Obama Releases 15 Terrorists from Gitmo

They are lucky they have any country left after allowing Russia to point their missiles only 55 miles away from us. That small slice is a small price to pay. And we were granted that lease as long as we wanted back in 1903, if we allowed their independence. We could even force them to sell us more land but we haven't .
I am also pretty sure he plans on returning the keys to Cuba, which we all should be concerned with.

Well, after all, it is their country, right?
The detainee population before today's release were deemed by President Obama’s own task force is mostly comprised of detainees deemed too dangerous to transfer .
Here, read about each one for yourself-
https://www.ayotte.senate.gov/files/documents/Guantanamo Detainee Transparency Report.pdf

Do you really not keep yourself educated on such subjects?

The remaining detainees "will no doubt" return to the fight once released, she said, noting that the Defense Department told her that 93 percent of the detainees still at Guantanamo as of late last year were high risk for re-engagement in terrorism.
Report offers details about Guantanamo detainees on way out

Honey, the worst threats were the only ones left, and your potus is releasing them.
That you best? Obama is just like Bush?
So you had no problem with Bush releasing 532 prisoners from Guantanamo?

Not going to answer the question?
Really? How do you know that?
This coming from a republican senator. Gee, what a surprise.
Do you really not keep yourself educated on such subjects?

The remaining detainees "will no doubt" return to the fight once released, she said, noting that the Defense Department told her that 93 percent of the detainees still at Guantanamo as of late last year were high risk for re-engagement in terrorism.
Report offers details about Guantanamo detainees on way out

Honey, the worst threats were the only ones left, and your potus is releasing them.
That you best? Obama is just like Bush?
So you had no problem with Bush releasing 532 prisoners from Guantanamo?

Not going to answer the question?
Really? How do you know that?
This coming from a republican senator. Gee, what a surprise.
Put them all on auto-pilot old boat headed east. We don't know what hapoened after that? They will participate in killing American trained expensive Soldiers if they get setup with ME goons.

One thing BO got right, kill them. Don't bring them to jail. Not worth the cost.
Read for yourself. And the DOD deemed 93% before the last couple of releases as being too dangerous to release.
https://www.ayotte.senate.gov/files/documents/Guantanamo Detainee Transparency Report.pdf

Only 61 detainees left where there used to be over 400

Obama will shut down Gitmo yet


Obama will release all terrorists from Gitmo to become players again.

Where have they been proven to be terrorists?
Gitmo should have never existed. There were prisoners who were actually innocent. But because these people weren't given a fair trial, they sat in Gitmo for years.
Gitmo should have never existed. There were prisoners who were actually innocent. But because these people weren't given a fair trial, they sat in Gitmo for years.

BO run up $10T debt. No money to coddle these killers. U want to make an omlet, u have to break some eggs. They aren't there for missing Bible study.
Gitmo should have never existed. There were prisoners who were actually innocent. But because these people weren't given a fair trial, they sat in Gitmo for years.

BO run up $10T debt. No money to coddle these killers. U want to make an omlet, u have to break some eggs. They aren't there for missing Bible study.

But some of these men were actually innocent. So you think it's ok to just toss people in jail without a trial?
Gitmo should have never existed. There were prisoners who were actually innocent. But because these people weren't given a fair trial, they sat in Gitmo for years.

BO run up $10T debt. No money to coddle these killers. U want to make an omlet, u have to break some eggs. They aren't there for missing Bible study.

But some of these men were actually innocent. So you think it's ok to just toss people in jail without a trial?

I wish everything was perfect Liberal nirvana but it ain't. These war killers were captured b4 they kill USA or civilians. If 0.1% were actually selling falafel? Sorry akmed, war is hell. Dont start another one. Aint nobody got time or money to fool w/them. Battery going.........
Gitmo should have never existed. There were prisoners who were actually innocent. But because these people weren't given a fair trial, they sat in Gitmo for years.

BO run up $10T debt. No money to coddle these killers. U want to make an omlet, u have to break some eggs. They aren't there for missing Bible study.

But some of these men were actually innocent. So you think it's ok to just toss people in jail without a trial?

Inter arma enim silent leges

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