Obama, Republicans reach deal to extend tax cuts, unemployment benefits

I think they both said ... "Ah fuck it"
a 13 month extension of Unemployment benefits
looks like both sides caved on key issues
I wouldn't call it caving.

They got something done.

I just don't agree with it because while I'm all for the tax cut extension, I don't like the continued deficit spending on the benefits.

This is probably going to end up being a net backwards move.
I think they both said ... "Ah fuck it"
a 13 month extension of Unemployment benefits
looks like both sides caved on key issues
I wouldn't call it caving.

They got something done.

I just don't agree with it because while I'm all for the tax cut extension, I don't like the continued deficit spending on the benefits.

This is probably going to end up being a net backwards move.

maybe they should have let the tax cuts go on the rich so they could pay for keeping people eating and in their homes.

just sayin'

this deal is butt backward. a compromise would have been letting the tax cuts go for everyone over $500,000. no one would have argued with that...

well, except for the corporatists on the right.
a 13 month extension of Unemployment benefits
looks like both sides caved on key issues
I wouldn't call it caving.

They got something done.

I just don't agree with it because while I'm all for the tax cut extension, I don't like the continued deficit spending on the benefits.

This is probably going to end up being a net backwards move.

maybe they should have let the tax cuts go on the rich so they could pay for keeping people eating and in their homes.

just sayin'

this deal is butt backward. a compromise would have been letting the tax cuts go, but moving the line to $500,000... no one would have argued with that...

well, except for the corporatists on the right.
I understand your compassion for those doing without right now, I really do. I wish we could have everything we want all at once.

But you have to know that the bottom line is that giving people some more unemployment money to live on is not going to do ANYTHING to add jobs.

It's giving people another year to not have to look as hard and make hard choices about possibly going in a new direction in their life. There's a lot of people out there that are hanging on to the idea that they may get their job back, but the reality is that many of those jobs may never re-materialize for a lot of people. It's time to start looking into something new.

I'm simply going to pray that the uncertainty being removed about tax increases jumpstarts some hiring. It's really all you can do right now.
he should have told them to screw themselves.

Why do you say that! Then the middle-class would get a tax increase. SUCCESSFUL Small business owners would get a tax increase! The capital gains tax would increase on EVERYONE by 5% stifling investment.

Then for you, you get the unemployment benefits extended without it being paid for.

The country sees the parties both COMPROMISING to help America and not their parties!

because we can't afford to subsidize a bunch of rich people while we borrow money from china to pay for two unnecessary wars.

that's why.

and my dad always taught me... you can't give in to schoolyard bullies. if they want to act like bullies, you tell them to piss off.

really that simple. and i'm kind of tired of obama giving in to the righwingnuts before he even has to.

someone said he punted on the first down... i agree that's what he did.

you're not the first ultra left wing moonbat to be pissed off at Obama.
Get in line, sweetie.
Your side had the bully pulpit. Your side had the legislative and executive branches in lock down. What happened? Politics. The left wing of the democrat party wanted political cover form the GOP. The GOP saw that ruse and told the dems, "it's your ball game. You run it"...
What goes around comes around.
President Obama and congressional Republicans have agreed to a tentative deal that would extend for two years all the tax breaks set to expire on Dec. 31, continue unemployment benefits for an additional 13 months and cut payroll taxes for workers to encourage employers to start hiring.
The deal has been in the works for more than a week and represents a concession by Obama to political reality: Democrats don't have the votes in Congress to extend only the expiring tax breaks that benefit the middle class. The White House estimates that the proposed agreement would prevent typical families from facing annual tax increases of about $3,000, starting Jan. 1.

Tax-cut deal reached between Obama, Republicans

It is good to see the forward march of Democratic Socialism in business and struggling workers continue for the good of Socialist America. Once again as the gradual Socialist struggle continues, the capitalist have been defeated because their ways of solving unemployment in America have FAILED.

That's the story you are going to run with? Ok by me. It ain't fact, but never let the facts get in the way of efficient spin doctoring.
Here again you have cons lying about what the GOP did then refusing to comment once they are proven wrong.

The GOP held our entire congress hostage to get the wealthy a tax cut.
Which sounds remarkably like your heroes locking themselves behind closed doors to draft your coveted health care legislation (that equals nothing less than a tax increase on the same people you think you're speaking up for) whilst avoiding any other congressional business, doesn't it?

