wealth we are now may to believe that those who use a lot more shouldn't have to pay any more than anyone else, regardless of the outcome of endeavors.

Would anyone not believe that a company that uses America and it's citizens to turn a profit has got to be using our resources more than an ordinary person just holding down a job. Do roads and bridges, airports and trains stations, grade schools, HS, and colleges not play a far greater part of a company then an ordinary person. My benefit out of this being a working person all my life is very little outside of my private needs. 150 people working for a corp may have benefited from all these things as a person, but the corp is benefiting from the whole 150 people and everything they do.

What I'm saying is anyone can make as much as they can and that is alright, but the bottom line is your using much more of what this country provides than any one person/family and you should be happy to pay what is needed to keep this country at the top.

But this is not the case and this is exactly why 1% makes 25% of all the income. That the top 10% own 70% of everything and this is growing fast. Where a CEO used to make 30/40 times what their workers made they now make 225 times as much.
people who produce nothing more than paper shuffeling in the financial markets/banks ect. now make 5 times what a person who does their hard work with their body.

Stop crying and be thankful you live in a country that you can make as much as you can and become as wealthy as you can. pay your fair share for what you use and :clap2:STFU, your not getting screwed no matter how much you cry about it.
Well tell ya what you sperm drooling colon jousting cum dumpster, exactly WHAT were the racist statements in the post?

I'll give you a hint........there are none.

And, I kinda think that 20 years of honorable service in the US Military qualifies me to speak my mind about the president and his policies.

You never served though........

You're criticizing the president, you right wing extremist, just because he's black. There's no other reason for your criticism. You hate black people. Go ahead and admit it. You ex-military types are going to undermine our country.
Assuming you actually did something other than serve 20 in Leavenworth.

Work on your reading comprehension idiot, I'm pissed that he sold out to the GOP. Didn't say anything about his race, beliefs or anything.

I disagree with the president because the fucker sold out, I don't really care what he looks like, just what he does in his job.

Nice try idiot, you fail yet again.

And.......FWIW..........you can't spend 20 years in Leavenworth and come out with a retirement. I've got both a check and an ID card.

doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"?

Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.
doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"?

Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

Obviously, you don't know where Ivy League Schools are located:


As you see, they are located primarily in "BLUE STATES."

If anyone was intelligent in Kansas (or, God forbid, Texas), then an Ivy League School would be there.
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doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"?

Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

Obviously, you don't know where Ivy League Schools are located:


As you see, they are located primarily in "BLUE STATES."


If anyone was intelligent in Kansas, Texas, or Oklahoma, then an Ivy League School would be there.
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doesn't matter....any criticism of the big O...not to be confused with ZERO...is racially motivated.

No matter how justified it may be. They can't stand it.

Now I know most of the people who come from the red states aren't real smart but calling a person a name that is directed at their race or gender is not the same as calling ones position on a subject as a sell out or misguided.

Now calling bush a murdering liar and backing it up with the truth that he sent 4000 young kids to their death in a war of his own desire is not the same as saying that obama sold out his base and made a deal with the devil(republicans in this case):cuckoo:. But in your pea picking mind it must.

I'd love to know what you base your knowledge of the mental capacity of people from "red states" on. Consider the factors of born in a blue state and moved to a red state...or reversed...or how about born in another country and moved to either or. How does that determine "smarts"?

Just because you have been stuck in a blue state all your life doesn't make you anything other than unwilling to change your surroundings.

Still trying to figure out how "sell out" is racial.

Obviously, you don't know where Ivy League Schools are located:


As you see, they are located primarily in "BLUE STATES."

If anyone was intelligent in Kansas (or, God forbid, Texas), then an Ivy League School would be there.

oh darn.:lol:
Obviously all these liberals are racists criticizing Obama and they resent a black man in office.

That's what liberals told us for two years. ;)

You know.........I live on my retirement from the Navy. Right now, I'm raking in 550/month and am happy with that even though I pay 220/month in rent.

Interestingly enough, I still find ways to keep myself amused with bicycles, writing, art and learning.
If this post isn't the perfect example that our military deserves better, than nothing does.

Compare it to what some fucking UNION janitor makes upon retirement cleaning fucking toilets in some building for twenty god damn years.
How am I screwed by someone else keeping their money? They earned it. Let them have it.

Briefly stated, the problems we're seeing today are the direct result of Reaganomics, deregulation and a tax rate which has been reduced from a progressive 91% level to a flat 15%. How you will be screwed by this is the lost revenue must come from somewhere and eventually it will get around to you in one way or another.

"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."
- Thomas Jefferson

The problems we are seeing is the result of TOO MUCH Government in size and interference [regulations] into the free market. The Federal Government has enjoyed massive control of both the housing and financial markets, to include the creation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) has forced low lending standards onto banks and other financial institutions to benefit low income communities, loans that would previously have been regarded as financially unsound. Under the CRA signed by President Clinton, banks must convince a set of bureaucrats that they are not involved in discrimination. According to the enforcement agency "discrimination exists when a lender's underwriting policies contain arbitrary or outdated criteria that effectively disqualify many urban or lower income-minority applicants." These outdated criteria includes: income level, income verification, credit and savings history. If you recall, this economic collapse began with the financial troubles of Fannie Mae followed by the banks. (CRA reference source - Yaron Brook: 'The Government Did It').

The thing you need to keep in mind is increasing the tax rate of the rich will not make them poor. They will still be rich -- just not as rich.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson

To pursue a course of discrimination based on an individual's income level to give, through the power of government in dictating control and influence, to provide to those who don't have ... a.k.a. From each according to their "ability", through the control of government, to each according to their "need" .... is socialism.
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And the meltdown continues.... The hardcore Fabian Socialist Left has gone totally unhinged because Obama isn't left enough....

Tell me about it. More Government control in the lives of the American people and a constant attack on our economy and it's not left enough.
You're well advised to not be swayed by that kind of corporatist propaganda and keep the origin of this "meltdown" in mind. When Bush was appointed President (by the Supreme Court) the economy was in good shape. There was a budget surplus and a perfectly manageable deficit. Bush initiated an unnecessary invasion and occupation and reduced taxes at the same time, which is predictably destructive to even the healthiest economy. Add to that Bush's reckless spending and you have the formula for disaster.

Cost of Iraq War under Bush (7 years) - $820 Billion

Cost of Obama's one Stimulus Bill - $787 Billion
add to that the Cash For Clunkers flop, First Time Homeowner Credit, Government Alternative Energy incentive (solar), ObamaCare, additional bailouts to General Motors, Chevy "Volt" Government incentive, blank check financial bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac .... etc. etc. etc.
(all while the unemployment rate went from 6.5% to a near constant 10%)

It's obvious who overspent here.
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