Obama, Republicans reach deal to extend tax cuts, unemployment benefits

That horny homey would still be president if it weren't for the two-term amendment.

It's good to see Obama move toward the center, for the far left is no more ideologically correct than the far right.
Obama is not moving to the center. He is simply doing the politically expedient to cover himself.
Have you not figured out yet that Obama cares only about Obama?

I think the point MoveOn wanted to make when it commissioned Survey USA to poll 1000 Obama supporters was that he has risked alienating the base that helped elect him in 2008.

If these 1000 supporters and millions of others who have been sorely disappointed by Obama so far see a viable third party option in 2012, Obama is one and done.

Based on what I've seen so far, I would have to add "good riddance."

Well, the major polls all show that he's not dead yet.

Obama: Job Ratings

Presidential Job Approval Center

Oh please. Obama is done. At this point his emperor's new clothes have been stripped away. Obama does anything and everything for purely political reasons
Look at the Bush tax cut extension decision. He sold out the democrats who supported him thru thick and thin. He has infuriated the far left. Why? because the one thing that all current officers want is re-election. Obama knows damned well if he stayed on the course most desired by the far left wing of the democrat party, he was DOOMED in 2012.
Now his most trusted companions in the House have thrown Obama under a bus.
Not only has the democrat party thoroughly fucked themselves for the 2012 elections, they have put Obama's chances in grave danger as well.

Let's rewrite that for historical context and see if it holds up, circa December 1994:

Oh please. Clinton iis done. At this point his emperor's new clothes have been stripped away Clinton does anything and everything for purely political reasons. Look at the NAFTA decision. He sold out the democrats who supported him thru thick and thin. He has infuriated the far left. Why? because the one thing that all current officers want is re-election. Clinton knows damned well if he stayed on the course most desired by the far left wing of the democrat party, he was DOOMED in 1996.
Now his most trusted companions in the House have thrown Clinton under a bus.
Not only has the democrat party thoroughly fucked themselves for the 1996 elections, they have put Clinton's chances in grave danger as well.

That's exactly what they said about Clinton in 1994. Doomed! Done! And that's because the same people that didn't understand triangulation then don't understand it now, either.

Of course, they couldn't have been more wrong about Clinton in 1994. He went on to absolutely crush Dole in 1996.
The issue is that "sacrifice" isn't necessarily needed, won't fix squat until the spending issue is fixed, and raising taxes in a recession or a stagnation is a bad idea. Playing Three Card Monty with the tax code doesn't change the situation, the Simpson-Bowles tax recommendations are still calling for a net tax increase on just about everyone above median income.

And let's also look at tax increases that supposedly reduce the deficit but don't reduce the debt. If we can increase revenue to the government but increase spending also, isn't the tax increase then wasted on more government programs? Mind you, Bush was horrible and Obama is worse but Clinton wasn't exactly a saint on spending either. He "cut" the government and yet year after year the debt total went up. How exactly was that a cut?

(It wasn't)

The Simpson-Bowles recommendations include deep cuts in spending, too. As I said, it's going to take sacrifice by everyone. There's no reason why the American people can't give into their expectations that they deserve everything out there, give in to the demand to constantly keep up with the Joneses. If gasoline goes to $6.00 a gallon, we'll do more carpooling, combine shopping trips, TAKE A BUS, or <gasp> walk a block to the 7-Eleven!! The quasi-rich might have to get rid of that third car!! Oh the horror. The poorer person might have to give up his one car entirely and figure out something else. I might have to reduce my TV package to basic and watch my favorite shows on my computer, which is already 5 years old, by the way. Why do Americans HAVE TO HAVE the latest in IT equipment and toys? I could go on and on, but I think you get my gist.

Ok what makes you think anyone except those on the public dole will have to "sacrifice" anything? Less government spending should NEVER equal a lower standard of living, higher energy costs and a wrecked economy...
Tell me Rod Stewart's girlfriend, how does less government spending leap to $6 gas?
How does less government spending mean people will have to surrender their possessions?
What does your pay tv package have to do with anything?
Why is it you think less government means you will have less?
Look, perhaps a trip back from la la land and cancellation of your subscription to "O" Magazine is in store for you.
Lastly. Who gives a flying fuck how old your tv is. If one has earned the money they can buy 12 tv's if they so desire and if they want to put one in their garage and make sure YOU have to see it every time you walk by ,that's tough shit. It's none of your God Damned business how people spend their money.
BTW shit head. I have three vehicles that I paid for....You think I should have to arbitrarily surrender one to make YOU happy?

