Obama, Republicans reach deal to extend tax cuts, unemployment benefits

That is exactly the point. The vote was not about ideology, but about jobs. The voters don't tie the two together, no matter what some far rights believe. This tax cut ensures Obama's reelection. The GOP now can't deliver or actually deliver without appearing hypocritical. Obama has played the GOP leadership perfectly. Shoot, he had Clinton fielding questions today in the Press Room. Why are these guys able to play the GOP leadership like idiots?

I hear you! It was so smooth the way Papa Obama "helped" the GOP win control of the House too

As for Papa Obama walking out of the Press room, it reflected more on him than GOP leadership (they are not in power yet)
If anything, it almost looked like Papa Obama resigned- Sorry Jake but it made Papa Obama look weak and like an amateur.
Almost like he does not have the "Gravitas" to be President ( but you already knew that).

Bring out Bill to help you- fine. But Papa Obama's handlers should not have done it with Bill standing at the podium- it looked bad

Not about ideology?
Strange, you only tend to hear that from the losing side- the Democrats. You state you are a Republican?
Perhaps, in your 14,000 posts, if you actually started a thread about a topic then we could get an idea of where you stand on issues.

Polls show the majority against Papa ObamaCare; against more gov't ; against more taxes etc

Tell you what, to be fair, lets just say people were against his ideas. At least, they are pretty sure they are not working :eusa_angel:
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The US Government runs on a budget..

That budget includes how much money the government expects to take in (taxes) and how much the government expects to spend. If you intend to cut taxes, that budget should identify where you expect to cut spending.

Otherwise you run a deficit

Isn't that what I said? :confused:

Of course in all practicality, the U.S. government doesn't run on a budget. They just spend whatever they want regardless if they have the money or not.

Pajamas Media Help Me Bubba-Wan, You’re My Only Hope (Video Added)

Help Me Bubba-Wan, You’re My Only Hope (Video Added)

Posted By Bryan Preston On December 10, 2010

This afternoon, President Barack Obama held a White House meeting with the last Democrat to hold that office, and the only Democrat to win re-election to that office since LBJ, Bill Clinton. After the meeting, the two held a brief press conference in which Obama offered a quick introduction before turning the Q&A over to Clinton. The subject of all this is the deal that Obama and the Republicans reached concerning the Bush tax cuts. Clinton did a much better job of selling those cuts than Obama did during two press events earlier this week. He noted, in his wonkishly informed way, how the deal isn’t perfect but it’s better than what Obama can reasonably expect to get after the GOP takes over the House in January. He also noted that, overall, the tax cuts will help the economy. And he even went into a detailed discussion of how they payroll tax cuts that are part of the deal will help us become more competitive internationally. Clinton was in command of the facts, and did strong work selling the tax cut deal — the deal that Obama has so far failed to sell to his own party.

And then, an extraordinary thing happened.

Obama said he had kept the first lady waiting for half an hour, and told the press they were in “good hands.” And he left the briefing. Clinton did not.

The former president continued the press conference, the logo of the White House behind him in what looked like a flashback to his pre-Monica days.

Clinton looks quite a bit older now, true, but he also looks like he’s in charge. He handled the press as well as he ever did, which is a stark contrast to the way the current president mishandled the press — twice — earlier this week.

After Clinton ended the press conference, MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan came on and asked about the “optics” of all this.

Here’s what I saw. I saw a current president who has never looked less interested in doing his job. I also saw a former president who never lost interest in doing that job. Obama’s demeanor and body language suggested that he’d rather be anywhere but where he was, and then he followed through and actually bolted for the door. Clinton’s demeanor was that of a passionate wonk trying to sell a policy he actually cared about, that he thought would be good for the country. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t even his own policy that he was selling.

I saw a president who, for a few minutes a least, ceded his job to his predecessor. He’d failed to sell his own policy, so he needed and got some rescue from Clinton.

This was the third press appearance President Obama has made this week, and it was far and away the weirdest presidential press briefing I’ve ever seen. Where Obama goes from here is anyone’s guess.

Update: Real Clear Politics has video [1] of the spectacle. Obama actually interrupts Clinton delivering an answer, to say his bit about keeping the first lady waiting, before hitting the exit. Clinton says, “I don’t want to make her mad, just go” and waves POTUS on his way without missing a beat and continues with the presser.

Update: This Drudge [2] front page needed to be preserved for posterity.

