Obama Politics

Where did Paddy go after he got called out???

View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
And are they senile old farts who make shit up too?

The part about censoring anybody wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Paddy due to his attacks on anyone who will not kowtow to his party line.

That being said, I agree that Obama did not personally hand the perp the gun or appoint his lawyer, but Obama's failure to enforce the law by allowing the actions of a sanctuary city DID have a direct impact on the crime happening!!!!!
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
And are they senile old farts who make shit up too?
The illegal shooter admitted he deliberately chose San Francisco because of the sanctuary status. Lefties have blood on their hands.
And has anyone heard about Obama going after people that have been deported coming back (and doing so multiple times)???

Illegal Reentry into the U.S. After Removal Crime and Punishment - FindLaw

After an alien has been legally "removed" from the United States, federal criminal law makes it a felony for that alien to reenter (or be found in) the country without approval of the government.

What Constitutes "Illegal Reentry"?

Under the applicable federal criminal statute, the Immigration and Nationality Act, it is not merely illegal reentry after removal that constitutes the crime. Rather, the law applies to any alien who reenters the U.S. or is found within the country, without government approval, after having been:

  • Denied admission to the U.S.;

  • Excluded from the U.S.;

  • Deported from the U.S.;

  • Removed from the U.S.; or

  • Departed from the U.S. while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding.
Penalties for Illegal Reentry

Under relevant federal statutes, an alien who commits illegal reentry as described above will be punished with:

  • A fine; or

  • Imprisonment for not more than two years; or

  • Both fine and imprisonment.
Penalty Enhancements for Prior Criminal Convictions

If the alien reenters or is found in the U.S. without government approval, after a criminal felony conviction for a non-aggravated felony, or after three or more misdemeanor convictions for drug-related crimes or crimes against persons, he or she is subject punishment by:

  • A fine; or

  • Imprisonment for not more than 10 years; or

  • Both fine and imprisonment
For aliens reentering or found in the U.S. without government approval, after a criminal conviction for an aggravated felony, the statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 20 years. Other criminal penalty increases may be imposed for aliens who have been removed after certain kinds of incarceration, and aliens deemed to be associated with terrorism.

Florida man guilty of illegal re-entry after deportation ICE

Mexican national sentenced for illegal re-entry ICE

Criminal alien sentenced to more than 7 years for illegal re-entry ICE

4-time deportee sentenced to 72 months for illegal re-entry ICE

The illegal shooter admitted he deliberately chose San Francisco because of the sanctuary status. Lefties have blood on their hands.
And has anyone heard about Obama going after people that have been deported coming back (and doing so multiple times)???

Illegal Reentry into the U.S. After Removal Crime and Punishment - FindLaw

After an alien has been legally "removed" from the United States, federal criminal law makes it a felony for that alien to reenter (or be found in) the country without approval of the government.

What Constitutes "Illegal Reentry"?

Under the applicable federal criminal statute, the Immigration and Nationality Act, it is not merely illegal reentry after removal that constitutes the crime. Rather, the law applies to any alien who reenters the U.S. or is found within the country, without government approval, after having been:

  • Denied admission to the U.S.;

  • Excluded from the U.S.;

  • Deported from the U.S.;

  • Removed from the U.S.; or

  • Departed from the U.S. while an order of exclusion, deportation, or removal is outstanding.
Penalties for Illegal Reentry

Under relevant federal statutes, an alien who commits illegal reentry as described above will be punished with:

  • A fine; or

  • Imprisonment for not more than two years; or

  • Both fine and imprisonment.
Penalty Enhancements for Prior Criminal Convictions

If the alien reenters or is found in the U.S. without government approval, after a criminal felony conviction for a non-aggravated felony, or after three or more misdemeanor convictions for drug-related crimes or crimes against persons, he or she is subject punishment by:

  • A fine; or

  • Imprisonment for not more than 10 years; or

  • Both fine and imprisonment
For aliens reentering or found in the U.S. without government approval, after a criminal conviction for an aggravated felony, the statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 20 years. Other criminal penalty increases may be imposed for aliens who have been removed after certain kinds of incarceration, and aliens deemed to be associated with terrorism.