Since when is 250k wealthy?
Why should 250.1 be taxed so much more than 249.9?
You don't think the 250 earner paid any taxes on their way to the 250 mark? Do you think they were just handed that money? You don't think they worked their way up to that point?

I still can't understand why demonRats think rich people owe them half their wealth? Why can't you stupid people earn your own money? Now how's that for compromise? Fifty per cent of you idiots don't have to pay TAXES but you want to dictate how much the other 50% pay? Arrogant fucks.
How much in federal income tax did you pay last year?

None of your damned business.

If you don't think you pay enough, send a bigger check.

he wasn't asking you little boy. we know you don't pay any.
If you have time to post on here, I suspect you don't work so much. Therefore, neither do you(pay taxes).
Either that or you take more than legal business write-offs.
You're a fence sitter. You look at issues and comment on what benefits you the most.
You have no honor. No code. No core beliefs.
he should have told them to screw themselves.

He's stupid... but not that stupid.

he's far from stupid.

but he is a winp.

he should have made mitch mcconnell vote against exgending unemployment benefits on christmas eve...

Sorry, but I don't believe in making people suffer just to score political points. This was the best deal that could have been made under the circumstances. The Republicans would have won on just the tax cut extension issue alone, as was evident by Saturday's vote. Don't forget that if Obama had just done nothing and allowed the cuts to expire, that would have meant the average middle class tax burden would have been increased by around $3,000. AND many of the unemployed who needed that extension would be having to tell their children why Santa skipped their house this year. Is that worth political capital? Obama didn't think so, and I applaud him for putting priorities in their proper perspective.
Here again you have cons lying about what the GOP did then refusing to comment once they are proven wrong.

The GOP held our entire congress hostage to get the wealthy a tax cut.
Which sounds remarkably like your heroes locking themselves behind closed doors to draft your coveted health care legislation (that equals nothing less than a tax increase on the same people you think you're speaking up for) whilst avoiding any other congressional business, doesn't it?

Since when is 250k wealthy?
Why should 250.1 be taxed so much more than 249.9?
You don't think the 250 earner paid any taxes on their way to the 250 mark? Do you think they were just handed that money? You don't think they worked their way up to that point?


wealthy is a comparative number, the fact that so few Americans make 250,000 a year should give you a clue idiot.

It is considered wealthy by about 98% of Americans.
I still can't understand why demonRats think rich people owe them half their wealth? Why can't you stupid people earn your own money? Now how's that for compromise? Fifty per cent of you idiots don't have to pay TAXES but you want to dictate how much the other 50% pay? Arrogant fucks.

Prooves you idiots are not serious about deficits.

This is the best news for all. AND Obama will have an opportunity to expound on it as the elections in `12, loom. I think, with this compromise, he has done himself a favor if he really wants a second term.

Obama did nothing but finally show once and for all that he is all talk and no action. Obama caved. He just lost one vote, should he be on the ballot in 2012. The Republicans are no better. They lied to the American voters and told them that if they put them back in power, they would stand for smaller government and cut spending. They did just the opposite today. Obama should have hedl his ground and kept the tax cuts in place for those making $250K and less (you know, the people who actually need to money more), and then forced the GOP to push for tax cuts for the millionaires after they take control of the House in January. What a whimp Obama has turned out to be. You cannot talk about bringing "hope and change" if you are not will to fight for it.

How the hell was he supposed to "hold his ground" any further with time running out? He's been harping on tax cuts only for the middle class for nearly two years and met a fucking brick wall. If it appeared that he "caved," it's only because in ONE MONTH the tax cuts would expire.

The campaign on hope and change didn't bank on the entire economy collapsing. THAT IS WHAT DIED-IN-THE-WOOL LIBERALS DO NOT GET!!! You cannot have it all.
Here again you have cons lying about what the GOP did then refusing to comment once they are proven wrong.

The GOP held our entire congress hostage to get the wealthy a tax cut.
Which sounds remarkably like your heroes locking themselves behind closed doors to draft your coveted health care legislation (that equals nothing less than a tax increase on the same people you think you're speaking up for) whilst avoiding any other congressional business, doesn't it?

Since when is 250k wealthy?
Why should 250.1 be taxed so much more than 249.9?
You don't think the 250 earner paid any taxes on their way to the 250 mark? Do you think they were just handed that money? You don't think they worked their way up to that point?


wealthy is a comparative number, the fact that so few Americans make 250,000 a year should give you a clue idiot.

