Obama, Republicans reach deal to extend tax cuts, unemployment benefits

funny coincidence?

The losses started before the Democrats took over congress.
democrats took over in jan of 07 her link was to jan of 08

Oh, I see that now.

My point, which was out of context since I missed those dates, is that job losses started before Dems took over.

The recession started before Dems took over.

The housing price declines started before Dems took over.
they'll come back george that is the mid range to large contributor libs will, they have now here else to go and obama knows it. UNLESS hes challenged din a primary by a viable candidate........then it could get really dicey.

And that is the crux of it. The lesser of the evils in 2012.
The losses started before the Democrats took over congress.
democrats took over in jan of 07 her link was to jan of 08

Oh, I see that now.

My point, which was out of context since I missed those dates, is that job losses started before Dems took over.

The recession started before Dems took over.

The housing price declines started before Dems took over.
and i made a mistake too
i meant to hit jan of 09

the story was talking about the whole year of 08
democrats took over in jan of 07 her link was to jan of 08

Oh, I see that now.

My point, which was out of context since I missed those dates, is that job losses started before Dems took over.

The recession started before Dems took over.

The housing price declines started before Dems took over.
and i made a mistake too
i meant to hit jan of 09

the story was talking about the whole year of 08
:lol: Maybe we should both hit the reset button, Dive.:razz:
Oh, I see that now.

My point, which was out of context since I missed those dates, is that job losses started before Dems took over.

The recession started before Dems took over.

The housing price declines started before Dems took over.
and i made a mistake too
i meant to hit jan of 09

the story was talking about the whole year of 08
:lol: Maybe we should both hit the reset button, Dive.:razz:
meh, i have the excuse of a typo
i just hit the wrong key
they'll come back george that is the mid range to large contributor libs will, they have now here else to go and obama knows it. UNLESS hes challenged din a primary by a viable candidate........then it could get really dicey.

And that is the crux of it. The lesser of the evils in 2012.
The lesser of evils has always prevailed before.

Do you think the internet has the power to change that by convincing 20% to 25% of voters in 2012 to FLUSH Republicans AND Democrats alike?

Someone like Huey Long (Alan Grayson?) would know how to make this happen.
This really should put to bed the notion that Republicans are fiscal conservatives or that Democrats have a spine.

Over and over it's been proven that tax cuts are not stimulative..and actually the opposite.
Are these tax cuts defecit neutral? Bush never had any plans to pay for them when they were first put into place, so I am at a loss to explain how they can be defecit neutral. I thought the GOP was going to be fiscally conservative now?
Are these tax cuts defecit neutral? Bush never had any plans to pay for them when they were first put into place, so I am at a loss to explain how they can be defecit neutral. I thought the GOP was going to be fiscally conservative now?

What part of they have not taken office from the election are you having trouble with?
The GOP's demand that the cuts be extended with corresponding cuts supports YaVank and makes full auto look stupid.
Are these tax cuts defecit neutral? Bush never had any plans to pay for them when they were first put into place, so I am at a loss to explain how they can be defecit neutral. I thought the GOP was going to be fiscally conservative now?

What part of they have not taken office from the election are you having trouble with?

The GOP/DEM compromise happened with the Rs and Ds currently in office.

What part of that confuses you?
Why aren't the Tea partiers on the national mall about this?

This is going to blow the debt out of the water.
We have been living under these temporary tax cuts and our economy has faltered. How is extending them supposed to help all of a sudden? As I have stated before, if all the "rich dudes" were investing their money here in the USA then I would be all for cutting their taxes to increase revenue in the private sector to create jobs but that is not happening. Tax the rich for their accomplishments overseas and cover the losses here due to their greed. If you have ownership in a company overseas which gets its primary income from sales here in the USA, tax the motherfuckers to oblivion. We need encouragement to bring manufacturing back to the USA, it has always been our bread and butter.
We have been living under these temporary tax cuts and our economy has faltered. How is extending them supposed to help all of a sudden? As I have stated before, if all the "rich dudes" were investing their money here in the USA then I would be all for cutting their taxes to increase revenue in the private sector to create jobs but that is not happening. Tax the rich for their accomplishments overseas and cover the losses here due to their greed. If you have ownership in a company overseas which gets its primary income from sales here in the USA, tax the motherfuckers to oblivion. We need encouragement to bring manufacturing back to the USA, it has always been our bread and butter.

