Obama Orders 200 Combat Troops to Iraq

F*** Obama and his horse. Not one more American in uniform needs to be there. PERIOD.
Let me guess. You don't agree?

Let me guess....you don't care that he is escalating after he claimed to have "ended" the war?

God LL you have no core at all.

What the fuck are you talking about? The minute an American is harmed there....you'll be the first one to bitch about the lack of security.

I'm not one of those people who fails to understand that shit happens. And when shit happens.....sometimes action needs to be taken. What happens tomorrow might lead to a different action. Get it? The question is....will the action be the correct one. If not....will corrective action be taken? The fucking world turns, idiot.

I'm good with the knowledge that Obama wants no part of any fucking war in Iraq. I don't think he's wavered on that point at all. Can you dispute that?

No core? Shit. You are a joke.
I fear for the safety of these troops....
Will they be taken hostage and then Obama can clean out Gitmo for their return.

Is that the plan?
Second thread on this topic. My response to the other one:

Embassy evacuation duty.

Obama is already far below Carter on the incompetence and wimp scale. He's making sure he doesn't spend his last two years living in luxury at the tax payers expense with American embassy hostages on TV every night like Carter did.

Now that Obama has taught the terrorists that he will pay money and release terrorist prisoners for the release of a single American deserter, the hostage business is in full boom mode.
Guess this is the start of "Obama's War".

Nope, still Bush's War, he left many things unfinished, including the debt run up so could be a a 'war presdent'.

"After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my Dad".
Let me guess. You don't agree?

Let me guess....you don't care that he is escalating after he claimed to have "ended" the war?

God LL you have no core at all.

What the fuck are you talking about? The minute an American is harmed there....you'll be the first one to bitch about the lack of security.

I'm not one of those people who fails to understand that shit happens. And when shit happens.....sometimes action needs to be taken. What happens tomorrow might lead to a different action. Get it? The question is....will the action be the correct one. If not....will corrective action be taken? The fucking world turns, idiot.

I'm good with the knowledge that Obama wants no part of any fucking war in Iraq. I don't think he's wavered on that point at all. Can you dispute that?

No core? Shit. You are a joke.

Hey shit bird?

shit happened the moment your asshole Obama armed ISIS in Syria.

So yes, shit is happening but it is because this fuck head hasn't a fucking clue as to what he is doing.

Now as to you?

You are a little pussy that sways with the wind.....the name of that wind for you is Obama.

You have no fucking core at all LL, you are just some dumb fucking partisan asshole who wants to do nothing more than protect this **** occupying the White House.

He has no fucking business being there, and it is because of ***** like you more American's will die.

Own it bitch.
At some point in time Liberals will have to deal with the here and now.
To respond with it's not Obama's fault....
Well this is happening now.
Obama likes being president.
Time to stand up and act like he is.
The generals begged that incompetent lying ass to leave a residual force. Nope. He had to make a political decision to help get re-elected. He has blood on his hands.
Let me guess....you don't care that he is escalating after he claimed to have "ended" the war?

God LL you have no core at all.

What the fuck are you talking about? The minute an American is harmed there....you'll be the first one to bitch about the lack of security.

I'm not one of those people who fails to understand that shit happens. And when shit happens.....sometimes action needs to be taken. What happens tomorrow might lead to a different action. Get it? The question is....will the action be the correct one. If not....will corrective action be taken? The fucking world turns, idiot.

I'm good with the knowledge that Obama wants no part of any fucking war in Iraq. I don't think he's wavered on that point at all. Can you dispute that?

No core? Shit. You are a joke.

Hey shit bird?

shit happened the moment your asshole Obama armed ISIS in Syria.

So yes, shit is happening but it is because this fuck head hasn't a fucking clue as to what he is doing.

Now as to you?

You are a little pussy that sways with the wind.....the name of that wind for you is Obama.

You have no fucking core at all LL, you are just some dumb fucking partisan asshole who wants to do nothing more than protect this **** occupying the White House.

He has no fucking business being there, and it is because of ***** like you more American's will die.

Own it bitch.

Do you think there is any way that you can convince yourself that you don't sway with the wind? In whatever direction that opposes the president?

You have a core? When are you going to show it?
I think Obama is wrong on this. He should have just evacuated every last american. This was a stupid move on his part.

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