Obama, Republicans reach deal to extend tax cuts, unemployment benefits

Which, of course, they didn't do but got their tax breaks anyway. Hello?????
the GOP hasnt taken over the house yet either

while i do hold out hope they will prove to be different this time, i will still wait till i see actual proof they want to be fiscally responsible
i wont be disappointed, because i have serious doubts they will

I do think they'll get serious. The Deficit Commission's recommendations aren't just going away, and McConnell has already expressed a desire to meet with Obama to start tackling big budget items early next year. They simply have to do it, and stop playing politics (which means stop kowtowing to their hard-nosed constituents who are only interested in getting power back or retaining power). However, I hope if these meetings develop, McConnell will be honest and not say one thing and do another. Maybe Obama needs to send Biden to deficit reduction negotiations, since he seems to get along better with McConnell. There's an obvious personal dislike between McConnell and Obama.

I doubt it.

The tax cuts are one of the many irresponsible actions perpetrated by the Bush administration.

This shows an astounding lack of seriousness on the part of all parties. The rest of the industrialized nations are under going austerity measures to get spending under control.

That's not happening here.
A two year extension isn't a solution. In two years they'll be back to the bickering and playing politics with this. We need a revolutionary Tax overhaul. No one understands our current Tax structure. Real changes need to happen. We need a permanent fix.
MoveOn.org commissioned Survey USA to poll over 1,000 people who contributed time or money to Obama in 2008. What the sampling revealed doesn't bode well for Obama or Democrats in general in 2012:

"The poll shows clearly that these contributors are deeply opposed (74%) to a deal with Republicans to extend the Bush-era tax breaks for those making over $250,000 a year.

"The depth of opposition to a deal is severe with former Obama contributors saying that they are less likely (57%) to support Democrats who support this deal in 2012.

"A majority of the former Obama contributors surveyed also say that the President's deal also makes them less likely (51%) to contribute to his reelection campaign in 2012.

So 57 percent of Obama contributors say they are less likely to support Congressional Dems for reelection if they back the temporary extension, meaning there could be a political cost for Dems for embracing it.

"And more than half, 51 percent, say they are less likely to shell out cash for Obama's reelection in 2012, suggesting it could damage his ability to turn out the same coalition that elected him in 2008"

Obama Supporters...

A Moveon poll? That's going to be about as accurate in representation as a Rasmussen poll. Here's the Gallup poll, which indicates two-thirds of ALL party persuasions approve of the deal.

Americans Support Two Major Elements of Tax Compromise
they'll come back george that is the mid range to large contributor libs will, they have now here else to go and obama knows it. UNLESS hes challenged din a primary by a viable candidate........then it could get really dicey.
Alexander "Dicey" Cockburn has suggested a third party challenge for Obama from the recently deposed Wisconsin liberal, Russ Feingold.

In Cockburn's best case scenario, Ralph Nader passes the torch (temporarily) to Russ in 2012 with George Soros providing the deep pockets:

"...Last week Soros confided at a private gathering in Washington DC of a group of progressive movers and shakers known as the Democracy Alliance that Democratic donors should direct their support somewhere other than the president.

"Soros told those in attendance that he is 'used to fighting losing battles but doesn't like to lose without fighting.'"

"'We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line," he said.

"'And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else.'"

Feingold has the progressive credentials mid-range and large contributor libs could support. Particularly if Obama continues to rot from the head down.

Like a fish with no spine.

Even with Soros backing, Feingold has about as much chance of even winning the primary as another bid from Dennis Kuchinich.
Why aren't the Tea partiers on the national mall about this?

This is going to blow the debt out of the water.

Prior to hacking away at big budget items to seriously bring down the deficit, the hope is that businesses will finally perk up and start hiring, which means more consumer spending, which means more profit, and all that translates into more revenue generated. A huge part of the deficit problem has been tax revenue flowing at a snail's pace into both the federal and state coffers.
This deal is a Win/Win for Republicans. It's not so much of a Win for the President though. The Republicans got what they wanted. Extending Unemployment Benefits was going to happen anyway. They didn't want to see themselves painted as the evil ogre for opposing this extension. The MSM just loves painting the Republicans as the bad guys. But now that can't happen. It really is a Win/Win for them.
Why aren't the Tea partiers on the national mall about this?