Links at site. I guess this is 'change', as it's never been done before...
The hatred is palpable, even worse than for Clinton and Bush. I voted for McCain. I am praying I get to vote for Romney. But, unlike the wackaloons here, I see objectively. BHO learns very quickly, as you folks are going to learn to our collective regret. He has turned his back on the far left, moved to the center, has the most popular president in the last forty years pitching for him, and the GOP is fouling off the pitches. McConnell and his doinks are so far off stride they can't get any lumber on the ball. Boehner, much to my surprise, understands what's going on. Guys, your hatred is blinding you.
Well, the major polls all show that he's not dead yet.

Obama: Job Ratings

Presidential Job Approval Center

Oh please. Obama is done. At this point his emperor's new clothes have been stripped away. Obama does anything and everything for purely political reasons
Look at the Bush tax cut extension decision. He sold out the democrats who supported him thru thick and thin. He has infuriated the far left. Why? because the one thing that all current officers want is re-election. Obama knows damned well if he stayed on the course most desired by the far left wing of the democrat party, he was DOOMED in 2012.
Now his most trusted companions in the House have thrown Obama under a bus.
Not only has the democrat party thoroughly fucked themselves for the 2012 elections, they have put Obama's chances in grave danger as well.

Let's rewrite that for historical context and see if it holds up, circa December 1994:

Oh please. Clinton iis done. At this point his emperor's new clothes have been stripped away Clinton does anything and everything for purely political reasons. Look at the NAFTA decision. He sold out the democrats who supported him thru thick and thin. He has infuriated the far left. Why? because the one thing that all current officers want is re-election. Clinton knows damned well if he stayed on the course most desired by the far left wing of the democrat party, he was DOOMED in 1996.
Now his most trusted companions in the House have thrown Clinton under a bus.
Not only has the democrat party thoroughly fucked themselves for the 1996 elections, they have put Clinton's chances in grave danger as well.

That's exactly what they said about Clinton in 1994. Doomed! Done! And that's because the same people that didn't understand triangulation then don't understand it now, either.

Of course, they couldn't have been more wrong about Clinton in 1994. He went on to absolutely crush Dole in 1996.

Clinton never had a 40% approval rate and never had to deal with a crushing recession. Clinton did float the socialized medicine trial balloon. He read the tea leaves correxctly and quickly backed off the plan. That alone saved his re-election bid. In his second term Clinton listened to his advisors who told him to leave the economy alone. The result was an economic boom.
Very different this Obama person. He is so far in the big water, he is clueless. He has no idea what to do. Obama has an economic room temperature IQ. His domestic policies are so all over the place, his liberal base has left him.
Obama is not even Clinton's pinky finger.
Clinton had to show up at the WH press briefing room today to lend support for Obama's tax plan. I heard Clinton's chat to the press. He sounded like a fiscal conservative. Imagine that.
Even Bill Clinton knows that liberalism and socialism do not work.
The Simpson-Bowles recommendations include deep cuts in spending, too. As I said, it's going to take sacrifice by everyone. There's no reason why the American people can't give into their expectations that they deserve everything out there, give in to the demand to constantly keep up with the Joneses. If gasoline goes to $6.00 a gallon, we'll do more carpooling, combine shopping trips, TAKE A BUS, or <gasp> walk a block to the 7-Eleven!! The quasi-rich might have to get rid of that third car!! Oh the horror. The poorer person might have to give up his one car entirely and figure out something else. I might have to reduce my TV package to basic and watch my favorite shows on my computer, which is already 5 years old, by the way. Why do Americans HAVE TO HAVE the latest in IT equipment and toys? I could go on and on, but I think you get my gist.

Ok what makes you think anyone except those on the public dole will have to "sacrifice" anything? Less government spending should NEVER equal a lower standard of living, higher energy costs and a wrecked economy...
Tell me Rod Stewart's girlfriend, how does less government spending leap to $6 gas?
How does less government spending mean people will have to surrender their possessions?
What does your pay tv package have to do with anything?
Why is it you think less government means you will have less?
Look, perhaps a trip back from la la land and cancellation of your subscription to "O" Magazine is in store for you.
Lastly. Who gives a flying fuck how old your tv is. If one has earned the money they can buy 12 tv's if they so desire and if they want to put one in their garage and make sure YOU have to see it every time you walk by ,that's tough shit. It's none of your God Damned business how people spend their money.
BTW shit head. I have three vehicles that I paid for....You think I should have to arbitrarily surrender one to make YOU happy?