Well that is simple. According to John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, et al, extending these tax cuts for the richest Americans will allow said richest Americans to create jobs. The part they haven't explained is why these richest Americans have been holding off creating jobs while these tax cuts have been in place...:eusa_eh:

As far as manufacturing? The unions killed the manufacturing jobs. Period. No amount of government involvement can mitigate the sort of pay the unions demanded.
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Besides, Obama isn't exactly cutting out spending on those two unnecessary wars is he. Spending is up, WTF?

No, it isn't.

Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See also: Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund
FY2003 Supplemental: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Passed April 2003; Total $78.5 billion, $54.4 billion Iraq War
FY2004 Supplemental: Iraq and Afghanistan Ongoing Operations/Reconstruction: Passed November 2003; Total $87.5 billion, $70.6 billion Iraq War
FY2004 DoD Budget Amendment: $25 Emergency Reserve Fund (Iraq Freedom Fund): Passed July 2004, Total $25 billion, $21.5 billion (estimated) Iraq War
FY2005 Emergency Supplemental: Operations in the War on Terror; Activities in Afghanistan; Tsunami Relief: Passed April 2005, Total $82 billion, $58 billion (estimated) Iraq War
FY2006 Department of Defense appropriations: Total $50 billion, $40 billion (estimated) Iraq War.
FY2006 Emergency Supplemental: Operations Global War on Terror; Activities in Iraq & Afghanistan: Passed February 2006, Total $72.4 billion, $60 billion (estimated) Iraq War
FY2007 Department of Defense appropriations: $70 billion(estimated) for Iraq War-related costs[4][5]
FY2007 Emergency Supplemental (proposed) $100 billion
FY2008 Bush administration has proposed around $190 billion for the Iraq War and Afghanistan[6]
FY2009 Obama administration has proposed around $130 billion in additional funding for the Iraq War and Afghanistan.[7]
FY2011 Obama administration proposes around $159.3 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.[8]

wheres 2010?

That was the first year funding for the wars came out of the DoD budget, although they did come back later and ask for another $80 billion supplemental. I don't know why it wasn't included in the Wiki page.
assuming one has to "pay" for a tax cut is assuming that its the governments money in the first place
what you need to pay for is spending programs

Which, of course, they didn't do but got their tax breaks anyway. Hello?????
the GOP hasnt taken over the house yet either

while i do hold out hope they will prove to be different this time, i will still wait till i see actual proof they want to be fiscally responsible
i wont be disappointed, because i have serious doubts they will

I do think they'll get serious. The Deficit Commission's recommendations aren't just going away, and McConnell has already expressed a desire to meet with Obama to start tackling big budget items early next year. They simply have to do it, and stop playing politics (which means stop kowtowing to their hard-nosed constituents who are only interested in getting power back or retaining power). However, I hope if these meetings develop, McConnell will be honest and not say one thing and do another. Maybe Obama needs to send Biden to deficit reduction negotiations, since he seems to get along better with McConnell. There's an obvious personal dislike between McConnell and Obama.
Indeed. And the very idea that government is going to let us keep what we EARN?

Welcome to our soft tyranny.

Ah yes, we should return to the good ol' days when people supported other people by exchanging beads for pelts, borrowing your neighbor's horse and buggy to drive an injured farmer to the town doc instead of calling an ambulance.

If you're capable of defending your point then you shouldn't need to turn to absurd hyperbole.

I've been seriously defending my point throughout, in case you missed all of it. I "refudiate" with absurdity whenever I see absurdity posing as reality.
funny how we heard that for so many years, then the dems got control of congress and it became a reality

Still ignoring recent history, I see:

Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million - Jan. 9, 2009
The hemorrhaging of American jobs accelerated at a record pace at the end of 2008, bringing the year's total job losses to 2.6 million or the highest level in more than six decades.

A sobering U.S. Labor Department jobs report Friday showed the economy lost 524,000 jobs in December and 1.9 million in the year's final four months, after the credit crisis began in September.

The unemployment rate rose to 7.2% last month from 6.7% in November - its highest rate since January 1993.

The steep annual drop in jobs marked the highest yearly job-loss total since 1945, the year in which World War II ended.

The Democrats were responsible for all that in the span of one year? Get real, please.
funny coincidence?

They're being blamed, but only by those who wouldn't recognize a fact if it was labeled and plopped in the toilet.
no one 'controls' wealth, that is inferring there is none for you. Tha is not correct. There is for all practical purposes an infinite supply of money, if there is a set amount, please tell me how much that we'll discuss it.

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

Press Releases - Press - U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee

:eusa_eh:I don''t see how this addresses my comment....
income equality or inequality is equal to what you're willing or not to do to accrue some. There is no finite amount/supply of money in this context.

The first link is long but it discusses your statement that "no one controls wealth." Of course they do.

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