This is going to blow the debt out of the water.

Prior to hacking away at big budget items to seriously bring down the deficit, the hope is that businesses will finally perk up and start hiring, which means more consumer spending, which means more profit, and all that translates into more revenue generated. A huge part of the deficit problem has been tax revenue flowing at a snail's pace into both the federal and state coffers.

It won't.

Thanks to Bush's other gift..and change in overtime laws..companies are free to steal labor.

So they fire a bunch of people and scare the people left into working more hours for no pay.

Add in low interest rates. So now they can borrow money, park in a bank or fund..and profit without doing anything.

And the cherry on top is cheap overseas labor.

Congress is doing nothing about any of this...except giving the rich a reward for behaving very badly.
This deal is a Win/Win for Republicans. It's not so much of a Win for the President though. The Republicans got what they wanted. Extending Unemployment Benefits was going to happen anyway. They didn't want to see themselves painted as the evil ogre for opposing this extension. The MSM just loves painting the Republicans as the bad guys. But now that can't happen. It really is a Win/Win for them.

Incredibly short sighted, Lib. I listened to Rush saying basically thes ame thing. You are both wrong. The GOP now looks like an ogre to millions of centrist Americans. Utterly stupid on Mitch's part, utterly stupid.
We have been living under these temporary tax cuts and our economy has faltered. How is extending them supposed to help all of a sudden? As I have stated before, if all the "rich dudes" were investing their money here in the USA then I would be all for cutting their taxes to increase revenue in the private sector to create jobs but that is not happening. Tax the rich for their accomplishments overseas and cover the losses here due to their greed. If you have ownership in a company overseas which gets its primary income from sales here in the USA, tax the motherfuckers to oblivion. We need encouragement to bring manufacturing back to the USA, it has always been our bread and butter.

Obama proposed taxing corporations that outsourced several months ago, and it got no traction.

Obama Proposes Offshore Tax Policy
the GOP hasnt taken over the house yet either

while i do hold out hope they will prove to be different this time, i will still wait till i see actual proof they want to be fiscally responsible
i wont be disappointed, because i have serious doubts they will

I do think they'll get serious. The Deficit Commission's recommendations aren't just going away, and McConnell has already expressed a desire to meet with Obama to start tackling big budget items early next year. They simply have to do it, and stop playing politics (which means stop kowtowing to their hard-nosed constituents who are only interested in getting power back or retaining power). However, I hope if these meetings develop, McConnell will be honest and not say one thing and do another. Maybe Obama needs to send Biden to deficit reduction negotiations, since he seems to get along better with McConnell. There's an obvious personal dislike between McConnell and Obama.

I doubt it.

The tax cuts are one of the many irresponsible actions perpetrated by the Bush administration.

This shows an astounding lack of seriousness on the part of all parties. The rest of the industrialized nations are under going austerity measures to get spending under control.

That's not happening here.

Come the first of January, Republicans will control appropriations, and they will HAVE to start tackling the debt situation (including how to pay for their own tax cuts) or they will feel the same kind of wrath the Obama administration has felt on its spending programs. If the Tea Party is true to its stated values, they shouldn't care if it's Democrats or Republicans who continue to ignore the problem.
This deal is a Win/Win for Republicans. It's not so much of a Win for the President though. The Republicans got what they wanted. Extending Unemployment Benefits was going to happen anyway. They didn't want to see themselves painted as the evil ogre for opposing this extension. The MSM just loves painting the Republicans as the bad guys. But now that can't happen. It really is a Win/Win for them.

Republicans are about to find out that the old adage "Be careful what you wish for" applies to many things.
I do think they'll get serious. The Deficit Commission's recommendations aren't just going away, and McConnell has already expressed a desire to meet with Obama to start tackling big budget items early next year. They simply have to do it, and stop playing politics (which means stop kowtowing to their hard-nosed constituents who are only interested in getting power back or retaining power). However, I hope if these meetings develop, McConnell will be honest and not say one thing and do another. Maybe Obama needs to send Biden to deficit reduction negotiations, since he seems to get along better with McConnell. There's an obvious personal dislike between McConnell and Obama.

I doubt it.

The tax cuts are one of the many irresponsible actions perpetrated by the Bush administration.