So much for "adult" conversation. I think the only thing someone like you "gets" as it relates to the bigger picture is when one of us tells you to go fuck yourself. Do it now.
I'm glad this unfunded compromise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I don't know how to do that and fund unemployment extensions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.
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I am in full agreement with plymco. The far left and the far right (thereisnospoon, e.g.) have their heads stuck so far up their butts they cannot see reality. Yes, an extension, permanent or not, is a tax cut. A failure to extend is a tax hike to the old rates. Deficits are no worse or better than tax hikes, other than the deficits are immoral in that it puts the weight on our children and grandchildren. Reagan could never understand that.
I'm glad this unfunded comprimise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I dont know how to do that and fund unemployment extentions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.

The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.
I'm glad this unfunded comprimise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I dont know how to do that and fund unemployment extentions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.

The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP leadership as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012
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I'm glad this unfunded comprimise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I dont know how to do that and fund unemployment extentions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.

The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012
keep proving what an idiot you are jokey
You continue to demonstrate just how ignorant you continue to be, divecon.
The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012
keep proving what an idiot you are jokey


Thank you for starting this tread and not being afraid to state your position.

Did you know we have some posters that have posted over 14,000 comments but had never started a tread?

One does have to wonder way that would be ?
I'm glad this unfunded comprimise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I dont know how to do that and fund unemployment extentions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.

The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP leadership as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012

Exactly. But it's political theater.
I agree that you are one of the more ironic characters on the board, divecon.
I'm glad this unfunded comprimise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I dont know how to do that and fund unemployment extentions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.

The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Socialist Bernie Sanders (I), VT is doing quite a nice job with the filibuster.:lol:
I'm glad this unfunded compromise looks like it will fail.

I just hope that I somehow get to keep my 3% tax break that bush gave me on my 5 figure income and I even hope those making over 250k get to keep the 1.5% tax break bush gave them too.

I don't know how to do that and fund unemployment extensions and SS tax cuts without cutting and eliminating government programs and/or government agencies but still I would rather see my taxes go up 3% then to put this country any further into debt.

The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP leadership as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012

:confused: What are you talking about :confused:

I was just talking about the congress not passing anything else that adds to the debt. Thats why we voted in the people we did and voted out the ones we did.

If they don't do what we want people are gonna be pissed at both parties.
That is exactly the point. The vote was not about ideology, but about jobs. The voters don't tie the two together, no matter what some far rights believe. This tax cut ensures Obama's reelection. The GOP now can't deliver or actually deliver without appearing hypocritical. Obama has played the GOP leadership perfectly. Shoot, he had Clinton fielding questions today in the Press Room. Why are these guys able to play the GOP leadership like idiots?
The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP leadership as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012

:confused: What are you talking about :confused:

I was just talking about the congress not passing anything else that adds to the debt. Thats why we voted in the people we did and voted out the ones we did.

If they don't do what we want people are gonna be pissed at both parties.

Neither party seems to have gotten the message of November 2nd. Stop the spending.

The Lame duckies will try to do as much damage as they can upon their exit.
The Republicans will successfully filibuster any bill that doesn't keep all the cuts in place. The only other option I see is a stop-gap measure to push the issue into the first six months of next year.

Obama is maneuvering the McConnell like they are absolute fools. This is exactly what Clinton did. The GOP leadership as it is constituted DOES NOT REPRESENT MAINSTREAM AMERICA. And that is what BHO and folks will campaign on: "we told you that if you voted for the GOP, they would take care of the rich. And they did that before they even had the majority after January 1, 2011. They will continue to take care of the rich at your expense." This message will resonate with the voters in 2012

:confused: What are you talking about :confused:

I was just talking about the congress not passing anything else that adds to the debt. Thats why we voted in the people we did and voted out the ones we did.

If they don't do what we want people are gonna be pissed at both parties.
jokey is clueless as usual

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