Florida man guilty of illegal re-entry after deportation ICE

Mexican national sentenced for illegal re-entry ICE

Criminal alien sentenced to more than 7 years for illegal re-entry ICE

4-time deportee sentenced to 72 months for illegal re-entry ICE


Why are they coming back?
For the same reason they came in the first place: it is better here. Or, did you not realize that America is a great nation with tons of opportunity?

So now you admit obama isnt securing our borders...

Face it, if Obama wanted to address the problem, he would force local authorities to cooperate with ICE, instead of setting up sanctuary cities....

Anyone can see after the way Obama went after bakers for refusing to make gay wedding cakes (which wasn't even illegal), that the problem is selective enforcement by Obama's administration...
Jesus, but you are stupid. He did not set up sanctuary cities; the cities did and they did so long before he became President. And the case involving the cakes was brought by two individuals in state Court. The state of Oregon passed a law that banned discrimination against gays. It happened before Obama became president and, since it was a state law, had not one fucking thing to do with the President or the federal government. It was decided by a state administrative agency and will be reviewed by Oregon state courts. Your derangement over the President is rather obvious. I guess he is responsible for the rain we have been having lately; the storms; the tornadoes, my daughter's sprained knee.
Democrats are responsible. Democrats are responsible for the shootings in Chicago, Detroit. Washington DC, etc. You run these cities.
Do you really think if Republican run these cities will make any difference? Oh!! we have a republican governor and mayor I will not rob today... You are more ignorant than I thought.

If they were run by conservatives they wouldnt be sanctuary cities now would they?
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.

I have a contact like that, it's amazing what the average American doesn't know
The average American knows what time and date DWTS and The Price Is Right is on but can't even tell you the name of their Congressman or Mayor.
Actually that is how "WE" think about your group of hatred people. Like those people that read tabloid. Don't you people know that Obama was Bill Clinton son from Lewinsky?

Face it, if Obama wanted to address the problem, he would force local authorities to cooperate with ICE, instead of setting up sanctuary cities....

Anyone can see after the way Obama went after bakers for refusing to make gay wedding cakes (which wasn't even illegal), that the problem is selective enforcement by Obama's administration...
Jesus, but you are stupid. He did not set up sanctuary cities; the cities did and they did so long before he became President. And the case involving the cakes was brought by two individuals in state Court. The state of Oregon passed a law that banned discrimination against gays. It happened before Obama became president and, since it was a state law, had not one fucking thing to do with the President or the federal government. It was decided by a state administrative agency and will be reviewed by Oregon state courts. Your derangement over the President is rather obvious. I guess he is responsible for the rain we have been having lately; the storms; the tornadoes, my daughter's sprained knee.
Democrats are responsible. Democrats are responsible for the shootings in Chicago, Detroit. Washington DC, etc. You run these cities.
Do you really think if Republican run these cities will make any difference? Oh!! we have a republican governor and mayor I will not rob today... You are more ignorant than I thought.

If they were run by conservatives they wouldnt be sanctuary cities now would they?
These sanctuary cities was started about 1980s. I am against these sanctuary cities like everyone here. You and I were talking about shootings in Detroit, Chicago etc.... how did this got into sanctuary? So try again.
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
And are they senile old farts who make shit up too?
Stupid... when you and your hate group believed everything that bullshit OP tells you. How stupid is that? Obama gave the gun to this murderer then he sends lawyers to defend him. OMG. You and your group probably the most stupidest in the Internet.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
And are they senile old farts who make shit up too?
Stupid... when you and your hate group believed everything that bullshit OP tells you. How stupid is that? Obama gave the gun to this murderer then he sends lawyers to defend him. OMG. You and your group probably the most stupidest in the Internet.
But... We know the difference between 'Literally' and 'Figuratively'
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
Do you have a link that Obama has a relationship with the cartel? Stupid. Do you have any evidence? Let me call the DEA agents that I know. With how you stupid you are beleiving the OP. I don't even believe you belong to any group but hatred like your brothers and sisters here on this site.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
Do you have a link that Obama has a relationship with the cartel? Stupid. Do you have any evidence? Let me call the DEA agents that I know. With how you stupid you are beleiving the OP. I don't even believe you belong to any group but hatred like your brothers and sisters here on this site.
His cartel is his cabinet and advisors, Peabody.
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.