This shows an astounding lack of seriousness on the part of all parties. The rest of the industrialized nations are under going austerity measures to get spending under control.

That's not happening here.

Come the first of January, Republicans will control appropriations, and they will HAVE to start tackling the debt situation (including how to pay for their own tax cuts) or they will feel the same kind of wrath the Obama administration has felt on its spending programs. If the Tea Party is true to its stated values, they shouldn't care if it's Democrats or Republicans who continue to ignore the problem.

The tea party was never a serious movement. They were a leg of the Republican party designed to get Republicans back in..with the same agenda as the Bush administration.

Already their candidates are talking about taking earmarks..but they aren't calling them earmarks (as if that would save any money anyway..getting rid of them).

It's sad and sick to watch this unfold.
This deal is a Win/Win for Republicans. It's not so much of a Win for the President though. The Republicans got what they wanted. Extending Unemployment Benefits was going to happen anyway. They didn't want to see themselves painted as the evil ogre for opposing this extension. The MSM just loves painting the Republicans as the bad guys. But now that can't happen. It really is a Win/Win for them.

Republicans are about to find out that the old adage "Be careful what you wish for" applies to many things.


They won't.

They have no ethics, morals or scruples.
The losses started before the Democrats took over congress.
democrats took over in jan of 07 her link was to jan of 08

That's why I questioned the reasonableness of inferring that the Democrats were completely responsible for an economic tsunami in the span of just one year (365 days). A tad stupid, don't you think?

That tsunami was a decade or more in the making.
This CAVE-IN by Obama has a significant element of irony...

...if the Repubilcans who railroaded him into this are right, if this is the right formula for the economy and jobs...

...they've just guaranteed Obama his re-election.

Or, even if there's a normal cyclical recovery that has nothing to do with these tax cuts, he still now gets the credit.

You're right.

But sometimes what's bad for both parties is good for America.

This is the best alternative. Now comes the Tea Party and we get to see if they were just spewing bullshit.
MoveOn.org commissioned Survey USA to poll over 1,000 people who contributed time or money to Obama in 2008. What the sampling revealed doesn't bode well for Obama or Democrats in general in 2012:

"The poll shows clearly that these contributors are deeply opposed (74%) to a deal with Republicans to extend the Bush-era tax breaks for those making over $250,000 a year.

"The depth of opposition to a deal is severe with former Obama contributors saying that they are less likely (57%) to support Democrats who support this deal in 2012.

"A majority of the former Obama contributors surveyed also say that the President's deal also makes them less likely (51%) to contribute to his reelection campaign in 2012.

So 57 percent of Obama contributors say they are less likely to support Congressional Dems for reelection if they back the temporary extension, meaning there could be a political cost for Dems for embracing it.

"And more than half, 51 percent, say they are less likely to shell out cash for Obama's reelection in 2012, suggesting it could damage his ability to turn out the same coalition that elected him in 2008"

Obama Supporters...

A Moveon poll? That's going to be about as accurate in representation as a Rasmussen poll. Here's the Gallup poll, which indicates two-thirds of ALL party persuasions approve of the deal.

Americans Support Two Major Elements of Tax Compromise
a "moveon" poll likely only polled the extreme left wing fringe
Well that is simple. According to John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, et al, extending these tax cuts for the richest Americans will allow said richest Americans to create jobs. The part they haven't explained is why these richest Americans have been holding off creating jobs while these tax cuts have been in place...:eusa_eh:

If you'd pay attention to the business community you'd know that it has been explained over and over and over. Businesses have been erring on the side of caution because they don't know what's going to happen with the tax code. The Congress has been fighting about it all year. Will the tax rates be continued or will they be raised? They also don't know the full effect of ObamaCare and what that is going to do to the bottom line. If the current tax rates are extended, unemployment will go down. Case and point, meet the CEO of Bank of America:

Bank of America's Moynihan: Tax Cuts Could Spur Hiring - MarketBeat - WSJ

As far as manufacturing? The unions killed the manufacturing jobs. Period. No amount of government involvement can mitigate the sort of pay the unions demanded.

Manufacturing in the USA is a thing of the past and those who keep hanging on to the idea that it will some day come back need a kick in the ass. When China and Vietnam and third world nations can do the same work for pennies on the dollar, that's where the production is going to be.

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