It is considered wealthy by about 98% of Americans.
Nice try at deflection, retard.
Just ignore the rest of my post, hunh??
This is the best news for all. AND Obama will have an opportunity to expound on it as the elections in `12, loom. I think, with this compromise, he has done himself a favor if he really wants a second term.

Obama did nothing but finally show once and for all that he is all talk and no action. Obama caved. He just lost one vote, should he be on the ballot in 2012. The Republicans are no better. They lied to the American voters and told them that if they put them back in power, they would stand for smaller government and cut spending. They did just the opposite today. Obama should have hedl his ground and kept the tax cuts in place for those making $250K and less (you know, the people who actually need to money more), and then forced the GOP to push for tax cuts for the millionaires after they take control of the House in January. What a whimp Obama has turned out to be. You cannot talk about bringing "hope and change" if you are not will to fight for it.

How the hell was he supposed to "hold his ground" any further with time running out? He's been harping on tax cuts only for the middle class for nearly two years and met a fucking brick wall. If it appeared that he "caved," it's only because in ONE MONTH the tax cuts would expire.

The campaign on hope and change didn't bank on the entire economy collapsing. THAT IS WHAT DIED-IN-THE-WOOL LIBERALS DO NOT GET!!! You cannot have it all.

So, let them ALL expire....do you REALLY think the incoming GOP (you know the ones who are promising to bring jobs with them), would really have stalled and not only kept UI extension on hold, but also been responsible for basically a tax increase on the middle class?
Here again you have cons lying about what the GOP did then refusing to comment once they are proven wrong.

The GOP held our entire congress hostage to get the wealthy a tax cut.
Which sounds remarkably like your heroes locking themselves behind closed doors to draft your coveted health care legislation (that equals nothing less than a tax increase on the same people you think you're speaking up for) whilst avoiding any other congressional business, doesn't it?

Since when is 250k wealthy?
Why should 250.1 be taxed so much more than 249.9?
You don't think the 250 earner paid any taxes on their way to the 250 mark? Do you think they were just handed that money? You don't think they worked their way up to that point?


wealthy is a comparative number, the fact that so few Americans make 250,000 a year should give you a clue idiot.

It is considered wealthy by about 98% of Americans.

Which just goes to underscore that there is no real valid economic rationale to raise taxes on the top 2%. It's just based on purely emotional ENVY.
he should have told them to screw themselves.

Why do you say that! Then the middle-class would get a tax increase. SUCCESSFUL Small business owners would get a tax increase! The capital gains tax would increase on EVERYONE by 5% stifling investment.

Then for you, you get the unemployment benefits extended without it being paid for.

The country sees the parties both COMPROMISING to help America and not their parties!

I agree, although I still don't think people making over a million (and there are millions) should continue getting a tax windfall, at least until they can prove they are using it to better OUR economy and not better their own pockets by foreign investments. But that's beside the point now.
How will the unemployment benefits be paid for? We will borrow it. More debt spending. Will the decrease in the payroll tax result in a decrease in Social Security benefits? No, it shouldn't If not, how can we afford to do that when SS is also underfunded?

I feel this is an irresponsible move by both parties.

You got that right!

Crazy thing is, if we are going to extend UI to 155 weeks

That's 155

We should have let the cuts expire, something but add more and more to the pile.

screwit doesn't matter, obama is done in 2012. Even Dan Rather is saying that he will be challenged in the Dem primary, and Maher is calling him Wayne Brady.

All true liberals. Isn't it about time you people finally realized not all of us are? Here I am disagreeing with some of my best pals on USMB for a change. Again, this deal was made because of the timeframe, and nothing else. Yes, I blame Republicans (especially the leadership) for pushing it to the limit, but short of shooting some of them, they weren't about to budge. Half a loaf is always better than no loaf to a starving person. The political fallout (and the deficit) can be attacked in January.
Obama has no backbone. Borrowing $700 billion to pay for tax cuts for millionaires is fiscally irresponsible

The Deficit cutting Republicans agreeing to add additional debt for extending unemployment shows once and for all that they are more interested in getting tax cuts for their buddies than balancing the budget

Tea party....Where the fuck are you?

About 3 weeks from ofc. And they can't get there soon enough.

It should be interesting, since some of them don't know their asses from their heads. You really expect a bunch of noobs to even get the enormity of budgets vs. deficits? Once they are seated, it no longer becomes substantially viable to just say CUT THE BUDGET/CUT TAXES. They'll need to show and prove how they plan to do that.

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