I have a contact like that, it's amazing what the average American doesn't know
The average American knows what time and date DWTS and The Price Is Right is on but can't even tell you the name of their Congressman or Mayor.

It's like the Iraq WMD, Bush lied thing, I knew years ago there were WMDs...then they find them. But it was fun watching the loons go berserk over it
Yes I know because Obama planted those WMD. What is this WMD got to do with the bullshit that OP posted?
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
And are they senile old farts who make shit up too?
Stupid... when you and your hate group believed everything that bullshit OP tells you. How stupid is that? Obama gave the gun to this murderer then he sends lawyers to defend him. OMG. You and your group probably the most stupidest in the Internet.
But... We know the difference between 'Literally' and 'Figuratively'
How in the world you even understand that.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
And are they senile old farts who make shit up too?
Stupid... when you and your hate group believed everything that bullshit OP tells you. How stupid is that? Obama gave the gun to this murderer then he sends lawyers to defend him. OMG. You and your group probably the most stupidest in the Internet.
Obama ENABLED the murder. How goddamned dense can you liberal motherfuckers get? Are you striving to become a black hole?
View attachment 44097Paddy

Tell you what....

I'm a vet, so how about listing your qualifications to attack a veteran????
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
Do you have a link that Obama has a relationship with the cartel? Stupid. Do you have any evidence? Let me call the DEA agents that I know. With how you stupid you are beleiving the OP. I don't even believe you belong to any group but hatred like your brothers and sisters here on this site.
Evidence? You have to fucking kidding! Obama hides evidence of his entire fucking history! I suppose you'll later demand that someone produces EVIDENCE that Bitchillary is hiding something.

When all the King's men work and live at the behest of the King, they dare not say shit about the King's doings.

You might make a good court jester someday. All you need is some little pointy-toe shoes and a little bell on your cap.
Obiewan, Nobody is trying to censor you or anybody.
Read the post from OP again that your group glorified. The way it read Obama government hand him the gun. If you ever read what is going on that was stolen from a federal agent. Obama was not at the pier. See how stupid that is. But your group believed that. The lawyer that was assigned for this murderer was a public defender. Obama has nothing to do with that. The way OP posted. Obama assigned a lawyer. I cannot even imagine how to stupid that is and yet your group believed that. Since when President assigned a lawyer to a murderer. DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE EVEN SOME KIND OF DECENCY AT ALL?
I financially supported homeless centers (with S) for decades (with S). I helped disabled veterans (with S) and with PTSD that includes housing in last eight years. I met and talked to them which I cannot even count how many in last 8 years. These vets have differences and debates but none of them that are close to your ignorance. I always have a heart and compassion with these vets. But for you with all the bullshit hatred. you demonstrate... ZERO. NONE.
BTW I'm a republican but I do not believe all this non sense bullcrap and hatred. I will never vote or donate any campaign money to any republican again.
Also I offered 2 members of this USMB to have a tour on ICE offices at my cost to witness how, what and where the deportation process of these illegals but both declined the invitation. Because they do not want to reveal their true identity.
FYI my next door neighbor is a retired Army colonel in Military Intelligence and retired from Homeland Security as a very senior member. 50 years total service and he keeps me informed with whatever unclassified information I ask about. One thing, relations between ICE and Law Enforcement is FUBAR.
Your next door army neighbor could be telling you some information...but he will not tell you stupid things like. Obama gave the murderer a gun, supplied a bunch of lawyers to defend this bastard. Which is a lie but your group glorified. How disgusting is that.
FYI..I know several military officers both retired and active.
I belong to a fraternity of retired military people, many of whom also had a second career in civil or federal law enforcement. We don't sit around telling each other amazing war stories. But we all know the facts about Obama and his cartel.
Do you have a link that Obama has a relationship with the cartel? Stupid. Do you have any evidence? Let me call the DEA agents that I know. With how you stupid you are beleiving the OP. I don't even believe you belong to any group but hatred like your brothers and sisters here on this site.
His cartel is his cabinet and advisors, Peabody.
You'll have a tough time getting through to this knucklehead. He's got a hard on for Obama....and every man knows, a hard on has no conscience.

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