So much for "adult" conversation. I think the only thing someone like you "gets" as it relates to the bigger picture is when one of us tells you to go fuck yourself. Do it now.

You threaten the food on my table. You get blasted.
"Go fuck yourself" ...
Does your mother know you use that kind of language?
You're no lady.
You're a trailer trash mouthed hussie.
Us? Speak for yourself, wench.
Now, go wipe the green drippy shit from your nose. Test tube baby.
I am in full agreement with plymco. The far left and the far right (thereisnospoon, e.g.) have their heads stuck so far up their butts they cannot see reality. Yes, an extension, permanent or not, is a tax cut. A failure to extend is a tax hike to the old rates. Deficits are no worse or better than tax hikes, other than the deficits are immoral in that it puts the weight on our children and grandchildren. Reagan could never understand that.
Ha......"Yes, an extension, permanent or not, is a tax cut."
No shit Sherlock.That is precisely what I posted.

"Deficits are no worse or better than tax hikes, other than the deficits are immoral in that it puts the weight on our children and grandchildren."

Would you like to try that in English?
The hatred is palpable, even worse than for Clinton and Bush. I voted for McCain. I am praying I get to vote for Romney. But, unlike the wackaloons here, I see objectively. BHO learns very quickly, as you folks are going to learn to our collective regret. He has turned his back on the far left, moved to the center, has the most popular president in the last forty years pitching for him, and the GOP is fouling off the pitches. McConnell and his doinks are so far off stride they can't get any lumber on the ball. Boehner, much to my surprise, understands what's going on. Guys, your hatred is blinding you.
The hate card...AGAIN!!!!!! Stow it jakey. It won't wash here anymore.
The hatred is palpable, even worse than for Clinton and Bush. I voted for McCain. I am praying I get to vote for Romney. But, unlike the wackaloons here, I see objectively. BHO learns very quickly, as you folks are going to learn to our collective regret. He has turned his back on the far left, moved to the center, has the most popular president in the last forty years pitching for him, and the GOP is fouling off the pitches. McConnell and his doinks are so far off stride they can't get any lumber on the ball. Boehner, much to my surprise, understands what's going on. Guys, your hatred is blinding you.
The hate card...AGAIN!!!!!! Stow it jakey. It won't wash here anymore.
it's all he has
the refuge of the weak minded
The hatred is palpable, even worse than for Clinton and Bush. I voted for McCain. I am praying I get to vote for Romney. But, unlike the wackaloons here, I see objectively. BHO learns very quickly, as you folks are going to learn to our collective regret. He has turned his back on the far left, moved to the center, has the most popular president in the last forty years pitching for him, and the GOP is fouling off the pitches. McConnell and his doinks are so far off stride they can't get any lumber on the ball. Boehner, much to my surprise, understands what's going on. Guys, your hatred is blinding you.
The hate card...AGAIN!!!!!! Stow it jakey. It won't wash here anymore.
it's all he has
the refuge of the weak minded

Hey, over 14,000 posts without ever staring a topic himself

He can't be wrong :(

"Praying to vote for Romney"...?
If you people cannot see exactly what's wrong with out government now that we have this current "compromise" to ponder than truly there's NO HOPE for you or this nation.

Let's consider, shall we?

We all know that the government has to borrow money to keep paying the bills, agreed?

And we also know that both parties CLAIM to care about that and want to fix it, too, right?

So here we are in an economic mess and there's 2,000,000 American families depending on unemployment checks to make the rent and live indoors.

Now the Dems mostly want to keep sending those people checks. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

Meanwhile the Reps want the top wage earners to get cuts in taxes. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

And THAT is their compromise.

A compromise that gives up about an additional TRILLION dollars worth of debt.

We give some money to the POOR and MIDDLE class so they can make it through these economic hard times , and we give some money to the RICH so that they can be still richer.

Now seriously...does this make sense?

Well, it depends.

It certainly makes sense if we want to bankrupt the nation.
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The hatred is palpable, even worse than for Clinton and Bush. I voted for McCain. I am praying I get to vote for Romney. But, unlike the wackaloons here, I see objectively. BHO learns very quickly, as you folks are going to learn to our collective regret. He has turned his back on the far left, moved to the center, has the most popular president in the last forty years pitching for him, and the GOP is fouling off the pitches. McConnell and his doinks are so far off stride they can't get any lumber on the ball. Boehner, much to my surprise, understands what's going on. Guys, your hatred is blinding you.
The hate card...AGAIN!!!!!! Stow it jakey. It won't wash here anymore.

