Obama Poll Approval Ratings Likely To Improve


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone can snipe that the "August Surprise," was probably a blessing for the Democrats in the Midterms. As the White House was explaining at the Hanoi Helicopter(?), press conference August 9: "This turnaround is going to take some time, in this security environment!(?)." An "October Surprise" would likely not have helped, much. Osama bin laden had bailed out the U. S. economy, years ago, flying jetliners into tall buildings in City of New York. ISIS atrocities may not do that, but may keep Washington, D. C. safely majority Democrat.

About this time last month, PEW research had asked the question:

"Do you think the U.S. has a responsibility to do something about the violence in Iraq, or doesn't the U.S. have this responsibility?"

Only 48% of Republicans seemed to think so. 45% of them did not. Only 35% of Democrats thought seemed to think that the violence in Iraq required a U. S. response. 61% did not. That was close to the overall response. 39% were for a response, 55% were not.

The Republican "Establishment" seems to have quelled a revolt within their ranks in the primaries. That tends to be reflected, now, in lower GOP enthusiasm for any Midterms voting. Now the White House has taken a leadership position, helicopters and flags in appearance. The Republican candidates have no apparent, foreign policy issue. The President has done something about the violence in Iraq. ACA seems to be better liked.

Apparently only so far in Montana, were any of the Democrats cheating on their exams(?)--a relevant issue in the national agenda. . .at some newspapers.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now real black go to a mountaintop, and actually set some people free(?)! It is still not clear if the Clintons ever did this(?)!)
Anyone can snipe that the "August Surprise," was probably a blessing for the Democrats in the Midterms. As the White House was explaining at the Hanoi Helicopter(?), press conference August 9: "This turnaround is going to take some time, in this security environment!(?)." An "October Surprise" would likely not have helped, much. Osama bin laden had bailed out the U. S. economy, years ago, flying jetliners into tall buildings in City of New York. ISIS atrocities may not do that, but may keep Washington, D. C. safely majority Democrat.

About this time last month, PEW research had asked the question:

"Do you think the U.S. has a responsibility to do something about the violence in Iraq, or doesn't the U.S. have this responsibility?"

Only 48% of Republicans seemed to think so. 45% of them did not. Only 35% of Democrats thought seemed to think that the violence in Iraq required a U. S. response. 61% did not. That was close to the overall response. 39% were for a response, 55% were not.

The Republican "Establishment" seems to have quelled a revolt within their ranks in the primaries. That tends to be reflected, now, in lower GOP enthusiasm for any Midterms voting. Now the White House has taken a leadership position, helicopters and flags in appearance. The Republican candidates have no apparent, foreign policy issue. The President has done something about the violence in Iraq. ACA seems to be better liked.

Apparently only so far in Montana, were any of the Democrats cheating on their exams(?)--a relevant issue in the national agenda. . .at some newspapers.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now real black go to a mountaintop, and actually set some people free(?)! It is still not clear if the Clintons ever did this(?)!)
Yes! President Obama's numbers ARE continuing to improve and in REPUBLICAN districts as more and more people start to realize the value of ACA and how it truly, afterall, is of benefit to them.

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Obama needed a bump in the polls ahead of the 2014 elections so the far left could have a fighting chance to hold the senate. After his handling of Israel, the Iraq distraction came just in time.
Obama needed a bump in the polls ahead of the 2014 elections so the far left could have a fighting chance to hold the senate. After his handling of Israel, the Iraq distraction came just in time.

What did Israel want that Obama didn't give? Kissing Nutanyahoo's ass?
Obama needed a bump in the polls ahead of the 2014 elections so the far left could have a fighting chance to hold the senate. After his handling of Israel, the Iraq distraction came just in time.

What type of bump he has in the polls will depend on the effect the airstrikes have on ISIS if the impact is minimal and does nothing to drive ISIS out of Iraq it just simply holds them where they are which seems to be the goal of them any bump will be small and short lived in my view.
I suspect many Liberals, including myself, will drop Obama in the polls.

Not me, I am not a big fan of foreign interventions but sometimes monsters need killing. ISIS is a monster, if we can blow the worst of them into tiny bits the world will be a better place and I would not shed a tear over it. What the hell do we have all these robotic weapons for in the first place?
I suspect many Liberals, including myself, will drop Obama in the polls.

Not me, I am not a big fan of foreign interventions but sometimes monsters need killing. ISIS is a monster, if we can blow the worst of them into tiny bits the world will be a better place and I would not shed a tear over it. What the hell do we have all these robotic weapons for in the first place?

