Obama Politics

Did not defend him, you senile old faker. Simply pointed out the lies told by those who think like you.
Sounds like you're defending him to anyone who reads your tripe.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.
Sounds like you're defending him to anyone who reads your tripe.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.

He was asked why he came back in a news conference and he said "To look for work. To be a cook or a landscaper or a laborer or other occupation." Bless his heart. I doubt if he ever had an honest job in his life. And why, paddymurphy , are you defending this piece of shit as though your life depended on it? Throwing him in a hogpen would be appropriate. Or into an alligator swamp.
Did not defend him, you senile old faker. Simply pointed out the lies told by those who think like you.
Sounds like you're defending him to anyone who reads your tripe.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.

Prove he's fake. Don't just say it, prove it.
Sounds like you're defending him to anyone who reads your tripe.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.
I haven't made any statements or claims about my service and you are publicly slandering me. Again, for the last time, are you sure you want to pursue your present course? Think about it before you continue your diarrhea of the mouth.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.
I haven't made any statements or claims about my service and you are publicly slandering me. Again, for the last time, are you sure you want to pursue your present course? Think about it before you continue your diarrhea of the mouth.
You repeatedly lie about so many things so it is reasonable to assume you lie about your service. Prove you are not lying of go away.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.
I haven't made any statements or claims about my service and you are publicly slandering me. Again, for the last time, are you sure you want to pursue your present course? Think about it before you continue your diarrhea of the mouth.
You repeatedly lie about so many things so it is reasonable to assume you lie about your service. Prove you are not lying of go away.

You made the accusation, the burden is upon you
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.
I haven't made any statements or claims about my service and you are publicly slandering me. Again, for the last time, are you sure you want to pursue your present course? Think about it before you continue your diarrhea of the mouth.
You repeatedly lie about so many things so it is reasonable to assume you lie about your service. Prove you are not lying of go away.
That's it. Have it your way.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.

Did not defend him, you senile old faker. Simply pointed out the lies told by those who think like you.
Sounds like you're defending him to anyone who reads your tripe.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.

Prove he's fake. Don't just say it, prove it.
I cannot. I don't know his name, for God's sake. My opinion is that no one who seems to hate this country and the values and principles upon which it was founded as much as he does could possibly have served with honor.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.
I haven't made any statements or claims about my service and you are publicly slandering me. Again, for the last time, are you sure you want to pursue your present course? Think about it before you continue your diarrhea of the mouth.
You repeatedly lie about so many things so it is reasonable to assume you lie about your service. Prove you are not lying of go away.
That's it. Have it your way.
So, what you gonna do now, horsesassfly?
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.

Sounds like you're defending him to anyone who reads your tripe.
Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.

Prove he's fake. Don't just say it, prove it.
I cannot. I don't know his name, for God's sake. My opinion is that no one who seems to hate this country and the values and principles upon which it was founded as much as he does could possibly have served with honor.

I suspect he served and I suspect he served honorably. Until you or someone else proves he hasn't he has my respect for doing so.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.

Only to senile old fake soldiers like you. To anyone with a fully functioning intellect, I answered the question asked about whether there were prosecutions of repeat offenders.
Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.

Prove he's fake. Don't just say it, prove it.
I cannot. I don't know his name, for God's sake. My opinion is that no one who seems to hate this country and the values and principles upon which it was founded as much as he does could possibly have served with honor.

I suspect he served and I suspect he served honorably. Until you or someone else proves he hasn't he has my respect for doing so.
And your respect is worthless. You share his hatred of this nation and its most basic principles.
Apparently the law already states that if somebody enters this country illegally, they are guilty of a misdemeanor and can be deported (making it a felony if they try to come back). It's obvious that Obama is possibly aiding and abetting millions of criminal cases with his illegal blanket amnesty.

Obiwan.... This is a clear indication that you really do not understand about immigration or anything but you and your group are out of reach.
There is a qualifications for amnesty. Did you even care to read or understand so you don't act ignorant?
Did you know it's ILLEGAL to cross the border without proper papers? True story, Dumkopf.
Everybody knows that. The way and how you believed the government work your group doesn't know that. Do you know that Mexico is actually an island next to Hawaii?
Are you serious? Do you want to pursue this any further?
Sure. Prove you are not a lying sack of shit.

Fake soldier? Don't go there, Commie.
You clearly are a fake. You must shop at Army/Stores. No one as ignorant of the principles upon which that nation was founded could possibly have been allowed to serve. Now, maybe you were a boy scout as a child and got to wear a uniform then. As an adult? The military has never been that desperate.

Prove he's fake. Don't just say it, prove it.
I cannot. I don't know his name, for God's sake. My opinion is that no one who seems to hate this country and the values and principles upon which it was founded as much as he does could possibly have served with honor.

I suspect he served and I suspect he served honorably. Until you or someone else proves he hasn't he has my respect for doing so.
And your respect is worthless. You share his hatred of this nation and its most basic principles.

You have some issues going on old timer. What's the matter, a veteran piss in your Cheerios?

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Repeat-felon-alien shoots and kills a beautiful child in public, using a firearm that was stolen from the Obama government.
See, this is where you tards make asses of yourselves.

The gun the killer used was supposedly stolen during a car burglary.

And now you have done gone and set a benchmark that any gun stolen from a government entity is somehow the President's fault.

This makes you both an asshole and a retard.
That may be similar to the liberals blaming increase gun crimes on the fact that many legally owned guns are stolen each year. Yet you stupid asses give Holder a pass for sending guns to Mexico, one of which was later used to kill a Border Patrol Agent.

No matter where the illegal alien got the gun, it was not the previous owner's doing. The fact that the low-life, worthless piece of shit was still in the country IS OBAMA'S DOING.

Take your ad hominem attacks and stick 'em up your ass, little boy.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.

I have a contact like that, it's amazing what the average American doesn't know
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.

I have a contact like that, it's amazing what the average American doesn't know
The average American knows what time and date DWTS and The Price Is Right is on but can't even tell you the name of their Congressman or Mayor.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.

I have a contact like that, it's amazing what the average American doesn't know
The average American knows what time and date DWTS and The Price Is Right is on but can't even tell you the name of their Congressman or Mayor.

It's like the Iraq WMD, Bush lied thing, I knew years ago there were WMDs...then they find them. But it was fun watching the loons go berserk over it

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