You are right, thereisnospoon, your hatred will not wash here.

You are not objective.

You are not a good Republican.

You are a fool, with the type of thinking that can return the GOP to a full minority status.

Yes, you are trailer trash of the worst sort: you think you understand but are too blinded to realize that you can't see because of your hatred.
The far right is so blinded by hatred that they can't see the full picture.
Meanwhile the Reps want the top wage earners to get cuts in taxes. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

No, we don't know that. An improved economy as a result of not increasing taxes (and there is no tax cut for top wage earners on the table) increases tax revenue.
If you people cannot see exactly what's wrong with out government now that we have this current "compromise" to ponder than truly there's NO HOPE for you or this nation.

Let's consider, shall we?

We all know that the government has to borrow money to keep paying the bills, agreed?

And we also know that both parties CLAIM to care about that and want to fix it, too, right?

So here we are in an economic mess and there's 2,000,000 American families depending on unemployment checks to make the rent and live indoors.

Now the Dems mostly want to keep sending those people checks. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

Meanwhile the Reps want the top wage earners to get cuts in taxes. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

And THAT is their compromise.

A compromise that gives up about an additional TRILLION dollars worth of debt.

We give some money to the POOR and MIDDLE class so they can make it through these economic hard times , and we give some money to the RICH so that they can be still richer.

Now seriously...does this make sense?

Well, it depends.

It certainly makes sense if we want to bankrupt the nation.
From Michael Hudson's "Obama's Sellout":

"In achieving a giveaway that Democrats never would have let George Bush or other Republicans enact, Obama has laid himself open to the campaign slogan that brought down British Prime Minister Tony Blair: 'You can&#8217;t believe a word he says.'

"He has lost support not only personally, but also &#8211; as the Republicans anticipate &#8211; for much of his party in 2012."

Hudson believes a financial crisis like ours is usually orchestrated years in advance. He argues the "compromises" that Republicans AND Democrats deliver today will pay off for the fortunate few in the Fall of 2012.

More Michael:

"Second, Obama&#8217;s Republican act (I hate to call it a compromise) 'frees' income for the wealthiest classes to send abroad, to economies not yet wrecked by neoliberals.

"This paves the way for a foreign-exchange crisis.

"Such crises traditionally fall in the autumn &#8211; and as the 2012 election draws near, it will be attributed to 'uncertainty' if voters do not throw the Democrats out.

"So to 'save the dollar' (my emphasis) the Republicans will propose to replace progressive income taxation with a uniform flat tax (the old Steve Forbes plan) falling on wage earners, not on wealth or on finance, insurance or real estate (FIRE sector) income. (My emphasis)

"A VAT will be added as an excise tax to push up consumer prices."

Notice how the plan blows the fuck up if US voters stop limiting their "choice" at the polls to Republican OR Democrat?
The hatred is palpable, even worse than for Clinton and Bush. I voted for McCain. I am praying I get to vote for Romney. But, unlike the wackaloons here, I see objectively. BHO learns very quickly, as you folks are going to learn to our collective regret. He has turned his back on the far left, moved to the center, has the most popular president in the last forty years pitching for him, and the GOP is fouling off the pitches. McConnell and his doinks are so far off stride they can't get any lumber on the ball. Boehner, much to my surprise, understands what's going on. Guys, your hatred is blinding you.
The hate card...AGAIN!!!!!! Stow it jakey. It won't wash here anymore.

You are right, thereisnospoon, your hatred will not wash here.

You are not objective.

You are not a good Republican.

You are a fool, with the type of thinking that can return the GOP to a full minority status.

Yes, you are trailer trash of the worst sort: you think you understand but are too blinded to realize that you can't see because of your hatred.

Did you forget your medication again?
Meanwhile the Reps want the top wage earners to get cuts in taxes. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

No, we don't know that. An improved economy as a result of not increasing taxes (and there is no tax cut for top wage earners on the table) increases tax revenue.

We have not had these taxes that were so feared for over 2 years and what help did not having those taxes give us? Placing taxes on the rich at this point makes more sense right now because they are not reinvesting here for job creation. Why now all of a sudden will maintaining a tax decrease help when it did nothing before?
Meanwhile the Reps want the top wage earners to get cuts in taxes. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

No, we don't know that. An improved economy as a result of not increasing taxes (and there is no tax cut for top wage earners on the table) increases tax revenue.

Yes, we do know that, asterism, and, no, we don't know that the same tax levels are going to improve the economy. It has not so far, hmmm?

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