And neither of you far left posters are liberals...
I suspect many Liberals, including myself, will drop Obama in the polls.

Not me, I am not a big fan of foreign interventions but sometimes monsters need killing. ISIS is a monster, if we can blow the worst of them into tiny bits the world will be a better place and I would not shed a tear over it. What the hell do we have all these robotic weapons for in the first place?

And neither of you far left posters are liberals...

What the hell are you then? My opinion is more in line with conservatives on this point than anyone else.
Jane Fonda is reportedly selling Forked Lightening ranch, in New Mexico. One of Ted Turner's critters is GOP somewhere in the Carolinas, however, in spite of the fact that Montana ranch owner, Ted Turner, is pro-environment, and not too GOP pro-coal.

Anyone running for the Senate in Montana, identified Democrat, mainly only has to wave the flag and support the troops--then chime in with support for Turner's environmental interests.

Anyone can see how white the new foreign policy hat really is, in the manner of speaking. The Black hats are in the opposition, now getting stalled in Northern Iraq, not too concerned about the environment, and don't think too much about what anyone else seems to think or do.

The President of the United States is now a white-hat, kind of guy, glaring enough to even blind the Bush family Presidents--so glaring and shiny it is.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Rule, Britannia! Britannia Rule The Waves! Britons, Never, Ever Will Be Slaves!" (Clever Q. They'll never know its me(?)!)
Obama Poll Approval Ratings Likely To Improve

Why ,is he giving away more free shit .:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

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John Wayne once appeared on the The Johnny Tonite show, expressing support for George McGovern--running for President--to get his $1,000.00.

Real Americans actually rush to the stores for free stuff. America-Haters like Nova78 poster, will only buy baby's milk at $10.0 mil. per quart. Such are called, "Republicans."

Real Democrats, supportive of America--Like John Wayne--understand the difference between "White Hats," and "Black Hats."

John Wayne understood about this difference.

Colin Powell understood about "Overwhelming Force," as opposed to some smartphone, "Shock and Awe," from the GOP.

Dick Cheney even understood about the "queer" kid(?). Maybe it was not entirely genetic, or deity ordained, or demonic ordained(?). Religious leaders tend to have support for their own contentions--as though it were really religious.

So in the Midterms, it will be "Their Brand," versus, "Everyone Else!" That is actually America-supportive Democrats, versus GOP! The Democrats seem to have the flag-waving advantage, starting just this week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soon Black American, even truly free some people--Over There, where millions easily think that belongs!)
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John Wayne once appeared on the The Johnny Tonite show, expressing support for George McGovern--running for President--to get his $1,000.00.

Real Americans actually rush to the stores for free stuff. America-Haters like Nova78 poster, will only buy baby's milk at $10.0 mil. per quart. Such are called, "Republicans."

Real Democrats, supportive of America--Like John Wayne--understand the difference between "White Hats," and "Black Hats."

John Wayne understood about this difference.

Colin Powell understood about "Overwhelming Force," as opposed to some smartphone, "Shock and Awe," from the GOP.

Dick Cheney even understood about the "queer" kid(?). Maybe it was not entirely genetic, or deity ordained, or demonic ordained(?). Religious leaders tend to have support for their own contentions--as though it were really religious.

So in the Midterms, it will be "Their Brand," versus, "Everyone Else!" That is actually America-supportive Democrats, versus GOP! The Democrats seem to have the flag-waving advantage, starting just this week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soon Black American, even truly free some people--Over There, where millions easily think that belongs!)

Get a job loser , quit sucking off the American tit, its running dry :asshole:
Anyone sees in Stephanie poster, Zander poster, and Nova78 poster: Just how glaringly, blinding White the new Iraq initiative really is likely regarded worldwide! The GOP version of White is famously, Vladimir Putin intervening in the Ukraine Crimea, killing off a bunch of Slavs and the Dutch, in the airplane, at the very same time.

Republicans have this problem--killing off White people--starting about 1861, anyone recalls.

Now even true Conservatives are elated--"Now we are engaged, in another round of golf--Testing whether that nation, or any nation so. . . ." This, of course, is no time to get so carried away with it all, from the liberal point of view, however(?). The White People of the Ukraine appear to now have been able to push back against the GOP/Putin kind of. . .partisan intervention. Like when Nixon resigned, before: There is a kind of worldwide sigh of relief, underway!

And now some people are even coming down from the mountain-top! Likely it was hotter up there than even NRA-crusading for more gun-use in road rage violence. You can display your handgun in the car, thanks to NRA!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Clever it was of the White House to place the President in front of another Hanoi Helicopter, of the winning side!)

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